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Jap Jap Jap
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Thu, 3 Feb 2005
_-+=*^*Jap Emo Girl*^*=+-_
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: *^* That Song Niko Got ME Into*^*
Topic: Jap Jap Jap
Well, Im here in computer class.
I decided to go and try this whole blog thing again.
My last blog was a total bust, but maybe this one might turn out to be a bit better...maybe not?
well, im going to leave this blog open, so my baby Niko-sama can come and write as well.
I dont want to be the only idiot writting on here babe. Might as well hold an idiot convention! :D
Anywho, im bored out of my ming right now. i simply want to get school over with so that we can go home and chill. I dont really want to go to that thing we were talkin about. cuz of the reason i gave you. but might as well check if evrything is going fine. :p
And then to top it off, i cant get this song out of my head. aint that simply wonderfull? huh niko?
You kno, ive been thinkin alot these past few days and i think i might be becoming emo again. its kinda scary but i kinda miss it as well. i miss steve. he was my emo bean.
he made being emo fun, not depressive. ah well. maybe i should just go back to being that way i used to be? all colorfull and out there. not caring what the fuck society told me. having them kiss the bottom of my boots while i stomped on their heads? maybe.
or maybe not.
who knows eh? :p
anywho, i should finish up here and see how you're going to be able to access this thing.
talk to you soon babeh.
i love you.

Posted by JapEmoTion at 8:09 AM EST
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