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Hello Driftwood fans, and welcome, to the Driftwood's history. Here you will learn all you need to know about us and how the Driftwood saga began.

It all started a long time ago when Eddie Tobis and Bryan Stoller were in a five person band (still yet to be named) playing at the yearly talent show, performing the likes of "wild thing" and "wipe out" to a small crowd. While this diligent band was doing their thing, another band featuring the now well known citizens, Moss and A.S; was formed. This formation only made an attempt at playing music for they were not, shall we say.....good.

One bright sunny day Moss went over to Eddie’s. Both Moss and Eddie were not happy in their current standings, so they proposed to join forces in what they called a "super band". This band would consist of Moss, Eddie, Bryan and A.S.

After going through various band names such as Suite #2 and Solarium (and of course Eddie’s continuous moronic name suggestions like the classic "presidents of the united states of Africa), the band settled for the name "Stagger", and were to embark on a journey to Queen street west's Kathedral for a Supernova show.

The show was less than stellar and eventually A.S was dismissed from Stagger for personal reasons. He then decided to peruse an acoustic music interest. Shortly after sed incident, Rafi and Hirsch were welcomed into the band, now named "Driftwood".

After winning the Battle of The Bands final at the Loud Sound Development Showcase, Driftwood had a great show back at the Kathedral on Nov. 11 and has recording time booked for mid-December and have finished recording by January.

After great demo sales and writing new songs, Jason Hirsch left the band late May. Driftwood was now without a singer. Driftwood began auditioning many singers, but was not satisfied with the auditions. Moss, was not happy with the speed the band was progressing and wanted to drum for a band that played a heavier genre of rock.

Driftwood now consisted of Eddie Tobis, Bryan Stoller and Rafi Yablonsky. But, it soon became a 4 man band stronger then ever with the introduction of a long time friend Andrew Sasson as Driftwood's new drummer. Andrew was taught by Noah Murad and is very advanced considering he has only been playing for a year and a half! Then Driftwood was finally a completed band once again, when Driftwood took Aaron Rotenberg as their new lead singer almost a year after the leaving of Jason Hirsch. Driftwood is better then ever and is still all about the music.

THE END…? Or so they thought…

Driftwood gently and kindly replaced Aaron Rotenberg, wait that is too obvious, let’s just say A.R. as their new lead singer. Do not worry though, Driftwood and A.R. still play together in the sandbox on Sunday’s where Aaron still makes his delicious mud pies. “Mmmm…those are some find mud pies you got there Rotey.” Thanks Rafi!” replied Rotey, with a twinkle in his eye.
Little did people know back when Driftwood auditioned A.R. they also auditioned Elliot. Eddie went back to the demo tape that they made of his audition and they were blown away. The band is still pondering how they did not notice his voice back then. Well, Driftwood was quick to apologize to Elliot and grabbed him as their new singer. And they lived happily ever after!

Oh and at some point in this story, while Bryan Stoller was skanking down the street, it turns out Driftwood’s trumpet section from their ska days, weren't dead after all. So Bryan left Driftwood and ran away with them and met up with B-Ray and the rest is history. Oh yeah and at one of Driftwood’s practices, Richard Minuk just happened to walk by with his bass and amp and heard some rocking songs coming from Andrew’s basement, he poped in, and started jamming and just never left and Driftwood could never have been happier.

We hope that all of you will check out our demo in the Discography section.