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Damien Davis
Saturday, 27 March 2004

Babylon http://www.vatican.vaBabylon, you who reside among the nations, you that have had your breasts squeezed by the men of valour, men of bravery, men in high places, in fact the top ranking men of the earth, you defiled your selves with all that you desired, a young harlet in purple and scarlet attire.
you became famous throughout the Earth, you poluted your rivers, the poluted rivers of spirituality. you great Babylon have defiled your self since the days of your youth, you whom the LORD found as a babe and picked you up and lovingly nursed you onto your youth, and you became a youth when the lord Jehovah dressed you and made you the envy of many and then you where ready to meet your generals and colonels and your captains, princes and lords. You began to lust after all these men and went after and took them into your bed.
You broke away from your husbandly owner, the lord Jehovah, of Israel, yes, as Jerusalem you caroused around and became a lustful young harlot who broke your Husbands Heart, Jehovah's heart with all your unfaithfulness, taking bribes, you played lustfully with the top ranking ones of the Earth.
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the Whore, Jerusalem, Jerusalem the harlot, Jerusalem Jerusalem in purple and scarlot,Jerusalem a prostitute for hire.
Guilty, Oh Guilty is Babylon as Jerusalem as Catholic for you are one and the same, identified fully for the nations.
for all your young men you made pass through the fire, Oh Babylon, Oh Babylon says the LORD of creation "How many times I have wanted to gather your children, like a hen gathers it's chicks, Great Babylon Great Babylon mother of abomination's of the EARTH. Mother of harlot's ,a blood-guilty city for the prophet to judge.
She has not changed and has not cleansed for she canott be cleansed, for her filth is so great, the blood within her house is high and wide and deep.
She is guilty of the deaths of all those who would be HOLY. she has killed many a righteous man. .
she is defiled due to the abbundance of all of her errors and murders throughout all of time, throughout all of the generations, since the time of Jerusalem right up to the time of Great Babylon.
She is famous among the nations and is known for her pride and arrogance and her dress of purple and scarlot, the dress of the old Roman Empire. No longer can she be hidden, for the CATHOLIC religion is BABYLON and is JERUSALEM, for when she was young she was known as JERUSALEM and now she is a mother, she is now called BABYLON THE GREAT CITY.
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city I loved says the LORD of Israel, the lord of Justice and righteousness, Babylon the mother of all harlots has come to be known throughout all of the Earth.
She will go down and not rise up , like a stone she has sunk to the bottom of the sea.
Jerusalem Jerusalem, slayer of the prophets, she has come to be known in all of the Earth.
The lord of the earth has judged her.
let Jesus be the mediator of the new covenent, the King of Israel.
He shall bring Israel back under his Kingship and not through the Church or Priest or Bishop or Cardinal, for they have all been defiled, but by him will the Nations be gathered.
Jerusalem as the bride, Jerusalem shall be renewed, the bride of the LORD of creation.
For the mother of harlots has fallen, great Babylon, the old Jerusalem.
she has been revealed made know throughout the earth the lord of Israel has revealed your identity by the power of the Spirit, he has judged the harlot, the Woman who once had a kingdom over the Kings of the earth. She has been finally made known. She was afraid of this day coming along and now it is here, where she is most definitley spoken of through the prophets by the spirit of God and the judgements come from him, and now it is peoples duty after they hear these words to flee from, to get out now while there is still a chance.
There is no spirituality within her, only death, you cant stay inside an institute that has been judged by the God you are seeking? anyone who stays within her churches will be judged along with her for her deeds have gone clear up to the heavens, see her judgements, it is the very same for the [house of Israel,]for they have been judgd too.
they are wasteing away in their error, but so too are the Catholic religion, as Babylon, [they will look each one to the other as they waste away in their error, the error of remaining within this orginisation. People, you have seen the film, the Magdiline sisters' and as the girl says in the film, you are not a man of God, this is Babylon the great which has been judged by The Lord of truth.
He is the judge of the Earth and he has judged her out-right, the advice to anyone who is within this institute is to run now and never step a foot within her walls again. go now before it is too late.

And the United Nations has gone into perdition. , United no more, they the Goverments of the earth do so dispise the Harlet. they do so hate the Catholic religion.
The judgements by GOD have arrived, Israel is upon the world stage and have told two lies, and Babylon too is upon the world stage and she is known as the Catholic church. .
The Catholic religion, as the Roman Empire, and as Jerusalem of old.
she is suffering all the jeering and the whisteling that are described in the book of lamentations.This, along with all the other prophets nail this corupt orginisation to the wall with her blood lust down through the centurys.
If the House of Israel got anything right it was identifying this institute by its proverbial name, BABYLON THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS, this is something that not only they should know, but the whole Earth should know who she is. she must know that she has been judged and that anyone who stay's within her churches to try and reach God shall in no way be able to do so, for she[CATHOLIC CHURCH] is under heavy judgement and cant escape her downfall.
All that we are seeing through the papers regarding her Priests and their crimes is her downfall.
One day it will be a head-line in a newspaper.
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, full of Priests and Cardinals who have betrayed the Holy Convenent, there is no going back now for all of these men now, except out of the Order.
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, slayer of the prophets, go into any church in the world and you have walked into Jerusalem, Babylon the harlot, full of Idolatry and her spirituality has dried up. In her, is found Candels, Incense, Gold, Marble, Ivory, Brass, Fine flour, Coaches, Wheat, Slaves, Bride and Bridegroom, Musicians, Pipers and harpists, millstone and the blood of all of the prophets whom she killed, Great Babylon mother of harlots and the disgusting things of the earth.
And over seven major empires she has sat, from the Time of , Babylon, Egypt Assyria, Media/Persia, Greece, and the sixth as John says in the new testement was Rome , and the Seventh---------------------------------Britain/America, a dual world Empire like Media/Persia.Out of the ashes of this final Kingdom will arise the true kingdom of God,
and after all of this has fallen, out of its ashes will rise a kingdom, the kingdom of God.
Great Babylon will long be forgotten, her and all of her crimes against God and man.
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, weep for your end is now.
You have been judged by your husbandly owner , he has judged you and left you bereft of all your chidlren. The priests walk along the road looking lost and forlorn knowing that their mother is dead, Great Babylon is dead.
and now that you know who she is you must, if you believe in the Christ, you must leave her to perish or else perish with her. Babylon has fallen, weep not for her, for she has caused bitterness among the people of the earth, she has caused such stress and even insanity among her Occupants, Babylon, the great mistress of the nations, her priests with their smocks of black and white, and the women with their viels upon their heads, Nuns, Capturing souls alive as if they where a prize to be won, Both the house of Israel and Babylon are guilty for this. In the past they where wicked wicked people destroying young girls, in convents, forcing Jesus down their throaths destroying any connection between them selves and the true King of righteouessness .
Catholicisim has been compared to an unclean pot before, and now it is been done again, because it has not been cleansed, it is like dirty dish water inside a pot and now it is time to throw it out, it is no good any more, its guilt is huge. it has the guilt of so many millions of Jews, they wont forgive them and why should you, when their is a judgement against them from God him self.
now, how can you people go into her churches every week.

Because God is there?
No, he is not, Babylon is an empty shell that houses nothing but filth and you who believe in God should know this, you should also know that he does not live in handmade temples, so get out of her.
If he does not live in the houses [Churches] the houses of Babylon, then why do you insist in going in there to look for him? he has told you in the Holy books that he does not reside in these temples,and why do you worship Mary as the Mother of God, he is the first and the last, there is no one before him. You worship the Queen of the heavens, and so fulfill scripture.
There is but only one mediator between man and GOD and this is his Son.
You people will accuse a manof speaking proverbial sayings , because history has a habit of repeating itself. .
I feel that I have the duty and the right and the Authorothy to attack and bring her down for I have wittnesessed the damage she has caused, most of all,, I feel totally compelled to do what I do, to besiege her with all the words that I am inspired to put against her. words that will leave holes within her walls, so that the people will know who and what she ,Great Babylon has done. All you people will have to do is to look with your own two eyes at her judgement, the attacks by the media, they look like the attacks by the media, but they are inspired attacks told of two thousand years ago. attacks by singers and actors, comedians, they all hold Great Babylon up to ridicule.
Everybody who passes by Babylon and jeers her residents, just as prophesyed in the book of the Israelites.
She weeps because there is no one to comfort her from among all of her lovers. there will soon be no one from among all of the nations who will go near her for fear of her fate.
She is doomed,she is destined to fall, for she never cared for her children that she was given to look after by the GOD of the Israelites, she failed miserably to do what she was supposed to do, which was to guide the people out of darkness and into the light. .
for she is darkness, total darkness, she is no light to the children of the Earth. she [religion of the Catholic variety] has only cared for her self.
lived in the lap of luxury with absolutley no thought for the homless and the destitute of the EARTH.
She has taken money from her Church goers like adults would take candy from a baby. money and luxury that she has lavished in right through the ceturys.
she knew that the GOD of Israel had her nailed and judged, she recognised her self in scripture a long long time ago, and during the inquisition she killed the prophets who identified her.
she knew the people had this information about her and had she not killed all of these true men of God she would not have had a chance of survival.

True saints and true prophets who died trying to get the truth out to the public about Babylon. . . . . . . .
and now you know that your ancestors, your very own people died at the hands of these people. all these people were done away with because she tried and succeded in hiding her identity for all those years, but no more, the time is now there will be no more delay.
Come you people an' I will show you the Judgement upon the great Prostitute who sits upon many waters as each river dry up slowly but surly. Come you people and I will show you the woman who wears the colours of the old garments of Roman Empire, for she is Rome, and seven great nations have come and gone since she first came into existance------look as she wears her with the colours of the old Roman Empire.. bring her down.and watch as the people of the largest Empires bring her down in a hail of indignities, as she is shamed out of existance as the parents of the children she systematically abused both phisically and mentally, they bring writs against her in numerous quantities.
come you people of the earth and look upon her shame for she is fully naked.Babylon the great Babylon, she weeps because there is none to comfort her from among all of her lovers, and there will soon be no one from all of the nations who will go any where near her, if the believers insist in continuing to go onto her houses, they will be seen as part of Babylon.

The revelation is not for nothing, it is divine judgement upon this orginisation, before the coming of the Great day.
She will fall, for all of her children she did not care, the children she was given to look after by the God of Israel, she has lost a great many, there are hordes of them slain among the proverbial streets of Jerusalem.

The revealing of all the crimes by her priests has been told from long ago, she, and they are known as Babylon, in all of the prophets.
she is spoken of in all of these
Babylon, Babylon, Babylon, Babylon, your end is assured and it is now, Vatican City, you have been revealed, Vatican City, you have been revealed.
Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, you are known and this has become a dirge Babylon ........Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, one and the same, you have been shamed among all of the nations, all because you went against your husband, Lord Jehovah. DAMIENDAVIS

Babylon, I forsee your great structures falling down around your ears, your destiny lays beneath the stones,your fall will soon be Compleate.
You have no hope of ever with-standing your Judgement.
It's final, your churches will be closed and sold over to the people.
your finished Babylon, your luxury has drained from you, sell up what ever you have and begin your new life-styles without your lieing Holiness.
You have been a lie from the start and your lies have been bitterly uncovered for all of the earths people to see for all these people to see your shame.
The prophet has made a hole in your walls so that the people who are passing by can see all of your past deeds, like the inquisition, your shame is universal, under your symbolic name that the GOD of truth gave to you.
The people who have left and will leave your Catholic Churches are all in exile, as the one who plays in dirge asks them to turn back one last time, so that they will come to the truth, and what is that? I hear you ask.
The only one way there is to go,is with the annoited one and to believe in his teachings and to follow his commands that lead to life.
How many shall be lost and at what cost?
Uncountable, like the grains of sand on the seashore and they are just people like you and me, real people with real feelings and emotions of diffrent kinds.
To survive, the people need to love from the heart and they need to leave their pious temples that are filled with false piety that canott belong to God, or his Son,as he would demand that it be given the the poor.
The world has got to make a dramatic change if it is to escape the threat that still remains.
Religion has been used for all kinds of wars and the like throughout the earth.
A system that is designed to cut people off and destroy them, is a system that should be cut off and destroyed.
The Priests have been revealed for who they are, the military have been revealed for who they are, a bunch of war mongers who are like a spring waiting to be uncoiled, waiting for their first oportunity to pounce for those who are thier employers.
What a wonderfull system we have created for our selves, a system that causes lunacy to happen.
The Priests! we dont need them any more, they are Godless men pretending to be men of GOD, but they have been revealed as the Godless men they are, Paedophilles, and the others who have concealed their acts are surly as guilty as they are.
Any efforts of diplomacy on the part of the Catholic church, bought and payed for by spindoctors will come to nothing, because what they do "change the image of the Catholic church" it is just a last ditch dying attempt to breath life into the whore known as Babylon.
The people will not go in near her after her identity has been made known, do you realy believe that those who are already attending her churches will continue to do so, after it gets out that they are walking into an institute that has been judged by the GOD that it babels on about, with absolutley no reverance.
The people who fear GOD would be crazy to continue on in her churches, it would be comparable to a man going up to the throne of God and spitting in his face.
She has been judged by this God and so they must recognise her for whoshe is, Rome+ Religion+Catholic=Babylon. She is a wasted and spent shell.
People must listen to what is been said or else face judgement that will be given to those who ignore the warning and arrogantley stay within her Churches, a similar judgement that is been experianced by the house of Israel who profained Gods Holy name. An "auto immune" disease is no joke at all, I certainly would not walk into a church today to worship knowing that a judgement like this has fallen upon it.
Do you realy believe that a GOD as pure and as Holy as Jehovah would still be within her walls?
"Get out of her my people for her sins have massed up clear to the heavens."
The GOD who judges her is strong, pay back to her double what she has given, yes give her twice the amount of tormennt for in her heart she has continued to say, I am queen and I will never know the loss of children.
She has left the children outside of her door while she lived in the lap of pure luxury. but in one hour her judgement has arrived, her judgement and her luxury has dried up.

Do you know that you could not drag
even one witness into a church because they can see the judgement that is upon her.
Purple and Scarlot for a Mysterious Harlot.
those who are in her are sad and depressed and lonley and sick and caught inbetween a rock and a hard place, they no there is something wrong with her but they are afraid to leave her.
But they should not be afraid, they should be afraid to stay within her walls.
It is like a sickness has been given to those who would arrogantley defy the God of Israel. and they still continue to go in to her churches.
The body of christ has always been his people and the church of christ has always been his people, those who believe him are his church. get out of her my people and see that she has been found out, leave her and know that her destiny is the fire, there is only one way to the church of the christ and it is certainly not by or through the door or gates of the catholic Empire, for not a stone will be left upon a stone.
"you are not a man of God, you are not a man of God"
From the film , the Magdaline sisters, this film nails them to the wall, the Church of Satan, and their acts show this, their abuse against little boy's and girls were acts of wickedness and total evil.
No! anyone who continues to remain in these churches of the Catholic faith will be feeling the same pain as they are, because they will be supporters of all that Evil.
No matter what they say and even if they say, 'O' but we would never support what all them priests got up to , and God will say "but you are when you remain within her churches. by staying there you are supporting all of that evil.
"Get out of her my people says the Lord for her sins are great indeed, get out now or share in her guilt. get out or share in her punishment.
Catholic religion has been revealed.
D Davis.......

Posted by ex2/damiendavis at 1:47 AM GMT
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Bbaylon the great, she realy is the catholic religion, along with her sister religions

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Damien Davis

They love to publish.

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Hosea, 10/10, this is the scripture that catches those who have taken the divine name as their own.
Their double guilt are the two wrongs they spoke of in 1925 and 1975, they have built up for them selves altars and temples by which they worship that, which is before their faces........Their books which they love to publish.
The books that they take so much pride in have caused them to stumble and fall many times, because of all of their reading and their studying and intelectualisim, they overlook that which is essential.......The ten basic commands, these are what they overlook, this is what scripture is indeed all about, the ten basic commands and the believe and the acceptance of his Son, Jesus Christ, the annointed one. .
If you accept him and his basic teachings then you will be abiding by that which the eteranal father wants you to follow and abide by.
Believe in my Son and follow my commands, this is what the prophet Ezekiel, 18 and 33 is all about, this is why they are so important.
the God of Israel repeatedly states that this is what it is all about, he says that these laws are eternal that they will allways be and that they will never ever change and that man must abide by these commands to be seen as righteous, he must not rely on his own idea of right and wrong, becasue he will allways get it wrong.
Look, this is why I have gone to all of this pain and trouble, in order to get you to at least try and see that the right way is recorded in the scriptures and that they have all got it wrong out there and that is the reason for so much confusion on this Earth.
If man attains towards Gods rules and not his own because his own do not contain any life, but the God of truth, his rules do contain the life.
So, that anyone who follows his laws, he will have life and continue on living.
Anyone can see that not paying back what you have borrowed is wrong, and if you fail to do this simple thing then it will lay heavy on your mind until it is payed back, it will drag your thinking down.
If you owe a collection of debts, then your mind is not at peace, because you are all the time thinking about debts, so tell me people how can this be healthy for the mind, you can see the reson behind the command and that it is there for your benifit.
Debts are bad news, so its best to follow the rule and pay back what you have borrowed so as to release you from the stress that it puts you under when you are in debt.
So its best to stay ahead and to buy the things as you go, in order to keep away from this stress which will kill you in the end.
heart attacks are supposedly brought on by too much stress, the stress of being in debt is incredible and will more thatn likely kill you.
This is how God is trying to protect people, it's simple reason and the rest of the commands are there for your benifit also, i mean the one about stealing is reasonable enough.
Do not steal is also there for you, I mean the trouble that stealiong can lead to is at this stage universally known, prison is no place for the human mind to be there is not much fun in ending up in prison.
Becoming institutionalised and wanting to acctualy be in prison is not healthy at all in fact its bordering on the insane.
the commands where put in place for you, all you have to do is to realise that fact and take it on board as part of your life.
all the small sins that people feel guilty for on a day to day basis, only you know what these are, these can be forgiven when you believe in Jesus, for as it is also universally known at this stage, he caome into the world in order to forgive man of his sins.
There is no more need for a priest since they are theones in need of confession, the only place people can go now if they want forgivness is into their secret rooms to ask the father above for forgivness, and to forgive one another.
Because you know even the small sins can weigh heavy on the minds of people, people can be cool and try to deny it and say no they dont bother them, but the fact is they do bother them, its psycology.
guilt is a strange thing, we are all guilty and in need of forgiveness and this is one of the reasons for prayer, this is why prayer is so valuable.

Posted by ex2/damiendavis at 1:44 AM GMT
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They Love to publish

Hosea, 10/10, this is the scripture that catches those who have taken the divine name as their own.
Their double guilt are the two wrongs they spoke of in 1925 and 1975, they have built up for them selves altars and temples by which they worship that, which is before their faces........Their books which they love to publish.
The books that they take so much pride in have caused them to stumble and fall many times, because of all of their reading and their studying and intelectualisim, they overlook that which is essential.......The ten basic commands, these are what they overlook, this is what scripture is indeed all about, the ten basic commands and the believe and the acceptance of his Son, Jesus Christ, the annointed one. .
If you accept him and his basic teachings then you will be abiding by that which the eteranal father wants you to follow and abide by.
Believe in my Son and follow my commands, this is what the prophet Ezekiel, 18 and 33 is all about, this is why they are so important.
the God of Israel repeatedly states that this is what it is all about, he says that these laws are eternal that they will allways be and that they will never ever change and that man must abide by these commands to be seen as righteous, he must not rely on his own idea of right and wrong, becasue he will allways get it wrong.
Look, this is why I have gone to all of this pain and trouble, in order to get you to at least try and see that the right way is recorded in the scriptures and that they have all got it wrong out there and that is the reason for so much confusion on this Earth.
If man attains towards Gods rules and not his own because his own do not contain any life, but the God of truth, his rules do contain the life.
So, that anyone who follows his laws, he will have life and continue on living.
Anyone can see that not paying back what you have borrowed is wrong, and if you fail to do this simple thing then it will lay heavy on your mind until it is payed back, it will drag your thinking down.
If you owe a collection of debts, then your mind is not at peace, because you are all the time thinking about debts, so tell me people how can this be healthy for the mind, you can see the reson behind the command and that it is there for your benifit.
Debts are bad news, so its best to follow the rule and pay back what you have borrowed so as to release you from the stress that it puts you under when you are in debt.
So its best to stay ahead and to buy the things as you go, in order to keep away from this stress which will kill you in the end.
heart attacks are supposedly brought on by too much stress, the stress of being in debt is incredible and will more thatn likely kill you.
This is how God is trying to protect people, it's simple reason and the rest of the commands are there for your benifit also, i mean the one about stealing is reasonable enough.
Do not steal is also there for you, I mean the trouble that stealiong can lead to is at this stage universally known, prison is no place for the human mind to be there is not much fun in ending up in prison.
Becoming institutionalised and wanting to acctualy be in prison is not healthy at all in fact its bordering on the insane.
the commands where put in place for you, all you have to do is to realise that fact and take it on board as part of your life.
all the small sins that people feel guilty for on a day to day basis, only you know what these are, these can be forgiven when you believe in Jesus, for as it is also universally known at this stage, he caome into the world in order to forgive man of his sins.
There is no more need for a priest since they are theones in need of confession, the only place people can go now if they want forgivness is into their secret rooms to ask the father above for forgivness, and to forgive one another.
Because you know even the small sins can weigh heavy on the minds of people, people can be cool and try to deny it and say no they dont bother them, but the fact is they do bother them, its psycology.
guilt is a strange thing, we are all guilty and in need of forgiveness and this is one of the reasons for prayer, this is why prayer is so valuable.

Posted by ex2/damiendavis at 1:39 AM GMT
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Monday, 15 March 2004
Damien Davis
Damien Davis will be guest at a chris morrin gig on the 25th of march in mother redcaps, in dublin ireland....

Posted by ex2/damiendavis at 12:49 AM GMT
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You sicken me Israel and you madden the man of inspired expression, but he will uncover your guilt Israel. He will be sent in among you, to warn you, to make you aware of your consistent idolatry that you ignore Israel. He, the man of inspired expression is a sign to you.

I have sent him to you so that you know that he is official, because you desire to have much proof, I have sent him in among you to so you can understand that what you desire is the same as what the nations desire, glory for you self and pride. You are looking for respect from the people of the nations and the leaders of the nations.
You were not sent out in the beginning to look for glory for your self, you where not sent out to build up temples, you where not sent out in the beginning to search for glory for your selves, you where not sent out in order to build up temples, stonewalls in three days so that the people of the nations could be impressed by the works of your two hands.

You sit back with hairs standing up at the back of your necks like a peacock, with pride. You where not sent out in the beginning to publish book after book after book so that it would add up to a massive book collection in which you are proud Your pride is all in your printing and Publishing houses and you boast about how smoothly your printing houses work due to the fact that you have the men of Israel working so diligently.the new calf of Samaria[Samaria= a Watchtower] Rouse up for the war OIsrael, rouse up for the Battle Israel. Dont you ever listen; the words are there in the book that you idolize, there is nobody going into the battle Israel, because my anger is against all of you, this is the reason that I Jehovah have to repeat my self so often Israel, because you did not take note, because you did not take it in that you Israel would also be judged like Jerusalem and the nations, you believed your selves to be free from judgment, and with all your temples you stand with great pride, while the children on t he outside are hungering for the truth-and what is that Israel?

Is it the truth that the people should follow you, all the way to their spiritual deaths, by following all of your commands instead of mine? says the Lord Jehovah You put the head of your flock before me says Jehovah, The God of Israel. Your commands come down from the head of your organisation and you all without question follow his commands and not mine. , Because if you people where listening to my words then you would not be so filled with idolatry with your books and your temples. Giving them glory, instead of me, just by uttering the words [the bible can teach us many things] you are given glory to wood, the inanimate object, instead of Jehovah can teach us many things. the watchman, the man of inspired expression, the watchman of Israel he who plays upon stringed instrument, the man who writes dirges upon strings about Babylon the great and her downfall, the man who has been sent to your stubborn people, he has been made as stubborn as you, as hard as diamond, as hard as flint, the people who will come into listen to all his words, which are mine, says the lord of Israel.

But they will do none of them, the man whose name will be on everyones lips, because of what he speaks about his GOD, the God of Abraham, the God of Israel, the man who carries his luggage upon his shoulders, his instruments for boring holes within Jerusalems walls, Babylons walls. Tell me Israel, what would that be upon his shoulder, you have read the words of Ezekiel, you who claim to be so knowledgeable about the man who was told to write in dirge, on a roll of a book, the scriptures, the words written on both sides of the book of the scroll.

Tell me Israel, says Jehovah, you are so knowledgeable about the ways of printing, would that have been down in the time of My Son or even before that, the words written on both sides of the paper, no Israel for the prophecy is to do with your time, this time, your books have words written on both front and back Israel.

The watchman is chosen When a man is chosen from the people by the people to be watchman over Israel and he is given a roll of a book with moanings and dirges written on both sides, he is told to prophesy again to nations, well it should be obvious to you Israel that he is a musician who is told to prophesy on stringed instrument, exactly what the God of Israel wants him to and when the watchman is told to bore a hole in Jerusalems walls, it should again be obvious that he is boring a hole within Babylon the greats walls, because it is to do with this time[end times] Israel.

He is given a command to bore through BABYLONS WALLS so that the people will make a connection with her wrongs and the fact that I have judged her, says the God of Israel. From long ago I have judged her, I said that I would and my words never fail. Israel, this man is a sign to you, he is doing the things of Ezekiel, and he is making people aware of Babylons and your wrongs Israel, through his words and his music. Warnings Will you Israel, even you fail to see To see that this man is a sign to you Israel, and carry on building your temples of wood and stone temples of pride and will you ignore all of his warnings that I JEHOVAH your God have given him to give to you. Proverbial sayings Will you just like the nations accuse him of repeating proverbial sayings, things of old,

ah hes just full of proverbial sayings, lets not even bother listening to him, he knows nothing, lat us carry on with the building of our temples of wood and stone. The nations are starting to respect us now, because they see us doing great things, if we where to pull our temples down now like he is asking us to we would loose all the respect we have gained for our selves. No, you say, we should not listen to him, even if he has uncovered our two errors and left us without a king, we must continue on with out temples and our books for if we have not got them then what do we have? We have nothing. Slayer of men Israel Is this what you will say Israel even now when I make a plea to your hearts; false prophets of Israel, with your hearts of stone, will let my plea fall upon deaf ears, this man does not speak of or for him self, the one I send to you, he speaks for me Israel, so listen to him, I am asking you to come back to me Israel like I asked your forefathers, I am asking you to put away your idolatry and come back to me, I am asking you through the man of inspired expression, the watchman of Ephraim.

Please turn back from your ways for they are wrong, you started out wanting to come back to me, now here is your chance. All you people who are so sure about Israel, just think consider for a moment, what are you involved in, some of you have left great Babylon only to end up in the fire, you have gone from the pan to the fire, for Israel is idolatrous, just stand back my people and consider with your hearts what Israel is doing is wrong, Israel would rather give glory to the idols of wood and stone, it considers that to be more important than peoples hearts. I the God of Israel have always considered people of the earth.

I stood back for a little while to see if you cold rule your selves in peace, but you cannot rule your selves in peace, the people of the earth and throughout all of the generations have suffered at the hands of men and their search for glorification. Men do not care about men, they only care about them selves and their own self centred egos, they do not place importance on love as they place importance on all of the wrong things, they have absolutely no love for each other, it is only a fake love, they hug each other and kiss each other with daggers up their sleeves, they contrive against each other and give them selves glory for outsmarting their neighbour.
They give glory to all of the past wars and war heroes, ordinary men that where killed like children in battle. Like children on the battlefield they romanticize war turning ordinary men into gods when they where nothing but children who had their lives taken from them by the leaders of the earth, by the so called Shepards of the people. Well the kings herded their people into blood sports just to watch their young men die in pain all for the land. A a land that will be divided up among the chosen people, a land that was not theirs to fight for. Egypt Egypt, you should have learned from the first, that you cannot win against me and even though my people have sinned against me, I will protect them from attack, when you go up against them, you go up against me, prepare to fall. All your armies, all your warriors will fall by the wayside. But you have prepared for the battle now for such a long time, your ready, but your nation will fall and you will not raise up above any other nation again. 40 years exile, you Egyptians will be in exile for forty years, then I will let you go back into you land, but it will not be as an arrogant land, for you will have been brought low never to raise above any other nation again. No more will your arrogant mouth speak against me, the GOD of Israel No honour Egypt, it will be the same for you as it was for Pharaoh of old when his kingdom was brought to nothing at all. A land that will be brought to nothing, divided up among the holy ones, a land that was not theirs to fight for , for all of the people will live by my law and by my commands, by my judicial decisions and the laws, my laws will bring about a true peace on all the earth. . The Israelites will not bring peace to the earth even though they draw up such pretty pictures of the future peace and try to stand along side me to get some of the glory that belongs to me and me and me alone. Purple and scarlet, Great Babylon will not bring peace upon the earth nor her sisters, she is just a whore dressed in purple and scarlet and she will have fallen. King of the south. The king of the south The kings of the earth who have tried and been allowed to try, they also will not bring about a peace to the earth for it will be taken from them. I Jehovah, the God of Israel, I alone will do what I set out to do in the very beginning, I through my beloved Son, he who will Shepard. You people will not bring peace to the earth. The kingdom. Through my will I will Shepard the people to a better world.

The kingdom will survive with real love, a love that will last forever. You people who do not want to live that long need not, the decision is yours to decide.

The Egyptians, neither will they bring peace onto the earth, for they are on the mountain, unglorified and undignified, for they have been arrogant in all their ways and they and their king have come against me The Lord Jehovah of Israel and who are they to come against me for there is no power greater than mine, I the God of Abraham, you the king of the south, Egypt [in the final] you came against me in the time of Moses and I set out miracles for the Israelites as I led Moses and the entire house of Israel across the red sea to a better land. A land of milk and honey a land that was good and now again you will go against my people, against you will go against Israel in order to take the land from them and to take it for your self Egypt, you come up against my people, and thats when I shall rise up and you will see my anger and you will see power that you cannot even imagine. Egypt you come against my people and you will be touching my eyeball. The king of the south. The kings of the south The kings of the earth who have tried and been allowed to try, they also will not bring about a peace to the earth for it will be taken from them. Jehovah I Jehovah, the God of Israel, I alone will do what I set out to do in the very beginning, I through my beloved Son, he who will Shepard.

You people will not bring peace to the earth. The kingdom. Through my will I will Shepard the people to a better world. The kingdom will survive with real love, a love that will last forever. You people who do not want to live that long need not, the decision is yours to decide. The Egyptians, neither will they bring peace onto the earth, for they are on the mountain, unglorified and undignified, for they have been arrogant in all their ways and they and their king have come against me, The Lord Jehovah of Israel and who are they to come against me for there is nor power greater than mine, I the God of Abraham, you the king of the south, Egypt [in the final] you came against me in the time of Moses and I set out miracles for the Israelites as I led Moses and the entire house of Israel across the red sea to a better land. A land of milk and honey a land that was good and now again you will go against my people, against you will go against Israel in order to take the land from them and to take it for your self Egypt, you come up against my people, and thats when I shall rise up and you will see my anger and you will see power that you cannot even imagine.

Egypt you come against my people and you will be touching my eyeball. The king of the south. When you come against my people you will be brought down so low never to be brought up again, you will come against my people when you have cleared the decks of that whore Babylon great Babylon that great and famous city, then you will go against my people Israel, but it is then that you will fail, for you have come against me, the God of Israel. Ambiguous sayings. You Egypt, king of the south tallest among all of the trees of the earth, all of the other trees desired to be just like you king of the south, king with ambiguous sayings flowing from your mouth, you are the biggest nation in all of the Earth but your great ness is bound to fall, I will cut you down to the earth as I promised long ago were al the animals and the birds of the field will come out from your shade and all of the nations who relied on your great and powerful strength, they will feel the shock of your pain. Egypt cannot win. Egypt you should have learned from the first that you cannot win against me, for I am Jehovah and even though my people have sinned against me, I will protect them from attack when you go against me, when you come u against me, prepare to fall. Says Jehovah.

All your armies your warriors will fall by the wayside, but you have prepared your self for this battle now for such a long time and now you are ready. But your nation will fall and you will not rise up above any of the other nations again. 40years For 40 years I will bring you into exile for 40 years then I will let you back into your land, but it will not be the same as it was before, and you will not be an arrogant nation, you will have been brought down never again to rise up again. No ore will your arrogant mouth speak as it did against me, the God of Israel. No honour. Egypt it will not be the same as it was in the beginning. Egypt it will not be the same as at the last as it was at the first. You will not be remembered, you will receive no honour and you will receive no glory and you will be left without a decent burial on the side of a hill, this is where your arrogance will have brought you, this will be your end, the end of the wild beast that terrorised countries, by your own humiliation of three kings did not go unnoticed. Fierce king. But I will bring in a fierce king in on you and he will plunder your nation and the spoil will be for him, the king will come for m the north, a fierce king in countenance a terrible king. He will leave your country baron of all of its pride, your great city the pride and decoration of your land, it will be left like an old city, in total ruins, a bare shining surface of a grag.

I told you about it in the days of old in the days of your father, your city will be left like Tyre when I bring the king of the norths attack engine in on you. You have come against me Egypt, you cannot come up against me and expect to win, I will repay you for your outright sin, sin against the orphan sin against his mother sin against his father, you have left the motherless child an orphan, without love of any kind, you truly are a wild beast that tears apart everything in its sight, you have entered into many a foreign land and claimed as your own and the children snuffed because of you sanctions, who do you think you are Egypt with your great power you have done good for the people, you have only controlled manipulated all you people into worshipping this wild beast, king of the south with an arrogant mouth, I Jehovah the GOD that have come up against, I will take care of the orphan and his mother and his father, I will do it with only my son to help me in this battle between good and evil, we are the kings from the east, we are the kings from the rising sun, you back sliding nation, who keeps back sliding into your sin, and there is no one going into battle, Israel will not stand with us, Egypt will not stand up against us and Babylon will have fallen, she will have been hurled down like a great millstone never to be seen or heard from again. FOR THE king of the north and the spoil will be for him, the king will come form the north, fierce in countenance, a terrible king, this is the report. Country left barren. He will leave your country barren of all your pride, your great city, the decoration of the land it will be left like an old city, in total ruins, a bare shining surface of a crag.

I told you about this in the days of your forefathers, your city will be left like Tyre when I bring the king of the norths attack engine In upon you, you have come against me Egypt; you cannot come against me, says Jehovah the Lord of Israel. You cannot come up against me and expect to win, I will repay you for all your outright Sin, Sin against the orphan, Sin against the Mother and the Father, and you have left the motherless child an orphan without love. You truly are a wild beast that tears apart everything in its sight you have entered into many a foreign land and claimed it as your own and the children have suffered because of your sanctions, who do you think you are Egypt? With your great power you have done absolutely nothing for the people, you have only controlled and manipulated all your people into worshipping the wild beast, o King of the south with your arrogant mouth, I Jehovah the God of Israel, it is I you have come up against. I will take care of the orphan and his mother and his father. I will do it with only my Son to help me in this final battle, between good and evil, we are the kings from the rising sun and there is no one going into battle, you will not stand with us, Egypt will not stand with us and Babylon will have fallen, she will be hurled to the ground like a great mill stone, never to be seen or heard from again, Babylon O Babylon your time has come, you who were Jerusalem, I nursed you from a babe, O'Babylon, in your swaddling clothes you grew up and became a young woman, you desired to be with the men of fame, who were steeped in shame, you longed to be with the kings of the earth, you longed to be come famous, you used to belong to me, says Jehovah the Lord of the earth, the God of Abraham, the one and only true God . You told your people that their where many different roads tha they would all lead to the one God. you liar Babylon, prepare for the fire for your God has not forgotten to judge you and he the God of truth judges with justice and fairness but he has found you in contempt , he has found you to be wanting, he has mesured you Jerusalem, he has mesured you inner and your outer courts and has found you to be lacking in justice and he has found you to be without fairness, your priests are guilty of perversion your priests have sinned against the innocent child, Babylon,your houses will stand empty when your river's have tottaly dried up, your women who act as so-called priests and so called daughters of God, they are guilty of turning a blind eye on all of the sins of the priests and the priests who are seen as innocent are guilty of remaining within your walls. They should have left Babylon if they where innocent, for anybody that remains within Babylon will be judged along with her for her sins are as many as the stars of the heavens, they are uncountable among the Earthling man, but they are known by me,Jehovah the God of Israel.
For nothing can get by me, Jehovah the God of truth and wisdom and all of your houses will be made to stand empty and all of your greed and your lust for the finer things in life will be abolished.

You will be fully judged Babylon as I told you long ago when you where a proud daughter Jerusalem, but now you are a mother, a mother to them all, you are a mother to all the sects on earth.

You longed to become famous Jerusalem and you became just that, the famous prostitute, the harlet in purple and scarlet, you are a famous harlet and you are guilty of much sin, sin against the people and sin against the me, Jehovah and my Son whom perished by your hand, sin against me, Jehovah of armies, a strong voice will shout "you have fallen Babylon you have fallen".
Babylon you have fallen you who made the nations drunk and confused about the way's of Jehovah, so you stole the Kingdom from the from the people by covering it up with all of your confusion, you winked at evil all your priests would wink at all the wickedness so as they would be accepted by the nations by all various kinds of people, but now they will no longer be accepted, because Babylon is bound to fall for I have judged her, say's the Lord of Israel and she stands over many rivers and she stands judged by the God of truth and justice.
Babylon the great and the nations and the house of Israel have all ben judged, not one of them looked after thepeople, the broken one, the ones who needed looking out for, the child on the streets, the homeless one, you only ever cared for the ones who where strong.
the ones who could build up your systems, well I Jehovah will tear them down, I will look after the broken one.
Israel you only looked out for your self and your own gains, your temples and your books.
And again Babylon you are only for the money you robbed from the people with your deception and your mystery's , by your mysticisim you have made the people confused, well, you will be paid back twice as much as what you gave to the people, the pain and the misery you inflicted upon the people, the confusion by which you decieved the people, you Babylon have robbed the people of the Kingdom.
Israel, you took the people from Babylon only to spiritually kill the one's that you had taken out from her walls.
Instead of freeing the people, you enslaved them in your rules, instead of telling the people how to live by my laws, which where not burdensome, like your's Israel, all you had to do was to tell the people to live by the laws that where laid down in the prophet's.
[*] not murder not steal.
3.give back to the lender what you have borrowed, give to the needy, feed them.
4.and clothe the poor not offer up sacrifice to the idols or shrines upon the mountains. not bow before the idols of Israel.[their temples and the works of their own hands] not lend for the sake of intrest. not lay down with a woman during her menustration. honest and just in all of your dealings with your fellowman. not lay down with another mans wife.

these laws and these laws alone are what a man should live by, anything else is manmade, but if you people want to be righteous and continue to go on living, then you must follow my commands.
how hard can it be for you people to keep these laws to continue living in Peace, you should follow these laws and if you want Peace for your souls, then live by these laws if you want to breath in peace then live by these laws.
Israel, tear down your idols, your temples and come back to me, say's Jehovah your God, come back to me with your hearts, your elders are arrogant and self righteous, they enjoy the sound of their own voices, they like to make speeches and to talk for hours but they couldn't be further away from me if they tried to be.

Because they like to visit their temples in which there is pride, they the Israelites love the works of their own hands, they enjoy sitting in their temples in which their is pride, they, the Israelites love the works of their own hands.
they have no real love for me Jehovah, the God of Israel, if they had they would tear down the works of their own two hands and come back to me with their hearts, then I would come back to them.
You elders of Israel are full of pride, so filled with pride that you canott see that what you worship are the works of your own two hands, your temples of wood and stone, your books made from wood, they are your words Israel and not mine. I did not give you the words that you read out to your congregation.

you leave the sick and the broken ones out side in favour of loving your books and your temples, your idols of wood and stone, they mean more to you than the people, they mean more to you than I Jehovah, the God of you people, I told you Israel,a long time ago that you would sin again, in the final of the times and you have Israel, you are blind to your own idolatry.

look around Israel at the stone walls that you have built up with your own two hands and ask your selves, Do we Israel stand free of sin, do we Israel stand free of idolatry?

when you draw up your pictures which you lovingly create, you do it out of pride, if you are to come back to me with your hearts then you must rid your selves of all of your idols, it's really that simple, but you will not listen to the people that I send to you, when he tells you to tear down your Beautiful temples, you wont believe that it comes from me you will think that it is just him, you will think him a fool who has made it all up him self, but he judges you with my judgements and I have judged you Israel and you have been found guilty of lovong your temples above me, your God. The God you profess to love, I the God of Israel.
The thing that is causing you to error is before your very face's, it makes you stumble, they are your books Israel, Oh house of Israel. you who have presumed the House of Israels Identityand so you willl be judged as the house of israel.
Cant you see it Israel, you love to publish, you canott stop publishing your repetition in your books, the books that say nothing new, just the same old thing, they are killing your people, who are my people Israel, all of them are mine.
As they sit twiddling their thumbs tediously listening to the same old dung, from your dungy idols.
you love to place all of these books upon your book shelves, you are just like the old jew's with your repetition of words, they became ritualistic and so have you.
Stop publishing your books Israel stop building your templesof wood and stone, they are useless to me, you truly have become as waste metal to me, you Israel are just like that whitewashed wall.
The people of the Earth find me so amusing because of you Israel, house of Israel.
They laugh at my name without a second thought for what they do, they are mocking the one who created the Sun Moon and the Stars in the heavens, non believing thankless generation, but you Israel, you helped with the confusion.
The people, the hear my name and they think nothing of it, they have no respect for nothing this generation, but how could they possibly have respect for my name when you, the house of Israel have brought it into disrepute among the nations.
My name will be cleared, through the man of inspired expression, when he shows you up for what you are and Babylon too.
Through his words and his music which he will play upon a stringed instrument, he will let the nations know about Babylon the Great.
He will tell about you Israel and your two errors.
He will destroy many a grat temple with his words Israel, my words , Israel.
The true sword of justice has gone forth to all the nations to set matters straight in all of the Earth.
He will speak my judgements and all that you have sesiered to see, you will see.
As regards his words, listen carefully for they will tell how a man shall live in Peace.
They the people will come in close in order to hear the words of the musician.
he will be known because of what he speaks, he speaks in the name of Jehovah, but unfortunatley his words will be ignored, his song's compared to a sweet melody played well upon a stringed instrument.
Athough the people will be impressed, they will not heed his words. It hurts him so to think that so many people will be lost, the price is too much too high, the loss great, listen close, loose your images and follow the law's that lead to life.
loose all of your arrogant pride, stop following the men of fame and get far away from Babylon, for fear of her tormetn,for she has been judged and do not worship the idols of the Israelites, their temples that they love to visit, they are a thing of pride and their books that they continuously publish one after an other is the only thing that makes them happy while the children who are homeless and starving from the previous generation go without Israel's help because Israel will not follow my law which say's feed the hungry and clothe the poor.
Israel, the house of Israel, all you are is words, you ask the needy to go and get their own needs, then you say you will help them to know me better but you give them nothing for their own needs you Israel have made great wealth for your selves, enough to help the needy.
but you use my words about usery to avoid helping the needy, the people who are in real need. How can you Israelites call your self "my people" when you will not look after the poor ones, the people who need instant help.
A person who is drowning, if you see him in the river crying out for help would you say to him, take your self out of the river, and then we will dry you off.
this is exactley how you treat my people who come to you in need of real help, you leave them in the river to drown.
You Israelites had better sell up your houses, your temples and help my people, using your wealth, or I will come and punish you in the severest way possible Israel.

For you have left my sheep top wander of among the hills without a proper shepard.
The Lord God has warned The House of Israel so many times from generation to generation bu they never take heed.
They never ever listen to the people that he sends to them, hthey never believe that the God of All power could ever send a man "like that one".
It was the very same way, when he sent his Son into the world, they never believe that he could send "one like that."
For he is just a man, and nothing special to look at.
The House Of Israel were decieved and they have been decieed again in this day and age.
While they pander to their calf of Samaria, Their Golden calf.
What is their Golden calf of today?
Its right threre in front of their very faces, they look at them every week and every cahnce they get to look at them, their books have become the new calf of Samaria.
Thgis God whom they worship has made it clear as to what they should do in regards to Idols, he has been making it clear since the time of Egypt.

They where told not to wrship Idols in any shape or form, this includes the Books they cherish.
He says that if they continue to use them, then they would be publicly humiliated.
So you are seeing the beggining of their public shame, when they have been acused of child molestation.
There is only one way that they can remain in the truth, and that is too leave the lie, which they have become so used to.
This lie, they have been telling for over a hundred years, and the lie is that they are speaking for God, when the truth is, they are not speaking for Jehovah, and the proofe is that they have got it wrong so many times that they couldn't possibly be speaking for the creator of mankind.

But the Individual persons must also realise that they could not be possibly be speaking for the God of Israel, because they have been hounded for their two errors now for so long. Just as it states so clearly in the Scriptures, Just read the link that I have give you and read the Witnesses of Israel's Judgement, it tells about their two errors and the lawsuits that they wiill be tangled up in.
Israel has been a spreading vine since the time of Egypt and it has reached up and in as far as these days, where Jehovah said that he would even judge Iraels Chidren, or the House of Israel, those who have desecrated his Holy name among the nations.
Those who have made his name into a laughing stock among the nations.
They are theonly ones who have done this.
You see. it is not enough that all of these people are attacking these people through websites and books, although it was said that this would happen, but you see, when you see it straight from the horses mouth, then you can believe they are liars and then you can leave this orginisation in Peace, because it seems to me that you are all suffering, at least the ones who are in confusion.
But you see, it is God who is judgeing the Witnesses of Israel, it is not me, and it does not matter what other people are saying about them, only what the Lord God is saying.
And what he is saying is that you should not tell lies in His name, because their sure to come back at you, such as the cases with the lawsuits that will be comeing against them with regards child abuse.
Micheal Jackson came from a troubled Home, Its only obvious that there is something terribly wrong with these people when they continue to lie and lie and lie without even so much as an acknoledgement that they are lies.
I mean, twice they got it wrong, twice they have said that they prophets where coming back and they did not, Jehovahs Prophets do not say something in the name of the great Divine God and it not come true, if one of Gods Prophets say something in the name of God you can be sure that it will happen.
Garaunteed, one hundred percent.
It says clearly that the God of Israel rebukes the house of israel in this day and age, when they go around from house to house telling blatant lies in the name of the father of Jesus.
Do you uinderstand what this means, now wetehr you listen or not, I still have a duty to speak about it, maybe no one will listen, but its here if you do.
This Page also speaks about Bethel and it sins against the God of Israel, now look at the house of Bethel, they dont even claim ownership of this site, and yet this site is working hard for the witnesses of Israel.
They are guilty of not only lieing in Gods name, but they are selling all kinds of Idols in his name too.
So just as they are udgeing Babylon the Great, so too are they been judged, for all the lies they have told in Gods name.
They are the house of Israel, while who they say is Babylon is Babylon.

Posted by ex2/damiendavis at 12:38 AM GMT
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A very serious look at the book[Four Little Orphans]

The most important thing in a persons life are his or her family.
It is not money and that's the truth, money is secondary, in fact, to me it is way down the list and a burden.
All that most people need is just enough, for money certainly leads to anxiety and pain, too much and you worry , not enough and you worry, dont you see a thread here?
You worry that you cant pay your bills or that you canott buy the children that you love the things they want. Too much leads to great public acclaim and a respect of a wierd kind, because why should a man be respected for what he has?
Too much leads to a fear of loosing it all, Elvis is a classic example, he used to nightmares about everything being suddenly gone..
It takes work to keep all of that money and that high living that it brings.
It can lead to stress and anxiety, you only have to take a look at some of the land-lords around the place to know they are under presure, in fact, the love of money probably leads to insanity of a certain kind.
I've seen Landlords loose their reason time and tmte again, when they didn't get their money on time, I have seen men with a great deal of money look down right unhealthy, they where worth at least 10 to 12 million.
People; They never have enough money and still continue right up as far as their deaths trying to make money and build up massive figures, I mean how much dows a man need before he reaches that desired goal?
How is a man like this ever to achieve true happiness. when all that he is, is obsessive in his or her thinking.
This means they never switch of from the mode of wanting more and more and more. , why more? why more? why more?
Or maybe it is the desire to pass it on to their children so that they can have the disease that is money.
Should the children not be looked out for until a certain age and then told to go and make their own money?
There is not a lot that is worse than greed, because it causes someone on Earth to go hungry.
I know that in the human mind, we carry around a large volume of guilt, at least those of us who can still feel and see what is going on in the world.
But everyone is trying to deny it, then it turns into a feeling of bitterness and gets all twisted and bent outta shape.
The human race, even if it isn't truly aware of it, carry's around with it thte burden of guilt for the deaths of 42.000 chilren who die of hunger every day and this figure does not include the men and women who die in the world either.

They too are just as important as the children in the eye's of the One true God and not as the nations would have us believe, that only the children matter.
we all matter.

All people belong to God, all souls on Earth from the unborn to the dead.
So the human race carrys the burden of guilt for the deaths of all of these people who have died of hunger, because they could have saved them from starving.
Just one pound per day from each and every individual in the western hemispheare.
I believe that we owe it too these people to pay up and look happy, it is a good temporary solution until the true King arrives.

The Spirit neglected
The whole world is in pain and the children are in pain, because the adults are in pain and the entire work force are in pain, because no one looks after the human spirit.

The whole Earth is under a great deal of stress, because we are told to buy and buy and buy and to spend and spend and spend.
So that we are under slavery to money, we have lost our ability to look out for each other , why?
Because we put money first, when it shouldn't matter at all, money has become our master, we are all doing the wrong thing, worshipping money.

It's wrong and injurious to ur own health.

We have got to tear the money god down, the money idol, if we are ever to get it right in the head and the heart.

The system is destroying us all, not just the third world, but the first one too.

We are waking up every day to feed the Wild Beast which has grown out of control.

What is needed now is a solution by where everyone is fed, every where in the world.

Were no one is left homless or hungry.

The world needs a new econemy were its not spend, spend, spend, like we are all in a painc to buy and buy. All we ever do is buy objects for the sake of buying objects. While the human spirit crys out.

Are we alway's going to be buying the best of cars, houses and clothes, at the expense of our neghbourghs, so as we can say, My my what a guy, he must be ever so clever, Look at his car, he must realy have used his mind in order to get that car.

But has he realy used his mind, when in reality he has only added to the disease that is destroying the Earth.

When he buys these things, it is not a sign of greatness, or inteligence, all that he has done, is bought him self a status symbol, an idol of non practibility.

He is letting it destroy his children's future with polution and pillage of the worlds resources.

Also, by making his child think as he does, so that he can also add to the polution and destruction of the Earth.

The truth is this, he thinks as a child does and that is a fact of life, when he is realy supposed to be a responsable adult.

Mankind as a whole unit is thinking as an iresposible child.

In reality it is just a child's way of thinking, when he believes that a status symbol will mek him more of a man.

To believe that a mere object will do this is bordering on the insane, that an object of wood and stone and metal will make him a man is crazy and self destructive.

But not only is it self destructive, but it is also harmfull to the wider population, the population as a comppleate unit, as a whole.

It is not these things by which he will be judged as to wether he is a man or not, it will be on his intelect and his Spirit and his heart. What I mean to say is this that it is not what you have that makes you what you are but what you are that makes you what you are.

You are what you are, if you are good you are good, if you are bad then you are bad, but you can change.

If you have a habit of over spending then this you can also change.

We are living in a world full of children out of control, tearing up forests that are their to help us live and breath and the leaders, or shepards of the Earth are all responsible for the damage that they do to the Earth,

But we too are also responsible for what we do to the planet.You wouldn't leave a child with a box of matches, but that whats we have become, children let loose on the Earht.

We are heading for our final destruction, So just keep on striking those matches.

So the leaders are dangerous to our health and the welfare of the future, they are realy putting a fancy ribbon on it and selling it down the river.

The poor people of Ireland are shepardless, The leaders of Eire are steeped in corruption, The leaders of the Earth have become Godless and they do not adhear to any other law but their own.

Thei is not goodness in men who turn their back on wrongdoing and turn a blin eye to evil, their wrongdoing will destroy the fabric of society for ever.

But this does not seem to matter any way because they never ever listen .

How can upholders of the law be upholders of the law if they are breaking the law's?

The whole Earth is on the verge of a total and absolute breakdown because of one basic truth;there is no love, and this among men can be the only thread that can bind men together and to eventualy stabilse the Earth.

But you will never listen to the likes of me and my warnings.

There is no love among men, they have learned to survive on hate. and it is this instinct that will eventually destroy all of mankind.

The loevless generation is in deep deep trouble.

Justice is dead, taken over by a phoni kind of justice, the law presses down on the people, like America does with foreghn countrie's.

America will fall, It's pride is at the epicenter of all that it does.

Nothing can remain that proud and it's day has come, it has relied on it's pride now for quite some time and it's eventuality is close at hand.

Its enemy King will turn and pounce upon this image of pride and begin to smash it to bits, like a statue that stans at the center of the Earth, its fall is garaunteed without a doubt, for coming against the God of Israel, for coming against God and the Holy Covenant.America has and will go forth in order to devote many to destruction and to their inevitable deaths and they will acuse me of robbing from scripture.

The guilt lays with all of mankind for allowing attrocities like hunger to go on and on and on.

When you know that there are solutions to all of these wrongs.

If we are such a global village and a family, then it is time we started living by the truth of that expression, isn't it time we started looking out for the rest of our family in the wider part of the comunity.

We have forgotten, but these people are just another part of our family, and this is the truth

every person under every banner of every religion are our brothers, wether we like it or not.

People sare people not matter what, and no matter were you are in this life.

We are all exactley the same.

People every where should respond to these people who die in their hordes.

If people right around the world do not respond, then people will never be fed and they will continue to die in their thousands.

Ant his lack of love is what is allowing all of these people to die the miserable deathgs they are dying on an everyday basis.

So!, Who is to blame.




Everyone is too blame, we are all responsible for the deaths of all of these people.

We are ll in the position in the this late time to help with the starving people of the world, we can all do something.

We can give one single euro per day and this would add to a mutitude of euros and this would be bound to have an effect on the people who are dying deaths that you would not let your own people go throuhg, so why should we allow these children to doe?



Because we dont care?

Is this the reason why?

Is this the reason why, because we wont part with a lousy little coin?

I am a street musician and I am in the best position to see the meaness or the kindness in the world.

There are many kind people while there seems to be more mean people.

Im sorry, but all that I do is state fact.

There is a total unwillingness to give to people who need it in this world.

Posted by ex2/damiendavis at 12:34 AM GMT
Updated: Monday, 15 March 2004 12:36 AM GMT
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Index of songs
I still love her
A good day to die
What am I to do
Spaceship Earth
For the sake of a pound
Shillingtons party

Posted by ex2/damiendavis at 12:31 AM GMT
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Egypt Like America [song] by Damien Davis
Egypt, oh, Egypt like Babylon you'll fall Egypt oh, Egypt there's blood on your hands, here the watchmans call save your people one and all, built like titanic your a perfect ship, your oars-men sail you by the whip.
Pharoah, oh, Pharoah, so arrogant a King, listen to the watchman for he will sing of yesterdays doom , built like a ship from room to room , from country to country in your hands there was ruin.
Your like Pharoah of old so brave and so bold, like a gentle lamb but miserably cold, since the middle of time you knew what you were told, that you would fall like a tree for all to see, for coming against me, the God of Israel, and my Son whom you impaled.

libetys statue laid so low, sure no ones to blame you reap what you sow, look to the past you were first now last,
a great nation left bereft for all of its theft and closing its eyes never right never left but straight ahead they left millions for dead.
Your like pharoah of old so brave and so bold like a gentle lamb but horribly cold, since the middle of time you know what you were told that you would fall like a tree for all to see for coming against me, the God of Israel and my Son who you impaled.

the citys been lost t'was a city of pride and the kings of that nation they badly lied made the people around it cry and the towers they built in that city of pride were built at the expense of those outside.

like egypt of old the citys been cold never cared for its children there lives they sold, like a tree in the ground that nation was found, and theyll chop it down lilke a tree to the ground, its root system never so sound. .
your like paharoah of old so brave and so bold, since the middle of time you knew what you were told that you would fall like a tree for all to see, for coming against me , the God of Israel and my Son whom you impaled, my Son you impaled, my Son you impaled, yes, my Son whom you impaled,
/c/2002. all rights reserved, belongs to Damien Davis.

Posted by ex2/damiendavis at 12:29 AM GMT
Updated: Monday, 15 March 2004 12:32 AM GMT
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Goldenbridge has done a lot of harm to the people of Ireland, a great deal of harm and again, the elders of the Catholic Church are resposible for the damage caused to all of these children, including my own family which suffered at the hands of those who ran the now famous childrens home in Inchicore.
The record of abuse in all of these childrens homes speak for them selves, the children where beaten to with in an inch of their lifes.
They brought home memories to last them alifetime, they where beaten with broom handels, they where scared underneath their beds by decrepid old nuns, or sisters, or whateer you call them.
I say what ever, because i have no respect for any of these people, not for what they did to my siblings.
They turned them into scared little mites.

My own brother Morgan, when he was finnally taken home by my mother used to sit and repeatedly talk to the walls as a kid, repeating the last lines of each sentance.
this is what they did to my family.
No my friends, homes are not the place for little children, they destroyed the minds of innocent babes.
The Bishops, Cardinals, Priests and the Nuns should be made to pay up dearly for all of this serious damage that they caused to my family, and I am going to see they do, thats after all what I am here for.

because we the DAVIS FAMILY, WE CAME FORM A BROKEN HOME WHERE THE FOUR OF US SUFFERED extreame, and I mean extreame
mental torture at the hands of two misfits, two drunken parents, who should never have been allowed to have kids.
This may seem like harsh words but they need to be said, if any of you people had suffered the ways in which we four suffered, you all would have broke down for good
I want to say that I loved my parents again, i've said it enough and I forgive them for the things they put us through, but the fear that we expierianced was just too much for us and it was constant and it was neverending and the reason that the Catholic religion should pay and reimburse tha like's of us, is due to the fact that we were tormented to the point of running away .
The four of us, led by my sister, a surrogate mother.
The next thing we knew, instead of getting the help that we needed, we where bunged into homes and were separated from each other, we didn't want to be torn from our sister, we wanted to be with her, but they, the so called family and the Nuns of Goldenbridge thought that they knew better.
They tore our hearts asunder, all of them, the Bishops, the Cardinals, the Priests and the Nuns, the sisters of no mercy, and our father and mother.
The true bastards of society, they have no idea what they did to us, they turned us into cold and bitter bad tempered alcoholic junkie people that when we drank, it all came out in all kinds of warped ways, all of the buried stuff just spewed out from us.
This is the reason that the Catholic religion should be made to pay, for the destruction of four small little angels, who were destroyed by them all.
everyone of them are to blame.
We where four innocent kids who where destroyed by their lack of love and concern, and I want to sue the Catholic Church for all of the pain that we had to endure, all because of them all, and the damage that is still being done.

The nations dont give a dam about our predicament, the nations dont care for orphans of the storm, it canott afford to, its too busy taking care of its war machines, supposedly to protect us all from attack from our so called neighbourgh's who the like of American policies continue to upset.

what about the children, dont they matter?
what about them, we put all these leaders into their positions, for what?
Each of the nations are loaded like a bow 'n' arrow, ready to ignite the world alight.
The world is filled with tension, fearing the worst, fearing nuclear attack from each other.
how can a world ever rest and be content with this kind of threat hanging over it?

The threat remains the same.
In fact it's worse than it ever was with the fear of terrorisim.
Thats all it will take is a loose nation to start something that canott be controlled.
One nuclear strike and it can go one way or another.
If i did not believe in the God that I believe in, Then I would say stop and disarm and throw down your wepons but I canott say this because everything seems to be veering straight towards the prophecies.
Every wepon on earth is loaded and cocked and ready to fire upon each of its neighbourgh, like a silly bloody game of Red Alert 2.
Theyv'e gathered around Jerusalem, its only a matter of time before they destroy Jehovah's City.
They are filled with violence in their hearts, the proofe being that they never ever stop and and say, "well thats enough, no more". No they want More and more and more, More war, they are like kids who want to see the outcome of their violence.
They are poised and ready for the war, over the past one hundred years or more, the industrialised world has been getting ready for the biblical threat, why else would they concentrate so much time and effort and money into so many arms.

"Come gather all your finest young men for the war"
come and gather all your weapons for the hunt"
"when you see the nations gathered into one area", well, they couldn't be any more agthered thatn they are.
they are fully gathered and are just waiting for the right moment.
It would seem they are just trying to convince the people that it is the right thing to do.

"lets go to war, you know that it is a good idea"
This is what our leaders are saying.
They must be knowing something when they call the great bible scholars into the white house and the even the boastfull ones, like the so called bible code writer, that they gathered into the white house, according to his latest book.
Why on earth would you ask this man for his opinion when the God of Israel has said, "you have lost the war, you have already lost the great war", it just hasn't happened yet.
Wake up and take advice from the ones who know, you have stirred up a hornets nest and you are acctually asking all of the soothsayers and the astrologers advice.

It's only a matter of time before they destroy Jehovah's Holy city, they are filled with destruction in their hearts, they never want to give up their violence.
Its inside them, the war is inside their own minds and they have brought it onto the battlefield.
The proofe, they never take a rest from all of their attrocities, North South and West and East of every Nation on the whole of planet Earth.
The earth suffocates with all of the wars that destroy the welfare of its innocent, the innocent that die day after day after day.
The Lord of Abraham speaks through whom ever he so chooses, he could have chosen a tramp on the street, lest the Prophets boast.
The prophet is but a tool in Gods armour, again lest he boast.
What makes him speacial are the words that he is given, the word that he speaks, and the fact that it comes straight from the living God.
It was not the Prophets that made the words come true but the God whome empowered them to speak the word.
And what made them true men of God is the fact that the word which they spoke, which came from the living GOD, Lord of Abraham, Lord Jehovah, allway's came true.

It nver failed, it was allways 100 percent accurate, it was never 99.99, but right on the 100 mark.

If the Lord of Abraham say's that a city will fall, if he says that a great city inside a great country will fall, then it will without a shadow of doubt, fall.
And if the God of Abraham speaks through a prophet to say that a great nation on the planet will be humiliated and brought down lower than any other nation on the Earth, even though it was the biggest nation on the Earth, you can be assured that the word will come true.

A great nation on the Earth is under judgement because it broke the convenent and has boasted of its own arrogance in it self, that it is bigger thatn all even bringing it self above the Most High, God.
It has tried to bring itself up and above God.
It has ,by making the God of fortress stronger and stonger and then saying, now look who can possibly bring us down now from our great height's?
indeed, even by pointing all of their great war weapons upward, they are more or less saying, Dont even try it God.
anyone who trys to make a move against our great nations will be in for a whole heap of trouble.
They will be brought down.
Now we heard many blasphemous words coming from America during the siege of Iraq, when it went in order to secure its oil, or maybe it was their people. with words like.
"they will think that it is ARMEGGEDDON".
the fact is that it is Armeggedon or close to it, for they have brought them selves closer to the scriptural armeggedon.

The God of the heavens promised to take the last great nation down from it's arrogant place, and make all of its children scattered to the four winds, for forty years, and at the end of this time he will bring them back, a lower nation than any other on the planet, thus teaching them never to be as arrogant again.
And now this has begun to happen, young American's are beggining to feel the shame of what it is like to be an American, they are beggining to be ridiculed by the other nations.
America is a fat and over nourished nation, that rely's upon its phoni freedom.
The Prophecie is already being fulfilled with the American youth taking the initiative and leaving for places in Europe.
The have begun to tire of fat America.
The tree in the Scripture has got to be
This nation has got to be America, because in the prophets it speaks of the great tree being brought down from its place, the great tree of a nation. He promised to take them down in the desert.
Now as you well know the desert lay's somewhere in the region in and around the likes of Iraq and Iran and all of these middle eastern places, now the Americans have gone in and believe they are totally secure in this war.
But are they, when you consider that a brand new game is being played, a game of terrorisim.

The God of Abraham promised the Isrealite that he and he alone would take down the last mighty nation down in the desert, this seems to have begun.
This very thing seems to have begun, with the positions that the Armies of the world have taken up.

Posted by ex2/damiendavis at 12:26 AM GMT
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There are a lot of good people on this earth and from what I have seen and observed, they are screaming to get off.

People who have had enough, people who have seen too much in their lives.
People who have been damaged by a cold and heartless system, which care's only for numbers.
It cares nothing for people and the people who nurture the system care more for it than the people who have been damaged by the beast with seven heads and ten horns, so to speak.

A monster that destroys and corupts people from a very early age, but those people have not only been torn asunder by a system which 'spake as a dragon', but also a woman who has been a prostitute for many a generation.
This Woman was little comfort to these men and women, little comfort, and added to their pain and may even have been the first cause in their slow destruction.

This woman, she is famous and well known in all of the earth, but she has had an uncany ability to disguise herself to the best of her abillity.
Why does she disguise her self?
The only reason being that she can survive and survive she has for over 5.000 years maybe even more.
She has survived by devouring men and women alike, she has survived by living off the souls of men.
She is a whore of a very diffrent kind and her fame, well documented throughout the Earth.
She is cold and heartless and she has seen many generations coming and going, coming and going, coming and going.

Through the Napoleonic years as far back as the Spanish inquisitions and way beyond the Assyrian and Grecian and the Babylonian years.

She has torn the hearts of men from their chests and cried crocodile tears pretending that she cared.
She ran with the system, she bled the countries dry of all their life and replaced that with something ever so dark and black that crippled men and froze their hearts in a permanent fear.
Only in the latter half of the 20th century did she begin to falter and show signs of ageing and a senility which would expose her very crimes against humanity.
The cold Icy system and those that nutured its surounding castle walls, even they begin to dispise her and all that she stood for.
The Kings of the late 20th century began to turn and see what she had done: what she had caused, and they, one and all began to devour her, and strip her of all her offending articles of clothing, slowley they began to burn her with fire.
But before they burned her with fire, they humiliated her in front of all of the people, one by one, they listed her crimes until the people where fully convinced of her crimes, only then did they burn her with fire, only after all of the jeering and whistles had subsided, only then was this prophecy fulfilled.
Who is she?
And what has she done to deserve such a death?
She was guilty of murder, not one, not two, not ten, not 50, not one hundred not even 1000 or a million but many more than that.

My name is Damien Thomas Jerard Davis.
I was born in Saint Jameses Hospital in the center of Dublin in the blistering Summer of 1966, in July the Sixth.
I was brought home to Glasnevin where my parents had a home in Decourcey Square, Dublin 9.
But it wasn't long before we moved to Coolock, and only for a short time before we settled in Ballymun, no: 25 Sillogue Road.
I was a snow white haired child while the rest of the family had brown hair or black hair.
I must surly have looked the odd one out.
My parents were both from Dublin, my mother from Old Cabra, and my Father from Glasnevin, Decourcey Square.
They both fell madly in love and married.
But unfortunatley it was not to be a happy arangement at all, as they where both fond of the drink.
I have one brother and one sister and a brother who passed away only two years ago at the age of 40.
Stephen was his name, my sister is Addriennne, and my brother Morgan.

My grandmother was from Meath while my grandfather was from County Sligo, up the top of Ireland.
He joined the Irish Police force and stayed there for many years. they had two daughter' and onbly one Son whom they doted on and loved very much, spoiling him.
He was a man who would bring them much griefe indeed. Tom Davis.
Bill Davis, my grandfather was a genteel man, at least this was the way I remember him when he was an elderly man of eighty years old.

A healthier man you could not meet and at eighty he had a full head of black hair with only a few grey hairs around the edges.
Both he and she where were both Roman Catholic to the bone and believed and trusted in the Priest.
They where two very Spiritually minded people.
They bought the house in Decourcey Square and lived there all of their lives.
My Granmother was a Nurse in a Hospital..

When my dad was fifteen, he got a job coach building, but within a very short time he fell ill to the dredded T.B.
My Granfather who enjoyed a drink prayed to his God and said that if God would make his Son better then he would make a pledge not to drink for the next twenty five years.
My father got well and my Granfather kept his side of the deal, for twenty five years.

During this time my father got involved with a friend who introduced him to his first drug, Speed.
This was the drug of the time to which he became addicted to and this in turn led to another group of drugs, Chunall and Sodium mamathol, The chunall was a sleeper to help Older people sleep.
It was a knockout drug if ever there was one.
He became engrossed in drugs and of course drink.
It's almost as if he was making up for the fact that my granfather was not drinking, it was as if he where drinking for the two of them.
My grandmother then bought a shop for my dad, a fruit and veg and flower shop just there on the corner of hearts corner, or near the corner.
He got stuck into this blooming buissness and had a ball with his drinking buddies.
About his time he met my mother who lived with an alcoholic mother her self, maybe this was the foundation of her own drinking, or maybe it was a mixture of that and the troubles she had with a Nun who persecuted her at school, by humiliating her on an every day basis.
She lamented her schooldays over and over again, and the pain that she went through.
Drink is the ruination of many families, but ussually there are reasons for why people drink too much.
One of them is the lack of life and that lack of life is brought about by a constant barage of either humiliation or embarassment or other type of pain.

My mother was put through this constant level of repetitive pain, both from her mother
and the Nun at School, the Bullie of a Nun, who, in this day and age would have been sacked if it had been one of your daughters.
My personal hatred or anger what ever you want to call it is just one of the motivators for this book.

It's just me, a Son trying to defend his Mother, after all if I had have been there and i seen this woman abusing my mother I would have acted as anyone would have, with anger.
Just the way anybody who loved there mother would have done.
This Woman was part of the famous Woman of which I spoke in the opening pages of the book.

My mother and father were married in the 1950s, although it nearly never happened, due to my fathers bad habits.
You see, my Father had this habit of bringing my mother to bars or the pictures and then slipping outside for a quick drink.
There was one time that he brought her to the a picture house, only to nip out for a quick drink only to end up not returning, getting pissed and leaving her there in the cinema.
This was almost the ruination of whatever it was that they had going.
She refused to answer phionecalls for days and days after this, but my dad would not give up and continued to break down the wall that my mother had built up.
She eventually gave in and accepted his appologies, making him swear never to do that to her again.
She loved him as he loved her.

The history of my family:
Should I continue to stay quite?
Not say a word?
Stick to what my mother used to teach us as kids?
"Dont speak to anyone about your family buissness.
Should I stick to these words of wisdom?
Or should I get out what I have been keeping inside now for many years, for So long?
The Alcoholisim and drug dependancy that plagued my family.
The happy pills, like Valuim and Librium, and Dalmaine, Mogodon which kept my family in total bondage, along with the drink.
The plague which pplagued not only my family but many many others, dozens and dozens of others in old Eire.

You dont have to go too far in Ireland to see the drinking habits that have destroyed somre parts of the nation, not all, or at least thatas the way it would appear, because even the 'well to do' have been ravaged by the effects of drink.
Do you know why it is called the devils brew?
Because it weakens mens spirits and leaves them open to everything that's bad, besides the obvious like the Hallucinations, sickness bad health.

Believe me when I speak of these things, I speak from first hand expieriance, not out of arrogance, for they knowcked that out of me many times before, but from seeing first hand both my paretnts under siege from drink and the Happy pill, Valuim.
I've seen them shake in convulsions, I have seen them, my father mostly, been brought back from the dead by Ambulancemen, who had come to know us by name.

Week after week, I would see them tear each other apart with daming verbal and phisical abuse that would make the hardest of men run.
Living with my family is just one of the reasons that I find hard men so effing amusing, I think they are so funny, for I have yet to see a hard man fetch a basin for his mother so he could suffer the humiliation of seeeing his mothers nakedness as she drunkenly P'eed into the Basin.
There are not hard-men who have not got weak spots which would make them tremble where they stood.
The Human race are flesh, blood and bone, nothing more and most of the ones in this day are without spirit.

To be held down at the age of eight years of age, in a strange Womans home, by your own mother, while she tried her damdest to force you to swallow one of her Valuim, as you wept in convulsion, is a terryfiying expeiraince.
As she screamed at you to "take the pill".
I didn't take the pill, I pretended to take it, and at the first chance that I got i ran froom this wicked wicked woman whose name was Rita Davis, my mother.

Lookin back at that one small incident among the many,I see a woman trying her best to destroy a small child.
Should I remain silent, as I have done for many years and continue to live in fear of the woman who robbed me of my ahildhood and even my mental facilties?
Sometimes I thank her for what she did to me, So that I could clearly see just how ridiculous humanity is and has become, and how ridiculous the captains and the colonels, Seargents, Priests, Police, Bishops all are, as they destroy them selves and their families with their own man made rules in which they have so much pride.

I see life in a very strange way.
I see their uniforms as an extension of their childhood which they have taken into their adulthood, in order to play the games they onced played as children.

I see them all as a farce that has to be played out to the full.
You can all thank my mother for the book that you read, at least the personal aspects.
Anything to Do with the God that I believe in is inspired by him.
I think of my self as a spiritual person I have been from a very early age.
I believed for a time and then I lost my faith at the age of seventeen.
I canott live in this world and not believe.
All the sighns are quite clear, but only to those with open minds and open hearts to believe.
Beliefe is not an easy thing, its easy when you forst get it but to maintain it is not easy.
The people who do not believe canott, no matter how hard they try, they canott bring them selves to believe.
They canott believe that Jesus was and is the Son of God.
A lot of what I say in the following pages are my attempt to give a witness to as many people as possible at once, to as many people as will listen.
I was never very good at giving witness to just one person, so that I feel that I have got to speak the only way that I know how to, and that is this way.
It is what I believe to be true.
I believe that I have a certain obligation to speak about what I know, if I didn'nt then I would be guilty of holding back what I know.
The main message that I have to give is this- leave the church and follow what Christ thought, follow the basic commands as written in the book of Ezekiel 33 where God states that these commands are forever, they will never ever change.
They are something that the people who want to live in the Kingdom will have to livew by if they want to stay in the Kingdom.
I dont want to wreck anyones head with what I believe, but the God that I believe in states clearly that he is one God and One God only, and that there is no other.
He is the only one who claims this, to be the one true God and that all of the rest are a farce and a joke, they are fake and false.

He demands compleate loyalty and devotion and of course, this is not tolerateed among the people of this age, but I have to say to myself, what do people really know?

They have been making a mess of it ever since it all began, world wars one and two and three on the way.
So!I believe there is only one God.
Its just like me anyway to go against popular oppinion, i have never accepted the status quo, and the popular oppinion in this day and age seems to be believe in what ever you want to, for there are many gods.
I believe in the God of Israel, I have done for as long as I can remember and I believe whatever he says.

There is not other God that I wish to worship, and The idea of going to another God leaves me sick inside.
I can't do it.
And this is why I use the term "My God".
I dont say it as if I own him but I do say it out of a feeling of Love for him.
I dont want to turn people off by speaking about what I believe, quite the opposite.
You know!, in a climate of "Keep your beliefe to your self", it's next to impossible to speak of God. and I take a risk in doing so, maybe it will destroy any chance of getting into the music thing, but what of it?
I see everyone around me, seeling out and afraid to speak out and say what is on their minds.
So I think i'll take the initative.
I fyou wish to escape now and get away from this website, then do so now, but I sincearly believe that it will be your own loss.
For not only do I speak of Spiritual matters, but many other things also.

This website and the words on it are a preview to the book that I am attampting to write, I have been writing since the the year 2000.
This book speaks of some personal things to do with my childhood and the way it affected me.
When I was small. I was exposed to racial hatred, which was really strange, because my skin was only slightley tanned, and the Davis family got some stick over their eyes, we where called chinks.
I got inot quite a few scraps growing up, which was quite horendous, because I am not a phisical fighter.
I hated these scraps, I was only six and seven and I would find my self always having to defend my self against these bullies hatred.

As if this was not enough, I had my parents drinking to contend with.
The four of us did.
Damien Morgan, Addrienne, Stephen.
There were four more children but thankfully they died at birth.
They were spared the hell of havinf to deal with two parents who should never have had kid's.
The book also deals with the root causes of the frinking that my parents used to do.
My mothers mother had also been an alcoholic, who embarrased and mnortified her all her young life.
By bringing back people to the house when she was drunk.
In school, she was persecuted bu a Nun who held up her writing to the rest of the class and made her feel uiseless day after day.
She suffered religous persecution at the hands of a Roman Catholic Nun.
She deserved compensation for the pain that this Nun caused , and in turn my mother caused us pain.
And then there where the Homes, Goldenbridge, Lynden, Saint Heleana's, and the beatings that my two brother's and my one and only sister had to endure at the hands of the Sister wretches.
I want compensation fro the damage which they inflicted upon each one of us.
There is no way at this late stage, I am letting go.

They made my family go through hell in this country, this so called holy land, ha, Holy Ireland.
I twas evil which was done to us as children growing up by these Irish Nuns who represented the Holy Roman Empire.

In this book I will try to concentrate on my own family, that suffered due to the Holy Pope and all of His wicked Demons.
That's all they are to me, Demons, Senead O'Conner was so in the right, tearing up that picture when she did, and those who mocked her, were so in the wrong, as time has told.

Those at the top of the Catholic religion may as well have given the O.K. for all of the Child abuse that has gone down in this country by Priests and Nuns and Bishops and Cardfinal, for this reason, they are all to blame, all of them.
These Priests should have been defrocked imediatley.
But they where kept on so that they could do all the more damage to the children of Eire.
Shame upon them all, they have been Judged by the God of Israel for all they have done and this is Prophesy in fulfillment, they are Wihistling at her now and Jeering her.
This is Jerusalem getting what it deserves.
Jerusalem Jerusalem, Slayer of the prophets.

I curse them to their Hell for the pain they inflicted upon my family, even though I do not believe in Hell, as it is totally unscriptural.
They made up this place called Hell, so they could manipulate the Irish people to their own means.
It seems that it has been left up to me to say all that I am saying.
In the following pages you will share in some of the pain that we, as small children had to put with.

I could lay the blame Squarely at both my mother and fathers feet, but thats just too easy.
No!, the blame, it lays squarely upon the harlots feet, the Woman of which I spoke of in the opening pages of this book.She will be revealed to you all and She deserves all that she gets.
The judgement is for her.
This I truly believe.

The title of this book "Four little Orphan's". seems to be a valid title for it.
It deals of course with many other subjects besides just the four of , but I do think that all of these matters are intertwined.

The generations of the mid sixtiesand early to mid seventies have all been made so sick of what goes on upon this Earth.
They have bee fed on a diet of television, tripe on T.V. news wars ammmnd rumours and threats of war now for too long.

They have had enough of the threats and the lies and the deciet of the Earth's So called Leaders.

The eighties were the most depressing years of the century.
There where times when I believed that we where going to go on like that forever, that we where stuck in this horriblle decade.
"The lost decade".

All I remember during that ten years was hearing on the tele, death and death and more death.

Around the world and up in the North of Ireland.

Now they are trying to bring us all to anhialation, with their mass wepons of destruction.
Where will it all end? I ask my self.

It will end in a puff of smoke, due to mankinds stupidity.
It seems as if they have built up their military might just for the final battle.

Who will speak out against the War.

I just wonder if I gave them one more warning, you know?
tell it like it wiol be if they do not stop and take serious note and stop and listen.
I wonder?
Ah maybe not, but at least it is worth one more try.
I know some people will say "Who do you think you are?"
And "What buissness is it of your to give us warnings?"

Peace will be attained if all of Humanity realise that everyone must lay down their weapons.
Everyone, and not just one single group.

I know that these people will say but is not your buissness to give us warnings......
But you see it is my buissness, I have been reading scripture since i was young, I happened to come across a very strange thins which seems to alude to this very time.

The Propheet Ezekiel mirrors exactley a lot of what is happening today.
The Prophet him self was a Priest who was told to tell the House of Israel that they presumed two errors in Gods name.
And for doing this they where told tha they would be publicly humiliated.
The Prophet was given orders to write about, in Dirge, [a drone of a song]
Satan, Pharoah of Egypt, the City of Tyre, The Prophet was told to prophesy upon strings as they had done many times before.

Egypt in Ezekiel mirrors exactley the biggest nation upon the earth right now.
For on, it is built up by many out side nations, who also live there.

Tyre, the city in Ezekiel is a replica of the city of New York.
It is described as a great trading city with a mast of red and blue thread.
There are many likenesses to America and its proud City.
So I write from observastion.If the Lord is speaking of an Egypt in the end days.

I know that no one enjoys speaking of such things, but you cant continue to ignore that the World is in the hands of the destroyers who are on the verge of masss self destruction.
We have to at least take into consideration that maybe just maybe the book of Ezekiel is not speaking of a literal Egypt, but the last nation on the Earth, because the prophet speaks it as a Tree in the last days.

This is the reason whgy I have written a song comparing America to Egypt.
Because of its arrogance and pride is just like that of the old Egypt.
The Lord would never call the last great nation by its known name.

It is only obvious that he would compare it too Egypt.
The last great nation arrogant in its own eyes.

Why do I feel the need to tell you all this?
Maybe it will save lives, I dont know why really, but I know that I canott ignore these things that I have observed and disclosed.

Every time I have tried to put it away and say no! I am bnot writing about any of this again.
Every time I have suffered within my own soul.
It is though I where in some way programmed to speak about things I speak.
But that sounds cold, but it is the only way that I can explain what it is that I am trying to say.

The Earth is in a mess , is there any way or anything that can be done about it's brokeness?
I wonder!

We are beggining to loose control.
But why are we?
The answer- because Love has flown, Love has grown cold.
The Love of the many has cooled.
It's that simple, thge Love that used to be so abundant is just not there.
The World would not be in the condition that it is in if it where not for the lack of love.
The acts of terrorisim are wrong, they are not acts of Love, they are acts of hate.The East and the West are without Love, real love that prohibits such unlawful acts.
These are against God, even if they are done in the name of God, they are wrong.
Real Love that speaks to an individual to say, I dont want to kill another person and I dont want to get revenge, I dont watnt to feel this I'll at ease.
The ill of ease that belongs to hate.
Gods A Love does not belong with this hate which permeates the Earth.
He is angery but his wrath has not yet come.
I believe that I Have a duty to speak of what I know, if i did not, then I would be guilty of holding back what I beleive to be true.
The main message that I have to give is this;
Leave the Church, because God no longer resides there.
Leave the Church and follow what Christ thought, Love your neighbourgh as your self.
Follow the commands as written down in the prophet Ezekiel. 33.
were God states that these commands are for eternity.
I Believe in the God of Israel and I believe what ever he say's, now while some of you may say, but that's childlike to believe what ever he says.
I say, No it's just trust after seeing what he can do and see what he has achieved in this universe.
There is no other God that I wish to worship and the idea of going to another God leaves me feeling sick inside.
I can't do it.
This is why I use the expression "My God".
I dont say it as if I own him, but I do say it as a feeling of love for him.
I truly mean it, he is the only God that I can trust in this most untrustworthy World.
The idea of Worshipping any other God other the one which I do Worship, would be like an act of worshipping Satan.
I dont want to turn people off by speaking about what I believe, quite the opposite.
You know in a climate of such disbeliefe and keep your beliefes to your self, it's next to impossible to speak of God. and I take a risk in doing so.
Maybe it will destroy my career as a musician, but what of it.
I see everyone else around me selling out and afraid to speak out about what is on their minds.
So I think I'll take the initative.
If you wish to escape now and get away freom this web site, then do so now, but I warn you it will be your own loss.
For I do not only speak about Spiritual matters.
But also personal ones too.
This website is a preview of the coming book that will be most likley published at some later stage.
I have been writing these things since the year of 2000.
The book speaks about some personal stuff to do with my shildhood.
And also the way that it affected me and growing up in Catholic Holy Ireland.
When I was small I was open to racial hatred which was really strange because I was only mildly tanned.
I got into a few scrapes growing up, which was quite horrendous, because I am not a phisical fighter at all.
I hated these scraps, I was only six or seven and I would find my self having to defend myself from these bullies hatred.
And as if that wasn't enough, I had parents who where drinking.
I had that to contend with.
The four of us did.
There where four more except they died at birth, they were spared the hell of having to endure what we had to endure.
Living with two people who should never have had kids.
The book also deals with the root cause of alcoholisim, the alcoholisim that my parents had.
My mothers mother had also been an alcoholic, who embarassed and mortified her all of her young life, by bringing people back to the house when she was drunk.

In School, she, my Mother was persecuted by this Nun who held up her work to ridicule and made her feel useless day after day.
She suffered religious persecution at the hands of the Roman Catholic Religion, with their Nuns.

She deserved compensation for the trouble that this demon caused to her health, her mental state of mind was the way that it was because of this bitch and her Mother, and the inability of all of these so called educaters of the System who failed to see her plight, with having to enduer alcoholisim in the home, and then come into School to this mad bitch.
I suppose you could say that I am getting some kind of revenge on those who persecuted my mother.
The Roman Catholic Religion.
This Nun caused my mother trouble and in turn our mother caused us nothing but griefe.
And I want the Pay back thats due from this religion.
We as children ended up in Homes as kide, Home which our Grandmother would put us into........Goldenbridge, Lynden,ST.Heleanas.
The beatings which my brothers recieved at the hands of these bastard Nuns destroyed them too.
I want compensation for the damage that was inflicted on each one of us as children.
There is no way that at this late stage, that I am latting it go, no way.
Somebody made a coment on this site allready, saying there was too much saddness and hate, danm righ there was, but the hate didnt come from me or my family, but from these people who hated us and was out to destroy us one by one, do you really think now at the age I am that I am going to let these people get away with what they did to my family.

Sometimes I feel like exploding with Violence inside me over what was done to us as kids.
They should be made to pay for the damage that they did.
They have made my family go through hell, danm right that there is too much sadness and hate on this site, it wasn't you people who had to endure this sadness at the hands of my family and the sadness that my people where made go through in this God forsaken country, HOLY joe country.
If is was the type to use language, then the site would be covered in it because thats how damaged that I feel that I am due to their abuse on us.
My family suffered at the hands of the Holy Pope and all of his demons, and I can call him that, because I have scripture to back me up, when it singlehandedly condenms the Catholic Religion that you all so lovingly cling to, the God of Israel who has blatantly condenemed this religion in the Book of revelation's Chapter 17 and 18.
Go and look your self and do the wise thing and leave her...........
They have made my family go through hell in this country, Ireland.
But in this book I will try and mainly concentrate on my own family.
You know Senead OConner was right tearing up that picture when she did, and those who mocked her were so in the wrong, as time has told.

Those at the top of the Ctholic Religion may as well have given the O.K for all of the Child abuse that has gone down in this country, by priests who should have been defrocked imidiatley.
But they have been kept on in order to do more and more damage.
I curse them for all of the pain that they put my brothers and sister through.
It seems as though it has been left up to me to say all that I amsaying.
In the following pages you will share in some of the pian that we as small children had to put up with.
I could lay the blame squarley on both of my parents, but thats just too easy.
No the blame lays witht the Ctholic Church and those who did not help in our ordeal, only made it worse by given my parents all kinds of drugs.
No the blame lays squarley on the Woman that I spoke of at the outset of this introduction.

The title of this book "four little orphans".
It seems like a valid enough of a title for this book.

It deals of course with many other subjects besides just the four of us as children, but I do think that these subjects are all intertwined.

The generations of the mid sixties and early to mid 70s have been made sick of what goes on upon this earth.

They have been fed on a diet of television, tripe on TV, NEWS, WARS AND RUMOURS OF WAR AND THREATS OF WAR FOR TOO LONG NOW.

They have had enough of the threats and the lie's and the deciet of Earts where the most depressing period of the century.
There were times I believed that we where going to remain forever in that depressing decade.

All I remember during that ten years was hearing on the tv, death and destruction, where will it all end?
I ask my self.
It will all end in a puf of smoke for sure, if it does not stop.
Death and more Death, around the World up the North of Ireland.
Now they are trying to bring us to the brink of destruction.
It seems like they have buillt up their military might just for the end, for the final battle.
Who will speak against the wars?
I wonder, does it matter at all who speaks out, because it would appear that they never ever listen anyway.

I just wonder if I gave one m warning, you know, tell it like it will be, if they dont stop and take note and stop and listen, I wonder/
Ah maybe not, but it at least it is worth a try. No?
I knwo that some people will say, sure what the hell concern is it of yours?
What buissness is it of your to give us warni8ngs.
Again I repeate my self like a parrott, Peace can only be attained worldwide if every living Human sould abandons his weapons of destruction.

Everyone, not just one single group.
It would seem the nations are on a warpath from which they canott get off.
Their eyes are on the now, they canott aford to thing of the future, thats too far away for these people, and yet if we dont think of the future..........

All of Humanity is defiled say's the Lord Of Israel, who is prepared to come back to me, who is prepared to look towards my Son,
The Earth it would seem is melting away and the elements burning up.
Who can repare this?
No man can ever put back together what they have torn asunder.
Who can possibly fix a hole in the sky?
Who among humanity can possibly fix what seems to have been ordained?
Who among you can stop the elements from burning up?
AS BIG AS MANS ACHIEVEMENTS ARE ,there is none among them who can fix the Sky.
And the rivers?
How can you depolute the rivers and the Sea? When greed of the buissnesmen will not allow for such radical change.
And their motto, live for today for Tommorrow we will be dead."
How can you clean up an Earth with this attitutde?
They do not and will not live for the protection of the Earth.


2004/03/13 05:23


I still love her

A good day to die

Controls to your heart

The night before

Shillingtons Party


Mr.Perry the judge and DR. Resnick

Keep the pace

The laughing Ocean

Tango one

The world and it's lie's

What am I to Do

This train ain't movin'

Goodbye friend


Twin Brother's

She's gone too far

The girl with pretend blond hair

The high handed warriors

The dancin crow


Album Keep the pace Available here only....

keep the pace:engineer, Jean Claude Bayet
Pruduced by Damien Davis and Jean Claude Bayet
Guitar bass and vocals, Damien Davis
violin derek Roe
drums: Andrew Barron+Padar Grange+paul
Piano Keyboard:Deco Grange
Sequencing; Stephen Davis
all songs by Damien Davis
Tango one by Damien Davis, Robert Connolly, Stephen Davis, Turloch O'Reagan:

Glodenbridge:engineered by wascana Jimmie Quinn.
Guitar,vocals,bass, Damien Davis
Bass, Piano, Jimmie Quinn.
Produced by Damien Davis and Jimmie Quinn.

Posted by ex2/damiendavis at 12:23 AM GMT
Updated: Monday, 15 March 2004 12:45 AM GMT
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