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The Dictionaries


The Extensive English-Almalinian Dictionary is the most informative of the dictionaries. It includes a good deal of the English synonyms for words, all the common adjectives with the ne(n)- suffix already attached, as well as some common noun compounds (such as "prayer-place" for church). This dictionary is the best to use if you want to translate into Almalinian; however, you should learn the part of speech endings and the affixes so that you can make the most of what is given here.

The "One-to-One" English-Almalinian Dictionary includes just one entry for each word that is in Almalinian. For example, whereas the extensive dictionary would give exile, abandon, remove, and forsake each a different entry, even though they all mean líyeni, this one-to-one dictionary puts all the English terms into one entry. This dictionary does not list any of the ne(n)- adjectives, nor does it include any entries with suffixes. It is certainly not good for translating English into Almalinian, but it does, however, give you the chance to see the multiple meanings that a word has. The list is alphabetized by the English words that I consider to be more common (In other words, you would look under "abandon" to find the above entry and not under "forsake".)

The Almalinian-English dictionary is useful for translating back into English. However, it would not be practical to list every form of every word that you would every possibly see in Almalinian, and so you will need to know the suffixes, part of speech endings, correlatives, and grammatical particles to really get use from this dictionary.

The List of Affixes in Almalinian included all the suffixes that are used, such as ata(n)- ("re-"), -cona ("less"), and -clui/-cla ("-ward"). It does not, however, list the endings to determine the part of speech for a word. If that is what you are looking for, see the page on grammar.



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