During the beginning of the last millenium BC, the phonecians began establishing colonies around the mediterranean to compete with the Greeks for trade. The most important Phonecian colony was founded in Tunis, North Africa, named Carthage around 800 BC. Although the home cities in Phonecia were repeatedly counquered and subjigated, the colony of Carthage prospered and expanded to become one of the great powers of the western mediterranean.
True the their Phonecian heritage, the Carthaginans became great seafarers, traders, and colonizers. There is some evidence that they circumnavigated Africa and very questionable evidence that they reached the Americas. They capitalized on the trade of the Iberian silver and British tin . Carthaginian settlments spread across the North African coast, into western Sicily, Sardinia, Corisca, Minorca, and much of spain(Modern Caragena in Spain was called Carthago Nova, or New Carthage) and the Portuguese Atlantic coast(with several trade posts and support harbors). During the fifth and fourth centuries BC they fought with the Greeks for trade and colonies, especially in Sicily. In the third century, they began a clashing with the rising power of Rome.
By tradition, Carthage was founded by Queen Dido, who had fled from the city of Tyre in Phoenicia after her husband was killed by her brother. Even in the days of legend there was a link with Rome, because Aeneas of Troy, the father to the Romans, was the lover of Dido and then abandoned her. In her grief she killed herself, cursing Aeneas and his descendants as she died.
Queen Dido
The Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage were fought to decide which power would dominate the western mediterranean.
The first war(264-241BC) was fought over Sicily. The Romans were not a naval power but built fleets from scratch
based on captured enemy ships. Their first two fleets defeated Carthaginian fleets but were later lost to storms. Their
third fleet completed the defeat of the Carthaginians at sea. The Carthaginians were forced out of Sicily, and lost
control of Corisca and Sardinia as well.
The Second Punic War(218-201 BC) was triggered by the famous general Hannibal, the son of Hamilcar.
Hannibal swore to his father, before his death, to pursue and crush the Romans at all costs. He almost did
so when he marched out of Carthago Nova, across Gaul, and into modern Italy through the Alps with a large,
well-trained army accompanied by several elephant-shock cavalry. During his brilliant 16 year campaign, Hannibal
defeated the Romans at The Battle of Trebia, The Battle of Trasimene
and The Battle of Cannae.
Carthaginian soldiers recruited from among mediteranean cities
Carthage was forced to give up its overseas possesions, pay a large indemnity, reduce its fleet, and become subservient to Rome. By 150 BC the city had recovered and was seen again as a threat. When Carthaginans attacked Numidia, a Roman protectorate, the Romans responded by attacking Carthage once more. This time the city was destroyed utterly and its power broken. A symbolic furrow was plowed through the city and sown with salt to show that the city would not be allowed to revive.
The Babylonians | The Ancient Choson | The Egyptians |The Hittites | The Minonians | The Persians |
The Phonecians | The Senate and People of Rome & The Roman Empire | The Greek Cities | The Carthaginians |