You finally figured it out, I'm no Luke Skywalker, I'm not even Luke Perry.

    5-17-04... Uploaded another Supra meet in Vallejo here and uploaded my half clear/ half red door light picture.
    3-24-04... Talked about my missing faceplate
    2-24-04... Uploaded Vallejo Meet pictures here . Just realized I put 20,000 miles on the mk3 since I originally got it.
    12-11-03... 300zx is sold. Damn everyone that lowballed me... Supermonitor isn't working, car is hard to start on cold mornings, my spare tire well keeps on filling up with water after the rain, added turbo sticker and something in the rear rattles after a bump.
    10-16-03... Changed Katie picture.
    10-04-03... Created another page about why 86.5-88 Supras are the best looking models.

    The Day That The Music Died

    Joey: You have a girlfriend?! I slept with you last night, and you have a girlfriend?

    About a month ago, the Panasonic cq dp171u's faceplate got stolen by some small time thieves outside the main Hayward library. I only parked there for an hour, but during that time someone or group of people managed to open my door, steal the faceplate, duffel bag, car jumper, a lunchbox, a lead pencil and knock the turbo timer off it's stand. I know they were incompetent because instead of taking the car tools in the duffel bag, they only stole the bag and left the tools on the carpet. They also couldn't figure out how to steal the turbo timer, so they just left it dangling. The ashtray, coin box, were opened but not the glove box. Trunk and hood were also not opened during the robbery. I will always remember the good times I had with that player. Shoutout to Zero for trying to sell me a $10 CD player for $40 in my moment of dispair and uncertainty.

    MK3 Supra Model Kit Repainted

    [To others] This is a very unhappy birthday.

    Dawson: I didn't say that. I said I'd been seeing someone.

    Joey: Seeing someone! What the hell does that mean, Dawson?!

    This is the third time I've repainted the model kit. This time the passenger side's a pillar broke off so I glued in a custom one that reads "Tamiya" if you get real close to it. Added a "Toyota genuine parts" sticker on the windshield, a Celica Supra emblem in the passenger side seat and again, all orange and red lenses were pained with glow in the dark paint.

    05/16/04: Another Vallejo Meet Uploaded Here.

    Dawson: I don't know, but the point is, Joey, I broke up with her the second something happened between us. .

    02/21/04: Vallejo Meet Pictures Uploaded Here.

    Joey: How?! How, in your mind?!  .

    Dawson: The first thing this morning. Where do you think I went when I left?
    Me in the far right.

    Joey: I thought you went out for breakfast! I didn't know you were getting up early to go break up with someone else!
    What katie Holmes thinks of 89 and up Supras.

    Dawson: Well, would you rather I didn't?
    A clearer picture of what katie Holmes thinks of 89 and up Supras.
    And no it's not a good thing

    Joey: No! I would rather you weren't involved with someone when we finally sleep together!
    JDM door panel turbo sticker.

    Dawson: Joey, I'm sorry if this ruins the fantasy, but this girl means nothing to me compared to you--
    My Mk3 in the far left again.

    Joey: you should've told me!
    What does this button do? Nothing really.

    Dawson: When? Where?
    Half red/ half clear door lights from an early 90's Nissan Sentra.

    You can also have all clear door lights by using the clear trunk light cover that is in the hatch.

    The reason I removed my little model kit from the dash was because the glue became unstuck and it just fell out. Plus I was going to remove it anyways because I started getting paranoid about this highly improbable sequence playing in my head of me braking real hard and it, the model car, flying off the dash and hitting either me or whoever would be sitting in the passenger seat. That is also the same reason why I don't keep my cell phone holder hinged to the air vents anymore.

    Sometimes some people are so bored with life that the only way they can feel anything is by speeding on the highway.

    It's like Supra owner abuse their cars until it blows up and when it does, they complain about how unreliable it is.

    The counter was at 5420

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    First created 10-04-03
    Last updated 5-17-04

The Katie Holmes pictures were originally from

Dawson: Joey, stop!

Joey: Why? Why stop now?