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Natural Drugs for Circulatory Health

Welcome to this presentation of herbal drugs  to help against high blood cholesterole values, reduced blood vessel capasity, high blood pressure, tissue damage in the blood vessels and weakened heart and circulation.

By diseases in the heart or blood circulation, you should allways make necessary lifestyle changes and you must find out if specific medical treatment is necessary. In adition, here are some natural drugs that may help.


HIGH CHOLESTEROLE LEVELS and damage of blood vessels - Hertisan Aid to  lower cholesterole levels, to dilate narrow blood vessels and rebuild damaged vessel tissue.  It may therefore also help aginst weak circulation and poor physical capasity related to high cholesterole and narrow blood vessels. It will further reduce the chance of heart attack due to these factors.

Click here to buy or learn more: Hertisan



HIGH CHOLESTEROLE LEVELS, high blood pressure, poor circulation - Resterol. Support to reduce the total level of cholesterol in the blood. It reduces the amount of LDL (low density lipoprotein), a substance that brings cholesterole to places it should not be, like the inner blood vessel linings. It will increase a little the amount of HDL (high density lipoprotein), a substance that reduces and prevents cholesterol deposits. These effects will in turn also help bring down blood pressure and improve blood flow.

Click here to buy or learn more: Resterol



CONJESTIVE HEART FAILUR - Aventrol: By conjestive heart failur,  the heart is not able to pump enough blood for the requirement of the body, and the circulatory system gets conjested, and the blood pressure raised. This may be due to irregular heart beat or to weak contractions. Irregular heart beat may be caused by lack of the mineral magnesium. When less blood is circulating, the kidneys react by releasing a protein called "rennin" which causes the retention of water and sodium. The conjestion  leads to further failure of the heart. Aventrol is specifically formulated to help with all these problem components. The ingredients in Aventrol have been proven to increase the effectiveness and strength of mitochondria, which are the energy factories that allow the heart to beat.

Click here to buy or learn more: Aventrol



Help to get rid of excessive weight and aquire a better muscle / fat ratio

San Slim kit: The natural drug helps against obesity by these effects: It increases the break-down of fat and and the elimination and burning of the fat broken down. It also increases your energy level so that you get more active. By clicking at this link you will also find an appetite suppresant to be used alone or combined with Body Slim.

Pleace click here to learn more or buy - San Slim



Lipitrex: This natural drug helps against obesity by increasing fat burning, increasing your energy levels, reducing the appetite and reducing uptake of fat and sugar from the intestines.

Please click here to learn more or buy - Lipitrex



Exitor: This natural drug works by increasing fat burning and increasing your energy levels to render you more active than before. This natural drug does not affect uptake of fat and carbohydrates from the intestines.

Pleace click here to learn more or buy - Exitor



Get a better muscle-fat ratio. Feel and look younger - human growth hormone has proved to help regain skin thickness,  muscle intactness, a jouvenile muscle/fat-ratio and other properties of youth:



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Some information about the ingredients in these natural drugs

To see what exact ingredites that is used in each natural drug, please click on the natural drug links

Taurine- In Japan, taurine is used in the treatment of conditions giving low oxygen supply to the heart tissue.  Low taurine and magnesium levels have been found in patients after heart attacks. Taurine has potential in the treatment of arrhythmias, especially arrhythmias caused by low oxygen supply to the heart.  People with congestive heart failure have also got improved heart and breathing function. Another possible circulatory improvements from taurine is blood pressure reduction, possibly related to effects in the renin-angiotensin system of the kidneys, and in patients with high cholesterol levels.

L-Tyrosine- L-Tyrosine is used in the production of Thyroxine, a primary thyroid hormone, as well as by the fabrication of Adrenaline and Nor-adrenaline. Thyroxine increases metabolic rate and controls growth rate. L-Tyrosine is a necessary amino acid in the production of neurotransmitters including epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine. L-Tyrosine also appears to stimulate mildly the central nervous system.

Patients with a Thyroxine deficiency have symptoms including excess weight gain, cold hands and feet, and decreased basal metabolism. L-Tyrosine has been found to assist in optimizing thyroid hormone levels, increased mood, concentration, and productivity.

L-Tyrosine is used to treat conditions including depression or mood disorder, poor coping ability, fatigue, low sex drive, low metabolism, and drug abuse (when combined with Tryptophan). It can also improve endurance under stress and is effective as an appetite suppressant. When taken properly, L-Tyrosine can assist a sluggish thyroid and aid the dieter in losing excess, unwanted pounds.

Magnesium- Magnesium is an essential mineral in vertebrates and is the fourth abundant cation in the body, within the cell second only to potassium. A large number of enzymes require Mg for activation and it is involved with several physiological and biochemical processes including synthesis of RNA, DNA or protein and stabilization of membranes. (Schweigel M, Martens H, Frontiers in Bioscience 5, August 2000) The importance of extracellular and intracellular magnesium has become gradually recognized during the last century. At the present moment, pathologies as common as diabetes, hypertension and abnormal fat content in the blood and tissues are associated with an altered metabolism of magnesium, and this divalent cation is even being considered as a potential tool in the prevention or co-adjuvant treatment of ventricular arrhythmias, coronary heart disease and cirrhosis of the liver, among others. (Yago M, et al, Frontiers in Bioscience 5, July 1, 2000) Magnesium is a microelement that is essential for biological functions and particularly for cellular metabolism. It has a central role in protein, lipid, carbohydrate, and nucleic acid synthesis, and it is important for muscular physiology and nerve excitability. Magnesium has an important role in the stability of biological membranes, it controls immune phenomena, and it activates over 300 enzymes and exhibits antimutagenic effects against genotoxicity. (Bronzetti G, et al, J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol, 19(4), 2000)

Potassium (chloride)- SYMB: K.. A mineral element that serves as both the principal cation in intracellular fluid and an important electrolyte in extracellular fluid.Along with other electrolytes (e.g., sodium, magnesium, calcium, chloride), potassium participates in many functions, including metabolism, cell membrane homeostasis, nerve impulse conduction, and muscle contraction. Potassium, which constitutes 0.35% of body weight, is found in most foods, including cereals, dried peas and beans, fresh vegetables, fresh or dried fruits, fruit juices, sunflower seeds, nuts, molasses, cocoa, and fresh fish, beef, ham, or poultry. The usual dietary intake of potassium is 50 to 150 mEq/day. In healthy people, the kidneys excrete any potassium excess consumed in the diet. In patients with renal failure, congestive heart failure, hypertension, and many other illnesses, serum potassium levels must be adjusted carefully to avoid adverse consequences of deficiency or excess.

Choline (bitartrate)- Abnormalities of the Heart can occur as a result of Choline deficiency:

- Choline lowers elevated Estradiol levels in males.
- Choline is helpful in the treatment of Heart Palpitations.

Hawthorne Berries- Hawthorne berry today is most associated with its widespread use as a tonic for the heart. Specifically, it protects arterial walls, has the ability to dilate (enlarge) coronary blood vessels (the vessels supplying the heart with vital oxygen, blood, and nutrients), and strengthen the heart's pumping ability. Because of these powerful cardiac benefits, it is now one of the most prescribed heart remedies in Europe.

Those people who suffer from angina, therefore, would most likely benefit by hawthorne berry's ability to increase blood flow through the arteries. Additionally, for the same reason, those afflicted with hypertension (high blood pressure) may alleviate their condition since narrowed arteries require the heart to work more strenuously in getting blood through them.

People who suffer from tachycardia (rapid heart beating) and cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heart beating) may also find relief. It also has antioxidant properities which may help offset arterial damage from plaque formation and accumulation.

Calcium- It is well known that calcium plays a key role in the contraction of the heart. Each time a heart muscle cell contracts, an electric signal causes a small amount of “trigger” calcium to enter across the cell membrane. Larger amounts of calcium – which are stored in special compartments within the cell – then flood out, activating proteins that perform the contraction. The muscle relaxes when the calcium returns to its storage compartment.

CoQ10- CoQ10 is a powerful, fat-soluble, vitamin-like substance found naturally in all forms of animal life. It is synthesized in the membranes of cells in humans and is vital to the production of energy. It is the power plant of the body that is found in most cells, with especially high concentration in the heart, the organ that requires high levels of energy for normal operation. In addition, it is a potent antioxidant, similar to vitamin E. In its pure form, CoQ10 is a yellow-orange, tasteless, crystalline powder.

Coenzyme Q10 (2,3,dimethoxy-5-methyl-6 decaprenyl-1, 4-benzoquinone) was isolated from cardiac mitochondria by Dr. F. Crane et al. in the U.S. in 1957 and its chemical structure was determined by Dr. K. Folkers et al. in 1958. Coenzyme Q10 is also known as "ubiquinone," a name derived from the word ubiquitous, meaning "everywhere."

As we grow older, the level of CoQ10 in our bodies decreases. This can be due to several factors: the inability of the body to produce or synthesize adequate amounts of CoQ10, an insufficiency of CoQ10 in the diet or the effect of various outside influences such as stress or disease. Low levels of CoQ10 have been reported in people with heart failure, heart muscle tissue disease, gingivitis, high blood pressure, muscular dystrophy, diabetes and AIDS, as well as in people on kidney dialysis, undergoing chemotherapy and people taking statins. Therefore, those who wish to boost their level of energy and their general level of wellness should consider taking daily supplements of CoQ10. Also, people who suffer from risk factors of any of the above diseases or conditions should raise their CoQ10 levels as soon as possible.

L-Carnitine- L-Carnitine is responsible for transporting fatty acids from stored spaces in the liver and muscle tissue into the "powerhouses" of cells, known as the mitochondria. This gives energy to the muscles, allowing them to pump stronger, which in turn stimulates oxygen to circulate more efficiently throughout the body. The increased supply of oxygen continues the cycle – more oxygen leads to more fatty acid being burned for fuel. Instances when oxygen is in limited supply include quick bursting activities and heart failure, when the heart pump is weak and circulation of nutrients is poor.

Raw Heart Concentrate- Supports cardiovascular health.

Thyroid Extract- Some physicians use thyroid extract as an alternative treatment to synthetic thyroid hormones (such as thyroxine and levothyroxine) for people with hypothyroidism. Thyroid extract contains two biologically active hormones (thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyroxine (T3)), whereas the most commonly prescribed thyroid-hormone preparations contain only thyroxine. One study has shown that the combination of the two hormones contained in thyroid extract is more effective than thyroxine alone for individuals with hypothyroidism.21 One doctor reported that in his experience, thyroid extract works better than standard thyroid preparations for some people with hypothyroidism.

Inositol- Necessary for the formation of lecithin; aids in the breakdown of fats; helps reduce blood cholesterol; helps prevent thinning hair.

DEFICIENCY: May result in high blood cholesterol, constipation, eczema, hair loss.

Bromelain- Blood clots that form inside arteries are the leading cause of death in the Western world. Most heart attacks and strokes are caused by a blood clot that closes the flow of blood to a portion of the heart or the brain. No blood flow, and thus no oxygen, means no life to the heart or brain cells. Blood clots kill more than 600,000 Americans every year, yet conventional medicine has largely ignored well-documented methods of reducing abnormal blood-clot formation.

Low-dose aspirin and certain nutrients provide partial protection against abnormal blood clots, but a newly identified clotting factor-fibrinogen-mandates that additional measures be taken to prevent heart attack and stoke. High levels of fibrinogen predispose a person to coronary and cerebral artery disease, even when other known risk factors such as cholesterol are low.

For maximum fibrinogen-lowering effect, the proteolytic enzyme bromelain may be the most effective nutrient supplement.

Chondroitin Sulfate A- Chondroitin sulfate is a glycosaminoglycan. It is an important structural factor in cartilage. It also is found in several other tissues in the body, including tendons, bone, intervertebral disk, cornea and heart valves.

Gentian- Gentian is a flowering plant. The plan contains a violet colored substance that can be used to treat fungus infections, like infection with candida albicans. Gentian further contains herbs that helps against fatigue, and generally stimulate inner body functions, including the functions of the blood vessels.

Methionine- It is needed to release energy from fat. Its actions appear to be particularly important in the heart.

Some other Items

Natural drugs to treat many specific skin conditions - In these two shops, you can find items for prevention and cure of any type of skin problems: Acne, rashes, sun-damage, cellulites, thin skin, edema, rosacea, miscolored skin. You can also find cosmetic and make-up products that also treat skin problems.


CURE OR SUPPORT against many specific diseases - Medicines to be taken by mouth: Acne, aging symptoms, AIDS, allergies, Alzheimers disease/dementia, angina, arthritis (osteoarthritis), arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis), asthma, attention deficit disorder (ADD), breast cancer, burns, carpal tunnel syndrome, cholesterol, cronic bronchitis, chronic cough, chronic fatigue sydrom, cognitive problems, colds and flue, congestive heart failure (CHF), Crohn`s disease, depression, diabetes mellitus type 1, diabetes mellitus type 2, eczema, edema, endometriosis, fatigue, fibromyalgia, hair loss, herpes simplex, hyperlipidemia, hypertention, obesity, otitis media

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OILS, CREAMS, MASSAGE MEDIA, PILLS against rheumatism, skin problems, overweight and more - Here you find many good topical remedies for body massage against rheumatic diseases, stiff and painfull muscles, hurt tendons, troubled joints, skin problems and hemorrhoids. Here are also creams to treat acne, rosacea, wounded skin, irritated skin or skin itching. You also find natural drugs for weight loss and items to maintain general good health.



THYROID DEFICIENCY- Thyax thyroid stimulant: Helps against sluggish thyroid production and associated problems like:  unrelenting fatigue, obesity, cold hands/feet/ears, low blood pressure, yellowish Color on Hands, dry skin and hair, poor memory, depression, sugar cravings, poor circulation, itching or rashes, constipation

Click here to buy or learn more: Thyax


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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These natural drugs are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is nutritional in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.