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I'm getting to work on the links. If you would like to add a link related to any material on this site, please email me.

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:: Greece ::
World Civilizations: Sparta
World Civilizations: Athens
The Ancient Greek World
The Ancient Greeks
Perseus: Greek and Roman Materials
Civilizations: Greece and Rome

:: Rome ::
The Roman Empire
Civilizations: Greece and Rome
Roman Empire
The Life of Gaius Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar: The Last Dictator
The Roman Empire: Julius Caesar

:: China ::
Kongming's Archives
Three Kingdoms (The Novel)

:: Japan ::
Japanese History

Chronology of Japanese History

:: Other Great Sites ::
The Hall of Warriors
Millennial- Fair

Scarlet & Fenril's The Art of War
Ancient Empire Store
The Scholars of Shen Zhou Online Community




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The Hall of Warriors