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The latest news

  • We leave Bethany at noon on Tuesday, August 5 for vacation and then on to Internship. Our iteneray includes 24 hours in Des Moines, Iowa to visit with Shelly's family, a day in Washington, DC, a day in New York City, a quick visit at the YWAM base where we will be working for 9 months, and finally to Labrador City, Newfoundland, where we will have 3 weeks with my family.

  • Saturday, August 2 - While we were moving our things into storage, Shelly had a little accident where she fell down some stairs. It looks like she just sprained her ankle but please pray for a quick healing as we will be spending a lot of time walking around in Washington, DC and New York City. We thank God that things were not worse and we also had 3 nurses visit Shelly within a 1/2 hour.