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Princess's Perceptions
Tuesday, 8 August 2006
exit presentation!
I had my exit presentation today... I think it went pretty well.

I presented to a group in St Louis via a net conference where they could see my computer/ppt presentation. The meeting was supposed to start at 2:15, but I was supposed to sign on to the net meeting software to meet sandie and ron at 2. So I tried to log on to the computer at 5 til 2, but then my computer took forever to sign on... So at 2:08 I finally get on, and sandie and ron aren't on! So I start trying to call people and email people to find out what's going on. Finally at 2:14, when i was about to have a nervous breakdown, i got an email from ron saying they were having technical problems and to hold on. Then we started at around 2:20.

At the end, Jerry Eyink (the big wig) said it was the best presentation they had seen this year :-D All the other co-ops presented last week. He also asked me how I had time for all my extracurricular activities and said that the people up there should be taking notes from me. :-D I think that's a good sign. he also said my presentation was very thorough.

In other news... I went to the dentist this morning cuz my mouth was still hurting. They gave me the treatment for dry socket because that's what they think it is. it looked like a little mat of twigs and dirt.. and they put that down in the cavity where the tooth used to be. It hurt like you-know-what when they put it in, but then after it felt good. I have to go back monday for them to take it out. hopefully it will heal and i can eat normally again.

Posted by empire/theprincess at 7:32 PM EDT
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Monday, 7 August 2006
new apartment
i moved my stuff in to my new apartment this weekend. i decided to take my parents twin bed and leave them my queen because the past few years i've felt so cramped because my bed took up all my floor space in my room. so the way my furniture is set up right now, half my room is empty because it's a very large room! i'm going to get a futon, and maybe a table to do my scrapbooking and crafts on for the empty space. i'll still have a good amount of floor space :-)

in our sizable living room we have an awesome bar set up and elmer's supposed to be installing stadium seating this week. it's gonna be a pretty social apartment, i think. i'm excited, next year should be pretty fun.

roman's not moving back to gville with me. i don't have enough time to spend with him (and to keep him from peeing on stuff).

i've been kinda bumming lately cuz i'm hung up on this guy, but a relationship's not really possible right now given the current situation. and i don't even know if he'd want a relationship if it was possible. but at least i haven't tried to comfort myself with food... yet. that's what i usually do, but i'm trying to lose some more weight. i miss him.

i have to give my exit presentation for work tomorrow. kinda nervous. i know my presentation is pretty good, but i'm really uncomfortable with giving it over the computer and phone instead of in person (i'm giving it to people in st louis).

Posted by empire/theprincess at 6:08 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 2 August 2006
healing... i think
today my boss sent me home an hour early cuz i was in pain. he asked me why i didn't take a painkiller and i told him i couldn't until i got home because i couldn't drive after taking one. those things are like having 6 drinks! i can't walk in a straight line after taking one. by the time i got home i felt like someone had used my jaw and skull for practice with a sledgehammer.

on the bright side, i was able to eat a full serving of tuna helper today for dinner. i even chewed a little :-)

i'm a little nervous about my exit presentation next week. since the plant doesn't have video conferencing equipment i don't know how i'm going to do it. it will suck to just do it using teleconferencing. i really wish they'd fly me up to STL to do it. i'd be so much more comfortable presenting to a live audience

Posted by empire/theprincess at 10:19 PM EDT
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Monday, 31 July 2006
video camera!
Started playing with my new video camera today! It's so easy to get videos on the computer and edit them. And they save in MPEG Format so they're easy to share!

And the camera is sooo small... it's adorable. Can't wait to get back to school so i have something to film besides my empty house :-)

still can't eat, but now i have a diversion :-)

Posted by empire/theprincess at 4:09 PM EDT
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Sunday, 30 July 2006
this sucks
absolutely miserable!! i haven't been able to eat for 2 days due to swollen mouth AND naseau (sp?). It hurts all the time, the pain killers don't help that much. i can't even open a water bottle beacuse i'm so weak. this SUCKS!

Posted by empire/theprincess at 9:26 PM EDT
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Saturday, 29 July 2006
new blog
Mood:  down
i'm starting this new blog, i hope i can keep up with it.

been feeling kinda sad the past few days. i've been self-medicating with shopping therapy. i'll get over it, it's hard to pull myself out of a slump in this town where i don't know anybody.

can't wait to move in with mer and jay next year! It will be soooooo much fun :-D

got a new video camera: it's awesome, small, and cute

Posted by empire/theprincess at 12:20 AM EDT
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