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Low Budget Software

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About The Company

Low Budget Software sells low priced, originally designed software programs. The company was founded in 2001 by programmer John Owen, recently it has branched out into internet sales in order to sell the programs over a larger network rather than just a local shop which is how the company was selling its products.

To browse the products available for purchase click the toolbar on the left of the page

How To Order

Simply click on the link below each product and send the blank email generated to the email address provided, you will then be given details on how to complete the order.

Key Milestones

  • June 1 - Website designed
  • June 3 - Website uploaded & ready to begin sales

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 Low Budget Software ltd © 2007.
For problems or questions regarding this Web site contact [].
Last updated: 03 Jun 2007.


This is a website designed for a HND Assignment and is not intended to be used for any other purpose, especially selling products!