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  Kara's Web Site


About Me
My Resume'
Fashion 411
Photo Gallery


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Welcome to my Web site!

My name is Kara and I am a college student.  I go to college in the United States and I enjoy the whole learning experience.  The links on the left hand side will take you to other information about me, so feel free to look through them!

My Favorite Links

War Updates and Breaking News

Here are some of my favorite places!

bulletNew York Stock Exchange
bulletAnn Taylor

For the best information about the War in Iraq, check out these sites. 

Support our Troops!

bulletFox News

Photo Album

Equestrian Methods and Teaching

Look at my new online photo album filled with pictures from my favorite things, like horses, orchids, and also from some outdoor adventures I'd like to take!  They're really interesting! Learning to ride English style can be challenging, but with a good teacher you are bound to become a great rider.  It is a rewarding experience for everyone!
bullet Classes At Romra

Home | About Me | My Resume' | Fashion 411 | Photo Gallery

This site was last updated 04/24/03