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Editor: Richard E Armatrout Email
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(President’s Corner continued)
  • SEPTEMBER 7th. Auxiliary meeting night and Inspection, Our District President Sharon will be our inspecting officer. I would like for each committee chairman to have a written report on something you or we have done on your program.
  • SEPTEMBER 12th. District Three Meeting, in Greenville 9 a.m., also happy Grandparents Day to all Grandparents, Don’t forget yours.
  • OCTOBER 1st. Auxiliary Dinner?
  • OCTOBER 9th. Cancer Dance.
  • I’d like to Thank everyone of you who have already paid your auxiliary dues & cancer insurance (Life Members Only) as it stands now we only need 20 more members to be 100 %. Way to go ladies! I challenged the Post Commander Paul on this to see who will reach 100% first. And you know the Ladies are going to WIN!
  • Remember Yvonne Webster, Sharon Sheets, Ann Van Hoose, Annabel Beatty’s family, and Helen Aldridge in your Prayers.
  • To those who are Ill we wish you a speedy recovery. To those who have lost loved ones you have our heartfelt sympathy.
  • God Bless Our Veterans and God Bless the U.S.A. Respectfully,
    Kathy A Atchison
    VFW 8673 Auxiliary President

    Thank You!

  • “A very hearty Thank You to All Our Volunteers, Those Who Attended Meetings and Supported the Canteen!”

    Dole Fresh Vegetables
    Springfield OH

  • Sick Call
    Yvonne Webster
    Ann Van Hoose
    Helen Aldridge

    Final Taps

    Annabel Beatty
    Sharon Sheets

    Final Taps Page

    Gills Meat Market
    Selma Rd
    Springfield OH


  • The canteen is not a place to air Post Business. It becomes disheartening to walk into our Canteen at times and listen to different people complaining about the Post or complaining about how someone said something that made him or her upset. If you feel there is a problem, then take it to the meeting, or discuss it with the Commander or Ladies Auxiliary President. The Canteen is a place for everyone to relax and unwind, not a place to air out dirty laundry.

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