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January 25th, 2003
Rova Farms


"Damn I'm Pretty"

Name: "Crazy" Daisy
Age/Birthdate: 18/ January 3,1984
Location: Manchester, NJ
Hair Color: Right now? burgandy...born brunette, but it's been pink, bleached, bleached with blue tips, and i think i'm going red with blonde chunks pretty soon
Eyes: Brown
Weight: Ask me again and then you'll find out how much my foot weighs after i kick you in the face.
Quote: *i say alot of stuff*

Well, I have been into wrestling as a devoted hardcore fan for about 4 tyears now, and I have been interested in becomnig pro for about 2 years, having been pro almost for 0ne year.

I have been what i like to call a gimmick slut, because i have hasd a bunch in a short amount of time. My first show on October 12, 2001 at Brick HS, i escorted Johnny X and Corrupted Youth, the then Tag Team Champs o ringside where they defeated The Young Gunns, Vengence and Bryan Sexton. My next two shows I escorted out PJ Pierce and i appeared as Jammie.

Most recently, and most importantly, I became Daisy, or Crazy Daisy. After My first show escoterting out the Good Ol' Boys as daisy, I started my training to actually wrestle. I go about twice a week to the dojo, it is awesome. I have really found a mix of everything I love in life. I get to enterain lots of people, and work with a bunch of people that I really liek to hang with. Ron Post is the owner of the awesomest independant federation ever, Empire Wrestling Alliance, and alos my main trainer. One day a week I train with him and the other EWA girls, and then the other day it's one of the everybody days. it's awesme. it's one of those things that once you get bitten, you can never have enough. And I want more!!!

~and maybe one day i'll get a cute little daisy gimmick bio up here.


Fave MOVIES: Mallrats, Cinderella, the Crow
Fave BANDS: Slipknot, 311, deftones, incubus,SONIC OVERLOAD, DYVERSITY,ENTROPY,misfits Korn,Led Zepplin, the Doors, Pink Floyd, SUBLIME!!!!
Fave Singers: Madonna *i so had madonna gloves at prom*, Johnny Lang
Fave SHOWS: wrestling shows, ANYTHING ON WRESTLING, Undressed, Passions, Candy Corner, Saturday Night Live
Fave BOOK: interview with the Vampire, Jane Eyre


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