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*my love life*
Tuesday, 8 July 2003
me and my man
When me and Iovan first met ,we where at the school dance . i had saw him and my eyes where takin . well my friend exxon new him so i had asked exxon to ask him out for me and well he did and iovan had said "if she asks me out " well at the time i did not care... soo i went over to him and ask him , he told me yea and so we where going out for along time i didnt love him at first and i would always break up with him and he would always ask me back out things where bad for him at first and i didnt care . the next year in the next grade things were still the same he told me he loved me and i didnt care cause i new he would alway come back to me . so i would piss him off and things would get better , well i was one of the most popular girl in school ever one new me and i would tell them everthing ( trusted them ) . well one day i told my friend Kelsey that i was going to break up with him and go for benji ( his friend) . i no .i no that is sooo wrong .well i didnt no it but all my friends liked him and they where talking and flirting behind my back well kelsey went and told him he was so mad and i didnt no he new he was flipping out wouldnt talk to me and i chased him down and said why are you being like this he said " you no " i was like no i dont what the fuck are you talking about ? he didnt tell me in till i found out later that day that my best friend Faye was in love with him ??? i was like what the fuck !!! i went up to her in the middle of the lunch room and said in front of everyone "" WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING BITCH , ILL KICK YOUR FUCKING ASS HOE !!! WHY DID YOU AND KELSEY TELL HIM ALL THAT STUFF !!!!!" she said " because he is my friend and if you didnt want him to no you shouldnt of told me .. damn i was hot and cring and everything was bad . i had to talk to him about everthing and so i had this lady that worked in the luch room go to the other side of the lunch room and get him he was coming over to me as i was sooo sad and mad and crying he wouldnt say anything and was laughing ! i was like why are you acting like this he said like what i said this god and he still would not talk to me so i fliped out and walk over to my side and everone was like Chelsey are you ok ? hell no i would repli ,well we worked out our problems and i couldnt trust anyone i didnt have anymore friends cause i wouldnt talk to anyone i mean my life was finally getting back on track i had met this girl named Brittany she was my new best friend i mean i found someone i could trust agian and i moved to a different school my grades where really bad . well when i left a week later iovan was going out with this girl named heather i didnt no cause he was cheating on me ! she was my friend since 4th grade .i found out because i had called her and she asked me if i was finnaly over him i said no and he lost my trust so he was doing the same thing to me that i had did to him now ( it was hell ) he still told me he loved me and it was 2 years ( i was in love i mean badly ) i couldnt sleep . he would sneek over every night and i loved him .. i had not had sex still , i was waiting , well one night we where broke up and i wanted him back so i invited my self over to his house and he said ok and asked me if i would let him so out of the blue i said Maybe ~ when i got there it was 9:30pm i was at his cuzins house waiting for him he came home around 11:30pm i ran over there and my friend ( heather was there not his girl friend at the time but my good friend ) we climed in the window and i went up to his bed i was so scared and then it happend he told me he was a virgin and it wa the first time . i was happy . i thought we would be together for ever after that he ment more to me then ever after that ..a month rolled around and i was being a bitch cause i was pmsing and i hung up on him ,he called back and said it is over !! i was so scared of being alone i freeked .. well no details but it was bad and i didnt get over it he wouldnt talk to me and so to get him back i had his best friend benji come over to my house and things happend but we didnt do it and my best friend brittany went over to iovans house and i had left to go to MI, when i found out that brittany and iovan where having sex together .. is that enough to kill some one ( god the pain ) i told her i was going to kill her when i got home but i didnt even both to see her . well when i was in MI i started going out with Todd . i really liked him but not love yet ) well i came home and talked to iovan and i couldnt resist i had to be his agian so i started going out with iovan and i was happy , i broke up with todd, and iovan broke up with heather and now every thing is great i love him and i am soo happy ..

Posted by ex/iovan_babygurl0 at 8:51 PM
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peace of advice for ones that are PMSing
hey girls ,
dont worry you think that everyone are ass holes and you want to kill them , and on top of that your man and you are not getting along probley right? dont worry talk to them about it and tell them you are sorry butt you cant help it oh try to take premestrl pills they work
~and warn people about when you are going to be on ~
~chelsey ~

Posted by ex/iovan_babygurl0 at 8:50 PM
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welcome to my page
My name is chelsey i live in sarasota,Fl i have 4 sisters and no brothers i go to precision academy for school i am 13 and i have a boyfriend named iovan ( as you will or already have read ) i am in cali. right now and i love it .you will read lots about me in my page if board then comment about what i shuld have to intetane people
~thanks ~

Posted by ex/iovan_babygurl0 at 8:46 PM
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