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Welcome to TGK's PC Mods

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Welcome to TGK's Raw PC mods                                         xpkGUI link restored. Happy downloading. Site update coming up!

News from TGK

OK Here's some news. I am happy to see that people have interest in RAW modding, and many come to my site for tools and mods, and also to learn. The entire site is falling apart-and I will reconstruct it. So send in all of your complaints, suggestions and reports of broken links at . Hope to hear from you. Let me know your opionions on how the site can be improved. Waiting to hear from you!

Of late, I have been keeping very busy. Any person who frequently visits my site can tell that I haven't uploaded for about a year. However, I will try to be there for you.But I might not be that free.B ut I promise you, I WILL try to stay in touch.

Thank you for visiting TGK's RAW PC Mods. I am sure you have enjoyed the new look of the site. I was unable to update the site for quite some time, but I always try to provide more stuff and at a greater frequency.

There is also a message board. Be sure to check it out.

Also, if you want to say anything...anything at all, put it down in my guestbook.

Also, you will stuff here made not only by me but by other people as well , in such cases FULL credit is given to them, and I take no credit, as I am only providing them. If you have made a mod that you would like to share with us, mail it to me

You are also requested to sign my guestbook, if you have any suggestions or comments regarding this site or my mods. You can also view what other people have to say here.

Also added is my new guide to xpkGUI for beginners. It is in the section xpkGUI 0.30 .

If you want to put up my mods on your site, Email me .

Also, as this site has recently undergone reconstruction, please Email me if you encounter a blind link.

Also, I just got a new chat-room for this site. Please be sure to check it out.

Do tell me whether you like the new look of the site or not. Put it down in the guestbook.

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