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The CZ

Friday, 23 July 2004

Yall guys need to play tibia its awsome with CABLE MODEM.Please dowload and make ur account at make sure u know how to play the game before you start with the enemies

Posted by extreme4/alexjones at 5:56 PM
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Scary Story
Once upon a time there was a whole village that was nowhere near any place for a long ways.The village had always had a gentle understanding with the creatures beyond there borders(flags).No one dare pass the flags for what was out there would be there worst nightmare.One day everyone woke up as normal and ate breakfast.One lady and her daughter went out to prepare a picnic but what they saw scared them. They saw red flowers in there courtyard which scared them deeply."We do not allow this color for it is what attracts them",the lady said."We shall not let them see this color".The two people burried the flowers as the morning star arose.Then a man went out to get some stuff that he accidntley left out beyone the village.His wife screamed at him not to go out there because she was afraid that he would not come back.So he went out there and got the stuff and he came back safely.His wife was supprised to see him so she waved at him to hurry up cause she wanted him back,but before he passed the flags she saw something take him by the arm into the sky and fall back into the woods it was the creatures for which they had done the same thing to her brother. She screamed in horror for what grabbed him had not looked anything like she imagined.It was the most horrifying thing she has ever seen for what she had seen would never pass through he mind like any other thing that scared her.The village came to her aid has she had lost one of her loved ones.Everyone knew strictly not to go outside now for they would be like the man who died that day,the next day the same woman walked outside to find markings of blood on the doors everyone was frightend when she told everyone what happened she told all people in the village to stay inside.The day passed and everyone grew weary.One lady went to g to her bed when she heared something on the roof.All the kids started to scream.Then they saw the door open and the back door to open two disfigured figures with horrifying deformities.They screamed wierd noises as the two thing approached her with there fingers pointing at her.As soon as they touched her she disolved.The next house was filled with 10 people.They fought the things as they approached them.They had revolvers but that was all.It had no effect on the creatures.Everyone screamed in terror as the man who shot first was disvoled by the touch of hands.A man came in the house with a chainsaw and sawed it hands off.It was the only thing that had effect because it was not hot. The hands came off like butter but then the creature grew new ones like no one has seen before. It disovled him.The things disolved everyone in the village within a hour.One man survived but he is still lost in the woods.Everyone knows hes alive becuase he was past the point which they wonder.They have seen his flares every night.For that night they would not get to see it because they are dead.

Posted by extreme4/alexjones at 5:53 PM
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