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The following examples are my own personally, and for many others:

When found in contempt for not paying Child support for an entire year, the Mother did not have to spend one day in jail. 

When evidence was supplied to the Courts that the Mother's significant other, had sexually abused the Children, the mother was not penalized, and was allowed to continue ongoing visitation. The significant other, was not penalized either, and was allowed to continue to be a part of the visitations. 

When evidence was supplied to the Courts of filthy living conditions in the Mother's home (including video tape, and pictures of cat feces all over the floor, and even on the children's bed), the evidence was objected to and never seen, nor considered. 

The following is a tear-jerker of a letter that I received:

I am not sure if you can help, but we are trying desperately to help
3 children. 
My brother-in-law has three beautiful children under the age
of 12. He has custody of the children and his ex-wife has visitation rights.
She is supposed to pay child support and does not. She has made 1 or two
payments, nothing more. She does not offer any other support. My
brother-in-law and his new wife (my sister), provide all clothing, food,
shoes and necessities. His ex-wife is subjecting the children to abuse.
My brother-in-law has been to court various times, trying to get the visitation either
ended or changed to supervised visits. The courts are not willing to help
because he is the father. Everyone keeps stating that, "no child should be
kept away from his biological mother." His ex-wife's new boyfriend has
touched the children inappropriately, shown them his penis and physically
and verbally assaulted the children. He has told them on a daily basis that
their father is gay, that my husband and I are trying to kill their mother,
their step mom hates them and a myriad of other harmful lies. My brother-in-law is very
stressed because he loves his children and does not know how else to help
them. His ex-wife has been evicted from 4 houses in the last year. One of
the houses, was so disgusting that the landlord took video and photographic
evidence of the deplorable conditions. When my brother-in-law took the evidence to court
to use in his argument to have the visitation ceased, his ex-wife objected
to the evidence and the court would not honor it. The kids always come home
hungry, dirty and sad. Their mother has taken them to the police station
telling them to "tell lies on daddy" or they would never see her again. She
constantly feeds the children lies to tell at school and at the police
station. Her idea of a balanced meal is crackers and a bottle of water.
During the school year, she does not allow the children to do their homework
at her house. They have to wait until they are back at their dad's, after
8:30 pm, which is far too late for them to do homework, eat dinner (which
she is supposed to feed them), bathe and get ready for bed. If my sister
buys the kids clothes or shoes, their mom will throw away the new items.
Their mom has filed several bogus harassment charges against my brother-in-law and my
sister (all of which have been dismissed). She continuously calls Child
Protective Services stating that the kids are being mistreated. She tells
the children that their father does not love them and that he is trying to
kill her, the children and her new boyfriend. Since she does not pay child
support, she was supposed to spend 30 days in jail, beginning today.
However, she is not in jail. She claims she filed for unemployment
compensation and that is why she could not pay. 
If the roles were reversed and the father was not paying
court-ordered support, he would be in jail, no questions asked! The system
is failing miserably! These children are being forced to have visitation
with a deranged person. This woman is an unfit parent. If she had full
custody, I am sure the children would have been removed from the home and
placed in foster care. However, since the father has custody, nobody cares
about how she acts. There has to be someway to help them! We are desperate.
The kids have told their teachers about her behavior. The kids have been
interviewed by Child Protective Services. They need someone to intervene.
Even if the visits aren't stopped, they should be supervised for the safety
and sanity of the children. Please, if you cannot help us, please pass this
on to someone who can! 


(name kept anonymous)


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Last modified: June 23, 2003



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