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Stellar Crisis Links

This is a meant to be a comprehensive site of all helpful strategic sites or sites of interest for Stellar Crisis players. All sites are reasonably up to date or at least with few dead links. If any were left out or any new pages come available, let me know.

Beginners Guide
Must Read Stategy Sites for all Players
Explanations and Tips for Version 3.0

Stellar Crisis FAQ 2.8

Bird's Blitz Tips

Peter Grauer's Pop Trick Page

Gooseberry's Nuke Tips

 The Guide to Stellar Crisis Etiquette
Play a whine free game! Basis for Blood Game Etiquette

Aggie Lands Stellar Crisis Page
This is one of the best overall sites I have found

Skai's Cloaker Tactics 
If you haven't read this, you have been living in a cave

Gooseberry's S.C. School
The site to read when you have learned how to play and are now ready to learn how to win

Dead Generals Crypt
Close to 30 random tips

Stellar Crisis v3.2.9 FAQ

Explanation of V3.0 Series Variables
Must Read if you want to play 3.0 Games

Morpher Tricks

Morpher Diiferences between Servers

Mad Scientist Series
Series Detail and Strategies

Bestiary of 3.0 Games
Stats of many v3 games on Lug and Stargate
Players Home Pages
Forums and Advanced Tactic Pages
Personal links

If I have missed any updated pages or if any of these become out of date, please let me know

Aztec Empire's Page

Eikoor's Page

Madam Thunderbolt

BigB's Page

Hastur's SC Page


SC Credit Union
HeLLSpawN's Grudge Tournament page

Stellar Crisis Room
All available servers and SC Headlines

Stellar Crisis Lair
Yahoo SC Discussion Group. No Ads!

Yahoo SC Club
Forum with lots of info. Click here for a handy index to some of the more informative early posts

Stellar Crisis Archiveshistory

Gooseberry Rating System Version 1.0
A well thought out scoring system for multi-player games

Gooseberry's Cloaker Trick

SC Advanced Pop Trick FAQ

Listen to Outro *Not available at website
click below - 5 more songs on website


Email Stormer at


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