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I'm not an animal, I'm a human bean!

Monday, 7 July 2003

There's this apple on the computer desk. I don't know WHY it's there..and it's just...STARING at me. It's like 'Eat me Rhodes! EAT ME!' ...And I'm thinking..'..Why the fuck is this apple talking to me?' I told Tot this, and she says I'm crazy.
I'm right, aren't I?
Damn your evil Republican mind reading powers.
(Republicans have super powers. Like the X-Men)-Apollo, Tybalt, and Sandra Delete, in that order.

Posted by ego2/rejectjellybean at 1:13 AM EDT
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Sunday, 6 July 2003

About doing a comic-I forgot. I can't draw. X.x Ah well. I just write a bunch of crap. An online friend of mine drew some of the characters, and will put them on her artsite. YAY! I'll put the link up when she gets it done. I put the link up.

Posted by ego2/rejectjellybean at 3:39 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 6 July 2003 7:30 PM EDT
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Shiznit from the BMB forums!
Heh, and as i said in those earlier threads, the show will probably be utter shit too, like some sort of victorian freakshow "Ooh look everyone, two men kissing, EWWWW!" with a big "GROSS!!!!!" sign flashing on the screen and an audicence laughing

and in the back a yaoi fangirl will be screaming, "take it ALL off!!!!"

...and that girl will be me.
((Talking about Bravo's new reality TV Show, Boy Meets Boy))
"On a related note, Boss, fire ants are NOT 'ants on fire.'"-Fox of Boy Meets Boy..the COMIC.
"Sin is funner. Let's go have post-evil-deed sex."-Fox again.
"Yes, Oh prophetic, lets go get hammered."-Vincent, a guy from a RP I'm involved in.

Posted by ego2/rejectjellybean at 1:21 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 6 July 2003 1:46 AM EDT
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Mocking animes is fun!
It's like a fairy tale, with the prince and her princess. And it's pink. It's a bright pink fairy tale. With lesbians. Pink lesbians. Bright pink lesbian fairy tale. Which is probably a euphemism for a kind of sex that cannot be described without the aid of flashcards.
Written by them kindly folks at Technomancy

Posted by ego2/rejectjellybean at 12:55 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 6 July 2003 3:36 PM EDT
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Saturday, 5 July 2003


You are one unique person! o.o You like things done your way and will not settle for anything else. You have a thing for various weapons and you love to blackmail other people. >D You are very dedicated to your work and have many connections. XD

Which Gravitation Character Are YOU?
Take the quiz at Dare to Dream
You are Akio

Anime - Shoujo Kakumei Utena Character Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla ...*steals Akio's car* I just want his car! Hiro!!!!
You're Hiro Nakano!!! Playing around with your
best friend's heart (even if he falls for you)
is what you do best just for a laugh but you do
care about him so much. Even though you may
not have the ability to sing, you rule at the
guitar. The guys and girls love you but you
can't make up your mind on which one is better.

Which Yaoi Character from Gravitation are you?
brought to you by Quizilla I didn't Hiro was THAT pretty!! nagixomi

Your Weiss Kreuz Yaoi Pairing Is...
brought to you by Quizilla Uhh..Cute? Er, I was hoping for Schuldig/Farfarello..Or something.
Kaworu x Shinji from Neon Genesis Evangelion.

What Hinted Shounen-ai (Yaoi) Couple Is Your Cup of Tea?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by ego2/rejectjellybean at 6:23 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 5 July 2003 7:20 PM EDT
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Have I mentioned how much I hate summer break?
I do. Most of the time. I have nothing to do. Gaaarg. On a different note, I think I'll be starting my webcomic soon. Although all the comics I've done recently are stick-fiqure comics, I think I can start doing some 'serious' work.

Posted by ego2/rejectjellybean at 5:20 PM EDT
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Friday, 4 July 2003

Webcomics have consumed my soul.
Well, they have. I'm currently being obsessed with Grayling, Megatokyo, For The Love Of Yaoi, Boy Meets Boy, and Penny Arcade. Jackie's Fridge is good, too...I've been reading to much of Johnen Vasquez's work though, I'm getting depressed a bit now...Well on a different note, I'm starting to make t-shirts. Most in bad taste, but there you go. I KNOW the 'I (plane) New York' is a little evil, but I'm me, so there. And by far the best yet has to be "I shoot junk food and eat children." To which my friend replied "Mmmm...babies.." Which sparked the "BABIES! They're chewable!" quote from me. ...I need a Sprite.
~*Background By:*~ * *Thanks for the banner* *

Posted by ego2/rejectjellybean at 5:38 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 9 July 2003 7:29 PM EDT
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