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Technical Literature Lect
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Tuesday, 2 August 2005
Precious Water
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: POEM
Anyone who is thirsty
come and let taste the cool clear water
As it taste it brings happiness and joy
And it flows even in our soul

How great the water can be
As it stream on the river and sea
The creatures living here
You can see how they are contented

Some people who lived nowadays
Abusing this precious liquid
what's in water that kills
is what they don't know!

Pollution in the water
is at a very fast rate.
Because of the contaminant’s
That we put onto this.

Before you dump waste
or chemical on to this body
Think first where it will wind up
and what will be the spoils.

Water is our most precious
of all our natural resources.
Please join us in protecting
our water resources.

By: Dada Aquino

Posted by ex2/iedponsemi at 1:37 AM EDT
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Monday, 1 August 2005
"A Wallet"
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: POEM

By Jefferson D. Ruedas

A simple face that I was made
A simple skin covered all over me
A simple design that judging me
That is how they knew me

Sometimes you holding me tight,
Sometimes you loosing me up
And sometimes you ignoring me
And the reason is, I don’t know why

You wondering what’s inside of me
Come, take a look at me and you’ll see…
The different thing that you put in me
I’ll keep it since the time you told me

We are best of friend, I compared…
Cause you trusting me unconditionally
I hold it for you with all of my strength
And I’ll protect it until the end

The time was past and I am old
But still the story of us was untold
The trust you gave still engraved
The love we share still be brave

Posted by ex2/iedponsemi at 7:50 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 1 August 2005 7:56 PM EDT
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If I were a coffee bean
Topic: POEM
I would be strong as a fighter
A fighter that bleeds but never wither
Hurts but will do what is expected
Like a coffee bean that releases aroma when heated

I would be a friend to turn on if one needs
Someone to spare time to listen and understand
Someone that will make you calm
Someone that will make you warm

I would be thankful to our creator
In return yielding more and more
Giving out options to explore
Thanking God for blessing me more

By: Shaila A. Baquiran

Posted by ex2/iedponsemi at 7:38 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 1 August 2005 8:28 PM EDT
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Me And My PC
I think that I shall never see
a thing wonderful as a PC.
Its language is binary
literally same as me
Because it understand one and zero
while me, English and Pilipino.
My nerve is a vessel for blood, while for PC
its electrical bus.
I use brain to think of an invention
while a PC rely on Intel's creation.
It might have great intelligence
and handles more demand
Still it cannot do the job
without my specific command
So, PC's ability
is to extend man's capability
And should not surpass its inventor
Like man, to its Creator.

by: nel NASE

Posted by ex2/iedponsemi at 7:07 PM EDT
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Thursday, 28 July 2005
The Wind Changed as I Lay Dying
Mood:  blue
The wind changed as I lay dying
Hands chained
Mouth shut
I lay, my body freezing.
It’s cold, but the pain slows
Till I feel no more.

The wind changed
From a cool summer breeze
To a winter storm.
I feel helpless, I feel death.

Angered and alone, I weep
Unable to move
I look with my weary eyes
Until darkness falls
And I look no more.

The wind changed when I died.


Posted by ex2/iedponsemi at 4:00 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 28 July 2005 4:15 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 29 June 2005
Topic: POEM
Sometimes I think it would be cool be a cell phone,
Very handy and full of fashion.
And I am thrilled when I envision
A life with full of feature and function

Its world is not limited for texting and calling
It can also use for internet surfing and picture taking.
With the simple touch on the keys with letter mark
Connects an individual that’s far apart.

When problems come in
My friendly cell phone is just within
In playing the games
Would ease the pains

But I know that I will stay a man,
Full of talent and wisdom
Years will change the technology
But I will stay to be lovely and easy

By: Raymond Garcia

Posted by ex2/iedponsemi at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 28 June 2005 6:12 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 28 June 2005
Topic: POEM
I am your road, you are my way
When the road of our destiny
Lies on our own hand
So many barriers in common encounter at final end

But we always find that those who walk closest to success
Encounter trials making good for the rest
You are my world, I am your technology
Connecting through each other, for a perfect velocity

Cellular in our minds interlink by USB
I am your communication machine
You are my expanded memory
Technology comes in different way,
Makes our living conveniently.

By: Ian Ponce

Posted by ex2/iedponsemi at 6:00 PM EDT
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Sunday, 26 June 2005
Essay Lecture
Topic: Essay

The essay is another form of literary writing or composition. It is a piece of prose writing which expresses the writer’s personal thoughts, attitudes, opinions, feelings, experiences, or observations on a subject or a phase of life that interests him. It is an expression of a new way of looking at ideas. The essayist interprets reality itself.

A writer writes an essay with a purpose. He may want to make us appreciate the beauty of a thing or point out the good and bad effects of certain behaviors. Hence, the author of an essay hopes that the reader will understand and sympathize with or react to his ideas.

As a form of literature, the essay provides us with an opportunity to examine the importance of expressing ideas in form. Considered the simplest of the literary form, the essay has only a minimum number of parts – the beginning, the middle and an end. It is also almost without any of the kinds of conventional introduction, developments and conclusions which one associates with epics and tragedies.

The essay received its name form the title of Michel de Montaigne’s first collection of short prose writings – ESSAIS or attempts and, forms its beginning; it was considered an “attempt” to communicate. The word ESSAY has a cognate ASSAY, which means to test or to evaluate. When the term ESSAY was first attached to the work of Francis Bacon and Michael de Montaigne in the 16th century, it meant “an attempt”, “a test”, “a trial”. For this reason, the essays of Montaigne and Bacon were intended to test ideas, weigh insight and probe traditional definitions. Therefore, an essay is a prose composition of any length intended to present its viewpoint as the last word or all that can be said on a particular subject.

The essay is the minimal literary form of prose expression. It can be of any length, on any subject, in any style. All that is required for a piece of prose to comply with the convention of the essay form is that it must have a beginning, middle and end, and that it must present its ideas as a tentative explorations of the subject and not as the last word on any subject.

In essay, the length of a beginning or introduction should be proportionate to the length of the essay as a whole. When the entire essay is short, the introduction must be limited to a sentence or two. If the entire essay is quite long, the introduction may consist of several paragraphs. But, whether the beginning is limited to one sentence or runs on for several paragraphs, it tends to serve three purposes (with varying emphasis):

a. to introduce the subject of the essay
b. to suggest the importance of the subject
c. to stimulate the desire to read further
The concluding section or ending of an essay may be as short as a single sentence or as long as several paragraphs. The usual function of the conclusion is to restate and summarize the central idea of the entire essay. The conclusion can also be used to point to some of the applications of the ideas discussed in the body of the essay.

In addition to being proportionate to the length of the essay as a whole the beginning and ending of an essay should be appropriate in tone to the rest of the essay.

The body or the main part of the essay is the section where the writer can develop and explain his ideas. His development and explanation, however, should be controlled by singleness of purpose, a unity of intention.

The most important single characteristic of a good essay is that it is unified by a controlling purpose. There should be nothing in an essay, which is not essential information and nothing should be omitted from the essay, which is essential to achieving its purpose. One way of determining whether or not an essay is unified is to apply the test of removability. The student should ask of every part of an essay – can this part be removed without preventing the essay from achieving its purpose. If a part can be removed, then, it is not necessary, and an essay with unnecessary parts lacks unity.

Types of an Essay

1. Formal Essay. The formal essay is serious, informative and intellectually stimulating. The aim is to instruct or give knowledge. Its mood is serious, descriptive, argumentative and expository. The style is impersonal.
* Examples of formal essays are research papers, critical and analytical essay.

2. Informal Essay. The essay is considered informal when it is light, humorous and entertaining. It expresses the personal experiences and observations on people’s behavior and attitudes. The predominant mood of an informal essay is that it can be humorous, witty or satirical. It can be nostalgic, whimsical or affectionate. The style follows the mood. It can be light, fanciful, playful and conversational.

3. Critical Essay. The critical essay aims to explain to the reader what the author has done, how he did it and why the work produces the effect that it does. To accomplish this task, the essayist makes an explication and interpretation of the elements of literature – meaning, structure, characters, incident(s) and style.
Explication of Meaning. Criticism calls for an explanation of the meaning of the passage and a close analysis of the denotations and connotations of words and phrases, of imagery or symbols, and of illusions. The essayist may paraphrase what the author had said.

Analysis of the Structure. Structure is concerned with both the organization of the work and the effect of that organization on the reader’s understanding or emotion. The essayist must have a good understanding of what the author was trying to do. Then, he must discover the parts into which the work falls. Finally, he must explain what each part contributes to the unity of the whole and how each part has affected the reader.

Analysis of character. The essayist has three questions to answer: 1.) What kind of person is this?
2.) What effect does he have on the action or on other characters?
3.) What is his function in the story, novel or play?

Analysis of Incidents or of details. Any piece of writing must have a purpose and must achieve unity of effect. To accomplish this, everything that the writer includes should be relevant to the design of his work.

Analysis of style. Style is how the essayist would critique the author’s presentation of his story.

The informal essay uses the “I” or first person point of view. The informal essay is interesting because it reveals the personality of the writer.

The author’s intentions for writing an essay may be to persuade or dissuade people from doing those that are detrimental or bad. It may also motivate them to go out to enjoy the beauty of nature, a concert or a play. Hence, to appreciate an essay, we would try to detect the author’s purpose and intent and feel with the author.

Elements of Essay

1. The writer’s purpose in introducing the issue. When we perceive that the writers’ aim is to inform and educate the citizenry about the prevention, treatment and control of deadly diseases like cancer, aids and hepatitis, we are motivated and inspired to read the essay because it teaches us to avoid such diseases. When we know the essay is a morale booster; we are inspired to read it because it is aimed at raising our morale amidst problems that exist.

2. The writer’s viewpoint and stand on the issue. This means that when the viewpoint and stand about an issue are objective, factual and persuasive, we are apt to enjoy reading it. If the essay is supported adequately by facts and it reflects clear and unbiased thinking, we tend to respond and feel with the writer. If the essay is understood by us as useful for our intellectual and physical enrichment, we are inspired reading it.

3. Relevance of the theme of the issue to our lives. We tend to understand and appreciate better an essay when it reinforces or supports our personal beliefs and convictions about an issue. When the essay conveys thoughts, feelings and attitudes consistent with our own and are adapted to our practical needs in life, we tend to enjoy reading the essay.

Posted by ex2/iedponsemi at 5:58 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 26 June 2005 6:01 PM EDT
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Thursday, 23 June 2005
Topic: Technical Literature Lect

Figure 1


Activity 1

Name: _________________________________ Date: _____________________
Year & Section: __________________________



Definition of Literature

Literature is life. It presents human experience. But unlike the great news photo, literature presents life and experience not only by telling you what they are, but also by showing them to you through a medium called language. Language, as you know, is composed of words that are combined into sentences to express ideas, emotions or desires.

Literature presents human experience in various forms such as sensations, feelings, moods, attitudes, thoughts and events interrelated series. In presenting all these varied human experiences, the writer of literature chooses a specific vehicle or artistic structure to convey his meaning or value of the experience. Then, he selects a particular angle of vision to present this human experience to his reader in such a way that his readers become truly and personally involved in the experience, for, when they assume this angle vision, they actually feel that they are the people performing the experience being shown to them.

Among the best ways to spend one’s leisure profitably is to read literature. What is literature? It is defined as the “faithful reproduction of life, executed in an artistic pattern. It is the orchestration of the manifold experiences of man, blended into harmonious and desired patterns of expression.” The definition focuses on two aspects: content and form. The content of literature is life presented in an artistic form. Man’s various experiences expressed in his thoughts, ideas, emotions, attitudes and behavior told in vivid, well-chosen words are the main concern of literature. The reader thus identifies himself in these varied experiences in words that harmonize with his thoughts.

The term Literature is derived from the Latin word, “Litterae”, meaning letters. In this sense, essays, novels, shorts stories, poems, biographies, autobiographies and journals are considered literature. In its broadest sense, literature is everything oral and written. The medium of literature is language. The words are combined into sentences to express ideas, thoughts, feelings, desires and values.

It is the total of the preserved writings belonging to a given language or people. Literature consists of those writings, which interpret the meanings and nature of life, in words of charm and power, touched with the personality of the author, in artistic forms of permanent interest.

Literature appeals to our higher nature and its needs – emotional, spiritual, intellectual and creative. Like all other forms of art, literature entertains and gives pleasure; it fires the imagination and arouses noble emotions. It enriches us to reflect on life by filling us with new ideas and concepts.

Therefore, the study of literature gives us the ability to cope with life because of the understanding of human nature which it imparts.

Why we read and study Literature

We read literature for a variety of reasons. We read for information and knowledge about people, places and events. We also read for pleasure, entertainment and enlightenment. We read poetry because the beautifully expressed thoughts appeal to our feelings. We also read stories and novels to meet characters who teach us moral values and serve as role models.

Significance of Literature

1. It has provided man lasting effective expression to his thoughts and feelings.
2. It has contributed to the development of society and civilization.
3. It has helped preserve a heritage which gives meaning to a people’s ideas.
4. It has pictured the level of a country’s culture and manifests the creative genius of the race.
5. It has engendered ideas that could have a great effect on the readers. Some books or writings have started a revolution like Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.

Reading literature makes us well informed about various areas of knowledge that have accumulated through the years. It informs us about man’s progress as well as the mistakes and successes of human endeavors.

Reading is a worthwhile form of literature.

Reading good pieces of literature provides a source of inspiration. It encourages and motivates us to improve our present lot to attain our ambitions in life.

Reading is a form of therapy. The books we read can provide a substitute object for draining-off our bad or unpleasant emotions like anger and hatred, grievances and frustrations. Shouting or sympathizing with the villain in the story is one way of releasing our tension.

Reading of literary work is not merely recognizing the words on a page. It is experiencing the writer’s artistic efforts expressed in various forms. By reading, we experience joy and pleasure, as well as learn the desirable values about the beautiful, the noble, the distinguished, the lonely, and the unusual, which can influence our lives.

Reading literature can be fun when we are able to capture the beauty of the passages of the literary works by reacting and responding to the author’s thoughts, emotions and beliefs and by relating writer’s experiences in life to our own.

The inspiration we derive from reading, listening or seeing a literary masterpiece can mend or improve our ways. It can influence our philosophy of life. We can become more humane in our thoughts and behavior through constant reading and study of literary works of art.

Earmarks of Literature

1. It has universality of thoughts and feelings. Through experiences which every man may encounter, he creates an impression of life.
2. It is conditioned by the physical environment and the social and economic organization of a people. Nations fighting for freedom breed intensely patriotic writings.
3. It is conditioned by the presence or absence of great intellectual and sensitive souls.

Classification of Literature

1. Base on mode of transmission, it may be oral, written (and lately electronic).
2. Base on area, it may be provincial, national or international
3. Base on form, it may be prose, poetry or drama

Reasons for the study of the World Literature

If we wish to understand a people fully, we will find the historical account alone inadequate for our purpose. Though history will tell us the battles won by people among nations and what they have had in the progress of the world, it has little to say on their innermost thoughts and feelings – their real life. This information can be obtained from the literature, which they themselves have written. Literature is the treasure house of ideals. The man who is not guided by an ideal is worthless, and even dangerous, to society. Literature not only stores up the noblest ideals that the world has known, but it inspires and fosters these in men.

Since literature reveals the deepest thoughts and feelings of the human race, cherishes the ideals that lie at the basis of all that we hold to be most precious in our world today and helps us to understand more fully this complex life that we have to live, it is one of the most valuable and really practical subjects that a student can pursue.

“Literature makes comprehensible the myriad ways in which human beings meet the infinite possibilities that life offers” Louise M. Rosenblatt

Knowledge of literature is not something to be found, not something the teacher can give to the students. Rather it is to be created by the individual through exchanges with texts and other readers

Activity 3

Name: _________________________________ Date: _____________________
Year & Section: _________________________




Activity 7
Name: _________________________________ Date: _____________________ Year & Section: __________________________

I. Illustration

II. Quotation

III. Interpretation

Activity 8
Name: _________________________________ Date: _____________________ Year & Section: __________________________






(.) Assertion - refers to the main idea (?) Question - refers to clarification
(,) Connection - refers to an associate idea (!) Reaction - refers to reader’s opinion
(-) Implication - refers to application in reality ©mbueno2000

Activity 9
Name: _________________________________ Date: _____________________ Year & Section: __________________________



Personal Connection Text Preview Learner’s Box




Connection (,)





Posted by ex2/iedponsemi at 7:03 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 26 June 2005 6:05 PM EDT
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A Notebook
Topic: POEM
I am a notebook,
You can see me anywhere,
Anytime I always here to serve you. You can write me,
You can fold me,
You can also play w/ me,
Or anything you want it. How I wondered who I am,
The time you feel
The pleasure that I made.

But most, through the time that moves-on
My importance exist over prolonged
Period of time.

by: Efren Claris

Posted by ex2/iedponsemi at 6:45 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 26 June 2005 6:03 PM EDT
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