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full name allen kim
corean name kyoung min
church number 3
date of birth august 24, 1984
age 18
nick name turtle, digitek, dreams, and blackboi
height 5'9
where from? 818 valley
sibling two younger brothers
nationality corean
hobbies picking my nose, eat, sleep, and shit

food anything
corean food always and will be kimchee jeegae =D
super hero teenage mutant ninja turtles
games diablo (nothing will ever stop me from playing that game), _____counter/strike, and starcraft
people someone...

the usual stuff...
_____- talking shit behind their backs
_____- stupid people
_____- newbies in counter-strike
_____- newbies in starcraft
_____- newbies
_____- newbies
_____- newbies
_____- newbies

aim k i i m allen, and babo allen
aol iol itz digitek
xanga xanga
home number 818-360-9856
cell number 818-802-2493
pager pagers are gay =\
site started october 21, 2002