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People Who Inspired Me to Create Almalinė


J. R. R. Tolkien - This author was the one who really introduced me to epic adventure. Without reading his books, I doubt that I would have ever created Almalinė. His two most important languages, Quenya and Sindarin, also helped me to create Almalinian.

The Language Esperanto - Although I was tempted to make the grammar for Almalinian be difficult and complex, like Latin, Esperanto helped to keep my feet on the ground so that others could more easily learn Almalinian (and so that I could learn it more easily, too).

The Language Toki Pona - To tell the truth, I was trying to learn this very simple language, but it frustrated me, and I started changing things to make them the way that I wanted. Thus, Almalinian was born, and soon thereafter I began to work on ideas for a culture to go along with the language. If Toki Pona had not made me angry enough to start changing things, there's no telling when I would have actually begun to create Almalinian. And, if you have a really good eye, you can catch small (very small) bits of evidence that Almalinian stemmed from Toki Pona.

My Family and Friends - Even though you might think that this hobby is rather odd, I appreciate your tolerance and (every rare once in a while) your interest.

Myself - Well, the reason why this was so important in the creation of Almalinė is quite obvious.



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