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MSN chat tricks and stuff...

get gold pass:

Click start, run, than type: "regedit" (with no quotes). than click the + by HKEY_CURRENT_USER, then softwere, then the + by microsoft, then the + on MSNchat, than the + on 4.0. UserData1, the number right to it, is the pass word to your room.
NOTE: You must have made the room for the pass to be corect.

Long Chat Room Name

To make a room name over 200 characters long make a room like normal and click create. When you are on the Code Of Conduct page find in the link rm=RoomName, then change RoomName into what ever you want to your new room name to be.

Longer Room Topic

Make you room topic over 200 characters long make a room like normal and click create. When you are on the Code Of Conduct page find in the link topic=Roomtopic, then change Roomtopic into what ever you want to your new room topic to be.