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ALL About Moi
Sunday, 27 March 2005

Mood:  special
Now Playing: Obsession
1. Name: Soojung
2. There are 3 wells (love, beauty, and creativity) and you can drink from one of them, which would you choose?: love
3. Do you wish on stars?: sometimes
4. Would you kill someone?: no, or at least i dont think so
5. Virgin or not?: for me to know....
6. Who are you jealous of?: I am jealous of anyone who is truly in love
7. Who would you marry?: I dont know
8. Do you think that the people on the Gap commercials are cool?: actually they look cheesy but yet like they are having so much fun!
9. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: yea cause i love to have fun
10. Are you a daredevil?: uh...DUH!
11. Has an M&M ever melted in your hand?: yea but melted M&M's are still good
12. Have you ever told a secret that you swore you wouldn't repeat?: yeah
13. Do you pray?: i try to everday because it keeps me grounded
14. Have you ever met anyone famous?: Mickey mouse
15. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: i dont think so, i think someone has gotten it by now
16. How do you vent anger?: i listen to music, write poetry or go to taekwondo and beat up something
17. Are you trendy?: yes in my own little world
18. Are you passive or aggressive?: both, i might be bipolar
19. Who is your second family?: Jennifer Chong
20. Do you trust others easily?: no even tho i wish i did
21. What was your favorite toy as a child?: my baby blanket
22. What class in school did you think was totally useless?: english
23. What is the punch-line to your favorite joke?: i dont tell jokes
24. Do you think your life so far has been good?: it has had major ups and downs
25. Which was your best Halloween costume?: the teenager
26. Have you ever been on radio or television?: yea i was on tv
27. Do you keep a diary besides angelfire? yea xanga
28. Have you ever intentionally hurt another person?: no
29. Have you ever been in a mosh pit?: no but i looked at one from afar...
30. Do you feel understood most of the time?: no
31. Would you rather have a sore throat or an upset stomach?: throat
32. What is the new saying that you've been using a lot?: HAHAHAHAHHAHAA uh NO
33. What is your all time favorite song?: i dont have a favorite but right now i love Obsession
34. What was the best Christmas present you received?: i dont know
35. Could you be a vegetarian?: no i love to eat all food
36. What word do you use when you think something is good?: YEesss
37. What band has the funniest name?: Hoobastank
38. Would you ever bungee jump?: yeah but i would have to be dragged
39. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?:i never untie them
40. Who is your favorite talented white rapper?: Eminem
41. Do you like beer?: no i am more classy and hard
42.Would u give money to a bum?: yea cause they look so sad
43. What are you worried about right now?: school? homework?college.. my future?life in general lol
44. Do you ever wear overalls?: yea on polk county camo day
45. Do you think you are strong (emotionally)? no but yes cause i hide my emotions well

46. Do you hate anyone?: i try not to
47. Who is your Best Friend?: Jennifer
48. Do you regret anything?: yea but regrets make up who you are
49. Who do you love?: my friends family and boys
50. What are you going to do next?: go eat
51. What is your favorite quote?: If you love someone let them go and if they come back then they are yours
52. Have you ever considered a religious vocation?: yes
53. What's your biggest dream/wish?: to be happy
54. What is the one modern thing you could never live without?: my cellphone
55. Have you ever done anything illegal?: Yes
56. Have you ever thought with another's head?: i dont get it
57. What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy standing on the sidewalk?: i would giggle and run into him on accident
58. What is the most important lesson you have learned about life?: to love others you must love yourself
59. What things are you afraid of most?: the future
60. Are you sure this is the last question?: yea

Written from the soul by emo2/sweetsoojung1810 at 4:18 PM EST
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Mood:  special
Now Playing: Obsession
1. Name: Soojung
2. There are 3 wells (love, beauty, and creativity) and you can drink from one of them, which would you choose?: love
3. Do you wish on stars?: sometimes
4. Would you kill someone?: no, or at least i dont think so
5. Virgin or not?: for me to know....
6. Who are you jealous of?: I am jealous of anyone who is truly in love
7. Who would you marry?: I dont know
8. Do you think that the people on the Gap commercials are cool?: actually they look cheesy but yet like they are having so much fun!
9. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: yea cause i love to have fun
10. Are you a daredevil?: uh...DUH!
11. Has an M&M ever melted in your hand?: yea but melted M&M's are still good
12. Have you ever told a secret that you swore you wouldn't repeat?: yeah
13. Do you pray?: i try to everday because it keeps me grounded
14. Have you ever met anyone famous?: Mickey mouse
15. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: i dont think so, i think someone has gotten it by now
16. How do you vent anger?: i listen to music, write poetry or go to taekwondo and beat up something
17. Are you trendy?: yes in my own little world
18. Are you passive or aggressive?: both, i might be bipolar
19. Who is your second family?: Jennifer Chong
20. Do you trust others easily?: no even tho i wish i did
21. What was your favorite toy as a child?: my baby blanket
22. What class in school did you think was totally useless?: english
23. What is the punch-line to your favorite joke?: i dont tell jokes
24. Do you think your life so far has been good?: it has had major ups and downs
25. Which was your best Halloween costume?: the teenager
26. Have you ever been on radio or television?: yea i was on tv
27. Do you keep a diary besides angelfire? yea xanga
28. Have you ever intentionally hurt another person?: no
29. Have you ever been in a mosh pit?: no but i looked at one from afar...
30. Do you feel understood most of the time?: no
31. Would you rather have a sore throat or an upset stomach?: throat
32. What is the new saying that you've been using a lot?: HAHAHAHAHHAHAA uh NO
33. What is your all time favorite song?: i dont have a favorite but right now i love Obsession
34. What was the best Christmas present you received?: i dont know
35. Could you be a vegetarian?: no i love to eat all food
36. What word do you use when you think something is good?: YEesss
37. What band has the funniest name?: Hoobastank
38. Would you ever bungee jump?: yeah but i would have to be dragged
39. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?:i never untie them
40. Who is your favorite talented white rapper?: Eminem
41. Do you like beer?: no i am more classy and hard
42.Would u give money to a bum?: yea cause they look so sad
43. What are you worried about right now?: school? homework?college.. my future?life in general lol
44. Do you ever wear overalls?: yea on polk county camo day
45. Do you think you are strong (emotionally)? no but yes cause i hide my emotions well

46. Do you hate anyone?: i try not to
47. Who is your Best Friend?: Jennifer
48. Do you regret anything?: yea but regrets make up who you are
49. Who do you love?: my friends family and boys
50. What are you going to do next?: go eat
51. What is your favorite quote?: If you love someone let them go and if they come back then they are yours
52. Have you ever considered a religious vocation?: yes
53. What's your biggest dream/wish?: to be happy
54. What is the one modern thing you could never live without?: my cellphone
55. Have you ever done anything illegal?: Yes
56. Have you ever thought with another's head?: i dont get it
57. What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy standing on the sidewalk?: i would giggle and run into him on accident
58. What is the most important lesson you have learned about life?: to love others you must love yourself
59. What things are you afraid of most?: the future
60. Are you sure this is the last question?: yea

Written from the soul by emo2/sweetsoojung1810 at 4:18 PM EST
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Saturday, 26 March 2005
Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: Obsession the remix by Frankie J
Topic: my day
Obsession the remix
What a day. ok i am mary and i live in POLK COUNTY! yea yea! so let me go find a survey so you can know me too! and by the way me and julieta stole a sign!

Written from the soul by emo2/sweetsoojung1810 at 11:06 PM EST
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