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Historical Empirical Religions

General Community Information

-  Empires came as a result of new agricultural society.

-  Began in 1,000 BCE.

-  A larger amount of people could who could be sustained by a given area of land made empires possible.

-  Population was bound to the soil and the seasons.

-  Empires made trade possible and eventually trade on a large scale.

-  Growth of towns and the unification of large areas into great political units now could come to pass.

-  The Sacred King received a high spiritual position as one who had a special relationship to the divine.

-  Political leaders, such as the pharaoh, where generally deified.

-  Social standings and positions where great during this period.

-  The role of the individual was emphasized more.

-  Large-scale urbanization began.

-  Merging of different cultures and polytheistic religions began.

General Belief Information

Early ancient empirical religiosity's were the formalization of motifs of agricultural religious beliefs.  The earth as the goddess who gives birth to the plants to be harvested, and to whom the dying return, was a very popular deity.  The relationship between the earth and the society was often symbolized as a sacred marriage between the king and the earth goddess herself.  This marriage established the king as the sovern, and acted to deify him.  Polytheism saw it's apex during this period, because many different tribes with different deities came together into a single society in the area.  A heaven was created to imitate the increase in human labor in the city, and the bureaucracy of government. 

Images Copyrighted by & found at Egyptian Picture Gallery.

Example of Ancient Empirical Religion

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