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Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia

SK Sungoi,
P.O. Box 618,
89208 Tuaran

Jabatan Pendidikan Sabah

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Year 2003

Photo Gallery

Year 1


Year 2 & 3


Year 4


Year 5


Teaching Staff

(Jan - Jun)


Teaching Staff

(Jun - Dec)


Hari Ucapan & Penyampaian Hadiah



Madam Tauin from SMK Tun Fuad has been appointed to be the first headmistress of SK. Sungoi.  Almost 2 weeks after that, Mr. Justin Lohok transferred to SK. Lokub.



Class pictures taken. Year 6 was at Mantob so there were no picture of them taken at that time.



Madam Tauin transferred to SK. Tolungan, Telipok. Mr. Michael takes over until the new headmaster arrive.



Year 6 return to SK. Sungoi. Motivational Camp for Year 5 & 6 held at the school compound which begins on 25th till 26th August



UPSR examination 3 -5 September. Two teachers from SK. Lokub came to watch over the examination



Mr. Peter Miwil came to SK. Sungoi and gave his letter of appointment to Mr. Michael. He is the new headmaster from SK. Mengkabong.



Hari Ucapan dan Penyampaian Hadiah on the last day of school. School holidays began.



Photovoltaic unit has arrive at Sungoi at was set up by selected contractor. The school and each house have one.