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The Cow says, Grrr.
No! That's Wrong! Bad Cow!

Monday, December 8, 2003
3:36 pm
Whoa. Haven't posted since like the first week here.
This one's more Informative than my sad attempts at entertainment.
You know my music I got/had up on the right of the page?
Well, that's no more. I don't remember taking it down but it't not there now.
anyway, that's not the point. the point is, I'm replacing it/them.
"With what?" you might ask.
I made them. thaey are mine.
you can see them. all in due time.

Peace out - Bryan

Tuesday, August 19, 2003
6:01 pm
OK, normally I don't post about pointless occurances (who'm I kidding) but i feel I must share.
On August 17 @ 8:41, just outside of Pollard, Arkansas my dad almost killed me. Not by the usual method mind you (with a blunt object), but with his own shiesty driving skills and the efkin' van. He went straight at about 60-70 mph at a 75 degree turn (appx.). Yeah, we hit the field, stopped about halfway through the field upon our stopping Katie busts out with, "Momma, you drive!"

Tuesday, July 15, 2003
11:31 pm
Would anyone mind explaining what the efk is wrong with me? (pronounced: {e}gg-{f}lag-{c}ook, if you can decipher that).
I'm about to leave for college and nothing is exciting at all anymore? have I been to dependant upon television and video games with the intense action and non-stop entertainment that the normally exciting events of everyday life no longer present themselves as amusing....naaa.

you know what sucks?
losing something really cool
especially if you just got it
that's all sheisty and mess.
I'm still feelin it.

only a few people know what that actually means but efk it. nobody reads this anyway. This is just a secondary vent when nobody is online.
I miss people. just people in general.
I don't know why, or moreso WHERE that came from.

I don't know a lot about where this post is/was going. so it's going.....going to end.

Wednesday, February 19, 2003
12:45 am
first post of the's gonna be crap.
by request.........Summer!
there, you're on the page.
the pool's shut down this summer. I ned a job. anybody need a gigalo? that sound like a fun job. but then I need customers.
Idea shot.
I don't know where this post is going, so I'm taking it out to pasture.

Monday, August 12
3:02 pm
sometimes when you're sad, no one sees your tears.
sometimes when you're hurt no one sees your pain.
sometimes when you're happy no one sees your smile.

but fart just one time...

Friday, August 9
10:56 pm
Yeah, I'm here. I'm bored and nobody's on so I've resorted to this to keep me.... something.
Ship him of to Canada.
Eeehhh Boy!
Pool's closed. Stupid shows up on the last day. between the flipping baby and Kevin's shorts, along with the boiling cheese and the damage it caused, I think today was fairly memorable.
Sonic's open. Sonic's good.
What's up Fresh? It's our turn.
Wait, back up like 3 lines. insert -Oh, and the baseball(Sorry Miranda. At least it didn't hit ya.).-
My insides am sad.
I wish someone would, wait, Hey, somebody to talk to.

Sunday, August 4
4:14 pm
That's one L-----O-----N-----G post

Sunday, August 4
4:02 pm
Big, Long, Vacation Post

Day Unos:
Left for PCB with overnight stop @ Montgomery, AL.
I’m typing this on my grandma’s laptop and I suspect this habit will not catch on, or at least last the week. We just left Risco as it hit me that nobody really cares what I’m doing exactly. Being so, the main reason for these posts are to move old carp down and to prove to people that I do post……sometimes.
Just realized that I said carp back there.

I have 16 minutes on the battery of this piece of carp. Yes, carp, I’m saying carp now….I guess.
The battery charged all night and I got maybe 30 minutes on the stupid thing.
OK since the clock jumps more than a frog on speed I’m now down to 8 so off again before it dies.
That was the most pointless post ever.
It even beats the time I screwed up and posted about the chicken ruling Miranda. Sorry again for that.

I’m at 0 min but I’m typing anyway. I’m bored and tired of the road.
afdkgn oash comp just blacked out.
Rejoice a Lighter adapter!!
ARRGGH it’s for a cd player
I’m freaking over the time and saving every 2 lines now.
@%^(@&%&#^* - Expression of feelings at current time. (not like bleeped out either, just random and spazmatic.)
so far I haven’t had to drive so I don’t guess it’s been too crappy just yet. Watch we’ll pull over right now and I have to drive.
Screw Karma!
I miss my electrical outlets. Must have electricity. A phone line wouldn’t hurt either.
At least for the drive.
I’d never make it on Survivor…..
I don’t know where that was going .

Now since taking out the CD drive it has an add. 4 miuntes. Oh-kahay.
Now in Montgomery we’re gonna eat and check in (reverse order). Later. Gotta charge this piece of crap.

The day drones on and my dad doesn’t believe in sushi.
I’m trying to watch t.v. but he can’t decide on what channel he wants to not watch more.
*+ Hermaphroditie!*+ …Steven Lynch is funny. (Comedy Central) Yeah, I know, weird.
Anyway, I’m ‘bout bored into somnia. Yeah, somnia. And my jokes aren’t even funny to me anymore.
THAT truly is a sad thing, not even your own jokes are funny anymore.
I’m going to bed.

Day Deux:
Waffle House Breakfast.
There’s more of these things south of Missouri than there are Casey’s’ in a 100 mile radius of the house.
It’s good though so I guess it’s cool. Arriving in PCB we will me today at around 1 or 2 but we can’t check-in till 3 so I don’t know what.

…you know, this posts’ gonna be my longest one and probably my most boring. I think I’ll write up a blog for Miranda, but given the major pointlessness of the writings so fae…far (don’t like finding the backspace) I don’t know how…anythi g it might me.
Come on na, le’s all get on down.
Do-si-do now
We gonn have a good ti’
Don’t be scurd ‘cuz ther ain’t nuthin ta worr ‘bout
Let ya hur down.
an Squr Dance wit me.

Song of the hour: Eminem – Square Dance

Yes, I am bored.
I’m even conidering playing Deer Hunter. Andrew put it on here last night. But when I do to Batteries will die immideatly preventing any more typeing for the rest of the day.
Yes, I can read your thoughts, and stop wishing the batteries would die.
I’ve already taken out the cd drive to conserve…wait I said that yesterday didn’t I?
Carp I did’t timestamp this time.
Better late than never. Ha! That’s a crock
I’m not explaining because it would take to long and not be funny.
This sucks I’m off.
You may rejoice…

Walked the beach a little and just cameback to the room (very nice by the way) to get ready to go eat. I just realized that I haven’t been putting am/pm on my timestamps. I’ll start if I can remember next time. As for now, screw it.
Just a brief update this time. I felt I should/could because I had to charge this thing again. Getting in tha shower. Later

Day Drei:
9:13 pm
Likely to be the Only post of the day. These’ll prob slow to about 1 every other day or so.
I’m neglecting you people. You would too.
Nobody cares anyway.
I’m goin walking. Maybe I’ll find an Aligator. You’d figure there’d be more, like they’d be in abundance or something. (no seriousness here. I can’t even spell alligator right on my first try.)
I may type when I get in. Then sleep till 2 in the afternoon again. Didn’t even get to the beach today yet. Speaking of which, later.

Day Quatro:
7:55 am
The next moreninig and guess who’s the only one awake.
I been up since around 5. I want to do something.
Being the case I thought I’d tpye a little. Cept I can’t seem to do it right. ….
oh-kay, this isn’t very entertaining either.
we played Putt-Putt last night. And ate at Mikato’s. I can’t think of what kind of restaurant it’s called but it’s Japeneese and they cook the food in front of you and it’s all cool and good and stuff, Yeah.
Kabuki maybe? Prob. not., oh well.
-Music insert-
You know how you look to me.
If love was a crime be a crook to me.
P. Diddy and whoever else – I Need a Girl pt. 2

I’m goingto the balcony. Ctrl+S…pull cord.
It stayed on. You get to come too.
I can see a whole 11 people from here. –picture-
I may or may not post that somewhere on the site.
I put a lot of breaks in here. Why can’t I just use wordwrap?
I have no Idea. I’m weird. I even went back to put one in from a couple of days ago. Tell me that;s not messed up. And I won’t even fix te ; in that’s, or my the/te. Oh well, it’s mee.
I wonder what happened to my other camera (disposable, I’m not responsible enough for a real one.)
I had to open a new one uip for that 11 people shot that I only got like 5 in.
Somebody needs to wake up. I’m getting to the point of trying to play deer hunter. …Help.
I sound a lot different that I thought.
Recorded sound thingy and I sound like a retard.
Sad really.

Day Five
3:07 pm
I’ve stabbed my foot in a sticker bush. They exist on the beach. I managed t jump into one.
Got like 7 of them stabbed DEEP into a single foot. Accident Prone.
It’s all good though. In a couple hours I’ll have eaten and be on me way to Club La Vela
That’s all for now.

11:52 pm
Figured Andrew’d head out ta La Vela w/ me. Surprizing but not disappointing that he didn’t. Very nice place, I highly recommend the “largest club in America” to anyone whenever they’re in the area. Pushing PCB for Senior Trip. This on’es more of an ad than a post –GO TO CLUB LA VELA-
Now that that’s out of my system, I’m sittin here sweaty anf waitin for Andrew ta get off the foot of my bed (playin’ LIVE 2002)
Ice Cream Bars are good. (not sandwiches, bars)
Andrew’s gone.

-Unknown Amount of Time Passes-

Day Finale
1:54 am
Happy Birthday Miranda!

we leave sometime this morning.
no way I’m driving back.
People suck. Last night (final night here) I was stuck in the room. I could have headed out and had some fun, but noooooo. Andrew had to run off on his own while everyone else was after souvenirs or whatever. By the time he showed up Dad was in a big restrictive mood. Says he’s not stayin up or whatever. Turns out he stays up till at least 12:30 watchin Last Castle leavin me sittin around for 2 hours when I could have been havin some fun.
I think I’m officially disgruntled.
and now I’m bored again.
This is gonna be one LONG post.
Now I’m gonn ta ke a LONG nappy nap nap.
It’s sleepy time.

3:21 pm
Just finished discussing with Katie where exactly her imaginary friend, Srh (pronounced “Sarah”) lives. Apperantly her family doesn’t believe in the letter A.
They also live in St. Louis, Newart City (presumably New York) and somewhere near Montgomery in a stilt house, all at the same time.
Just thought I’d mention that.

Comin’ Home
9:55 am
It’s like the 4th I think.
I’ma call up at the pool and make sure I don’t have to work today. My dad decided he didn’t want to take the trip back all in one day. I don’t know exactly when I’m supposed to be back at work. We’ll get in about 2 or 3 so I might stop by and check out the schedule if I get a chance.
That’s about it for now.

You're welcome Miranda.
you and Holli have fun readin this.

Thursday, May 16
7:04 pm
Klomp, Klomp
Klomp, Klomp
- having finally broken free from the cluches of...whatever, the infamous one has return-ed -
Huff Huff Wheeze
ha...hack! eww hairball.
Ok I'm good, methinks.
First order of business: "...highly undependible website..."
Ha! wrong you are. Tis I with one.
Second order: I LIVE. i AM still here, despite popular opinion. this much you might have already figured. That is, unless you are in the same state of shock and disbelief that I assume you are. ...Miranda...Holli, no doubt you are the first two to see this.
enough w/ the orders.

I DoN'T taKe OrdErS fRoM YOu!

dear lord not again. Tell me he didn't break out.
Well I guess you could, but that wouldn't change things. ...or maybe it would. TRY

I sHalL noW CommEnDEar THiS pAGe FoR mE oWN!
wHAt thE!?

- Vaarrrooommm -
- Honk!Honk! -

Cow? ah well, good riddance. But wait,...Parker? didn't know he had a Dodge (I think it was a Dart). Who was that with him though?
Not Sam. looked kinda saintly.
Oh my god, he did it...
Kinda glad I missed it I guess. I'da got blamed for something freaky anyway. 'Luck to ya Parker. and keep an eye out for that cow he's got a wrath like nothin else. more out there than how green he is.

I think that's enough for now though. expect more....around Christmas...maybe New Year's.
Anyway, later.

Thursday, May 16
7:04 pm
The update has come.
Shut up Jack. (assuming jack did it)
Maybe it was Parker.
The layout may be new if Miranda get around to it....Hmm, I'm bored.
Lounging I will be.
And watching some T.V.
Hi Ho the Derry-oh, somebody please shoot me.

The end of my song marks the end of my post.

Monday, May 6
6:04 pm
Hey Everyone. What's new? Stupidism. yes, stupidism. Slammed my head into the bottom of the pool at Jeff. City. Me and some other guys went for State Business Competition. My team got 3rd place overall and I got 5th Indivdual. Got a Gash in my head from the wet concrete (at the bottom of the pool).

Saturday, April 6
10:02 pm
After more than A month of being down my page is back (and nobody cares). The monkeys ran rampant and possesed me to bring this pile of crap back. it may be re-done in the near future. no promises. who am I talking to? 20 bucks, no one. let me know if you actually read this and you might just win a prize. prob. not but there's still a chance. I gues it depends on how soon it is. I'll forget in a week or so. this applies to everyone I know and/or in the general area of current stationing (excluding school authorities if for some reason they still check on this after a month of nothing at all.)
I'm STILL single and currently dateless for my own prom, so If you wanna go, let me know. I'm clueless girls so if there is someone dropping hints I'm not catching on.
This will be the end of my post seeing as I have nothing more to say except that Miranda moved. Check it out.

Friday, March 1
9:41 pm
Yes, I'm back, and uneventful as ever. WElcome all who visit my page. In other words "hi" to nobody. today I dont' feel like using my backspace key ,so i won't. I need something to talk about on here...DESPERATLY. post something of major conflict in the gueestbook and I'll proably respond to it. assuming I get on to read it. (bet that really made you jump at the chance to post, huh!) In not-so-other news, i've decided that my pagwe sucks. but hey, it's better than Luke's ...sorry man.
Anyway, I'm bored again so I'm out.

Friday, February 8
3:23 pm
Yesterday was my birthday.
It was a normal day except the fact that I'm 17 now.
ok I updated. Later.
I'm not feeling very creative right now.

Wednesday, January 16
10:55 pm
Halford is "down w/ teh sickness" (not good). don't expect another post till somewhere around Spring Break, or until I see that someone actually comes to this page. Later.

Thursday, January 10
8:45 pm
First addition since the new year. My page is getting to be "teh suck." (no typo there)

Friday, December 28
8:13 pm
Back after more than 10 days, i finally have something to do when stuck at home. I got a Playstation 2. so far i've beaten Devil May Cry. Good game, but a little short. I suck at NCAA Final Four 2002, Andrew royally whoops me so i'm switching between The Bouncer, and Final Fantasy X. I really gotta get out more.

Monday, December 17
3:53 pm
We didn't have school today.
It RAINED too much. first for me, but I'm not gonna argue. HAHA.

Friday, December 14
3:25 pm
Yes, I am going to put last night's game on my page.
Risco, defeated by Campbell last night, didn't play such a great game. Congrat's. to all the Campbell guys. We (Risco) play Clarkton tonight for 3rd place in the Clarkton Holiday Tournament. We're looking for the win, of course, but also we want a full size locker room and not that I.S.S. room again. It's startin' to get a little too familiar. Oh well, it's all good.
I'm off to go get ready.

Tuesday, December 11
8:32 pm
Kill yourself by forgeting to breatheCrazy Grandpa Stories.

Tuesday, December 11
7:55 pm
To clarify things:
the first and most likely only time I do this - The December 5-6 updates were not made to piss off the entire Holcomb school. However, I am not apoloigzing. I thought it was quite a funny side effect of voiceing my opinion. I'm glad to know so many people really care what I think. I feel all important now. I'll take all the boo-ing and phisical abuse during the game, seeing as that's over. But for future refrences, I like attention, even if it is negative.
Anyway, if you step back for a minute, hopefully you can see that both sides of this conflict made mistakes.
I posted my opinion, which some people are sensitive about, and left it where those people could see. In today's society that can piss off a lot of people...oh well.
The other side, being the people who got pissed at me for this also made a mistake. They took my opinions to be direct offensive words against them, when infact I was promoting my own teammates. I believed we could beat Holcomb. i simply stated that where other people could view it. The opposing force (however that sounds) to myself took my views in a much too sensitive manner.
Anyway, this is getting old. Later

Tuesday, December 11
7:32 pm
The Chikin rules, Miranda.

Tuesday, December 11
12:20 am
Some people look for a reason to be angry.
On occasion, it's fun to be that reson.

Tuesday, December 11
12:06 am
Last night was an outstanding game, as was expected. Final Score: 61-46. Austin got some playing time and went 50% in overall shooting (Way to go Austin!). Greg and Luke both scored around 20 points, and I got more rebounds than normal (I'm not sure of the number). Risco advances to the second round and playes Thursday in a second tournament game against Campbell.
Risco and Holcomb meet again for Holcomb's Homecoming on January 18th, promising to be yet another exciting game. Again, I'm #22.

Sunday, December 9
7:46 pm
new stuff - Bobo's Blogger and Betsy's Page links.

Thursday, December 6
8:58 pm
Another extreme rant of boredom brought to you by myself.
We play Holcomb first round of te Clarkton tourney. All that crying about not having Rickman last time WILL be silenced. Prepare to lose again. we is ready for yall. (prepare to hear about how they won't have Broglin and Lynn, but no word about Parker's ankle, 'cept maybe by Sam.)
Anyway, come see the game, it's bound to be a good'en. I'm #22

Wednesday, December 5
3:41 pm
Responding to the mass demand of 1, I update.
Yar! Our Varsity Basketball team beat Holcomb last night! Ha! that what I thought. Yall gonna lose your homecoming too. (we play again)
To recap the game - Risco lead most of the game, throughout which Rickman didn't play (Holcomb) as well as Risco's shortage of players: Ryan George(sick), Bobby Parker(injured), Dusty Hollis(quit).
Casper got pissed at me because he was hearing things. i thought that was pretty funny. he also had the bright idea to elbow me in the face numerous times (lined up for freethrows).
Don't ever let anyone ever tell you that pain is a bad thing. pain inspires adrenaline. adrenaline is good.
On that note, I'm out.
If you're from Holcomb and are all pissed at me for this, screw off. I don't care.

Friday, November 30
8:22 pm
Yes, I'm back. I have 10 minutes to type this crap before my mom comes up here and royally screams at me for being on the internet w/o asking and how she needs to do stuff on here. I know I haven't updated in a while. so? Nobody Cares. nobody reads this, unless i tell them to go to my page and read my stuff. ('cept Bobo and Miranda) their cool. i know - wrong they're/their/there but i didn't feel like stetching my pinky up to the backspace button. yes i had a year of typing. i still stare at the keyboard about half of the time. i've gotten better though. but waht do you care? i need something interesting to write about.
nothing. any ideas? somebody sign my freaking guestbook. no spanish holli. i still haven't gotten around to translating that. you prob wrote a mexican diss on me and the cow.
speaking of the cow. i'm taking him down if i don't get 3 people saying that he should stay. and that's three of the people who go to my site. that is triple the daily visitation so i'll allow a week or so for this to go on. i know i've threatned this before but I don't have the imigination to update his page that often. all my time is taken up by GTA2 during spanish class. network games rule but 5 people nearly crash it. there are 5 of us that play. i was voted out today. i'm pissed. i'm gonna take a tank to massey's mutiny-rallying self. that or a rocket launcher. fiery death to Pav_420. JHar! (yes, 'jhar' jack.)

Why is Sega advertizing for Playstation 2? anyone have a clue? i'll sell my playstation -original- to anyone who wants it. make me an offer.

Tell me some more songs to put on here. it's more realiable than WinMX or Morpheus and ...that's about it. oh, and somebody might actually visit my site. or not.
Well I'm gonna get off so i'll sign off with this:
sorry i didn't make it to Kennett tonight; my english teacher's a retard.

Saturday, November 24
3:36 pm
Last night I took my grandma & aunt to Cape to go shopping. While hanging around I saw Danielle and Mrs. Fortner (Hey). That's not the reason I'm writing this though. On the way back from Cape there was some road construction going on. Traffic was being reduced to 2 lanes (on the interstate) while waiting in line I discoverd 2 distinct groups of people I seriously hate.
1.) The group of people (and anyone like them) that attempted to pass up the line and jump ahead of around 20 or 30 people in line. My anger, however subsided until I discovered the second group of people.
2.) Anyone who let these people into the line ahead of them, further slowing my progress. the fisrt group should have been made to wait until all traffic on the interstate was gone and then been allowed to get around the construction.
My gripe is finished. I shall leave now.

Thursday, November 22
8:11 pm
Just got back from reading Jack's page.
Dude you scare me more and more each time you update - 's cool though. keep it up.
You need a guestbook too, you'd get k-rad signings. (ripped you off. yar! again.)

On another note, If I find one more page that comes up w/ music and no [stop] button i will find a way to damage it's existance on the net, seriously. you idiots are screwing w/ my music listening. grrr.

Miranda - you need to update, I have nothing new to read.
Thanks, however for signing my book again and giveing me sometihng to write shortly about, here goes:

I nearly killed myself this last summer working at the pool. I've managed to bust my: back, side, arms, legs, butt, and head. oh yes and my man parts too - 'bout killed me, literally, i almost drowned. Obviosly I don't reccommend it.
I will however be making my re-appearance to the pool of pain next sumnmer, as I plan on working there again. spectators - welcome, requests - taken, skill - not on the roster. fun for the whole family.

Wednesday, November 21
4:22 pm
Hey no-one (how is that spelled anyway?) I just got back from basketball practice. Figured I'd check on my guestbook (which doesn't have anything new except for a threat, Ha.) Anyway, I'm extreemly bored and the next person who visits my page really needs to sign the guestbook. Even if it's Miranda or Holli, theirs are always the best anyway. The mass of the rest of you suck anyway. (The exception being anyone who is cool {I assume that was obvious}) Welp, back to my music downloads, which seem to take up more and more of my time.

Sunday, November 18
4:55 pm
Hey-lo. Just finished watching the Final Fantasy movie. It's pretty good actually. Best graphics I've seen in a long time. Pretty good story too. I'd make a cool game. Hard to make, but a cool game. Somebody say something about anything I post or I might just neglect my page altogether. I'm already thinking about shutting down cow's page, if only because I have to be creative to write something.
Also, my up and coming "Funny" page (release date unknown) needs some ammo to fire at people who need to laugh at other people's stupid-ness. Sign my guestbook, and don't neglect to put all. I mean come on, I need something of interest on this crap of a page.
Anyway, Later.

Sunday, November 18
12:08 am
Journeyed to Malden tonight. Boring somebody ask me to go somewhere with them some weekend. I need something to do. Somebody at least pull me over and talk to me. I'm bored (yet, again) and i don't know what to type, or rather I don't feel like it.

Friday, November 16
6:28 pm
My site hits are slowing down (as if they were ever way up there) and slow-ed-ness is not of the good. My page is sad; the Cow is glad, and I am going mad (obviously from those last two sentences). Somebody tell me "hello", "hi", or even "screw you and your little cow too." I is bored and of wanting something to read/do. I will update the cow later. (I have to be creative to do so.)

Monday, November 12
11:22 am
Ha! Success! I've escaped from the class of the infernal one. (I weasled my way out of fourth hour) I am full of smartness. Parker, your link is up. Here, and elsewhere, in the links section. I also stole your links. The Bad Candy one doesn't work, so obviously that was the first one I got (sarcasm, people). Anyway I'm gonna go check on Cow. Wonder if he's dead yet. Hmm..
On second thought it's almost time for the lunch bell.
Welp, later.

Saturday, November 10
6:43 pm
Go to Miranda's ? ? ? ? ? page. the stupid makes a funny.........Don't ask.

Saturday, November 10
6:25 pm
Yes, I'm home on a Saturday night/evening. I want to do something but my truck has a flat. -screw the road to luke's house- On another note, i moved the updates to the top instead of going down like I started doing. I was getting tired of seeing that toboggan thing every time I opened the page. almost as uch as i had the banner ad that does the same. You prob. just got finished closing the annoying thing. I go through it to. i want it gone.

Sunday, October 28
2:02 am
Greetings, and welcome to MY page, 'Recycled Sarcasm'. Note: 'Recycled Sarcasm' is a title, not a theme. The words play no significant role in the construction of this page. However I like sarcasm. It is good, and recycled sarcasm is not only good, but also good for the environment. Enjoy your anticipatidly short stay.
- Udderly Yours: Green Cow

Ok, it's not really my page. It's Bryan's. So sue me. You will not get my greenness! Mainly because 'greenness' isn't a word. Har!

Sunday, October 28
12:37 pm

This is the beanie (or toboggan as some of you may call it) mentioned in the thanks section. Yes, I know it's a bit different - thanking an object on my page. But seriously, who is really reading this anyway? You're bored self, that's who. So I will continue to write what I feel like and, as long as you're this bored, you will continue reading it. *cackle* *cackle* *cackle*

Monday, October 29
2:03 pm
Here I am. Sitting in the orthodontist 's lobby. Ha! I may have to get my jaw broke but I'm not too excited about it-as can be expected. But then again I might not need it done. I'm gonna make this short because I'm gonna have to leave here pretty soon. I'll put some more stuff on here when I can.
Oh yeah If you see me anywhere or if you want to e-mail me or ICQ I will burn a CD for you. I just need a list of songs and $7. The $7 is negotiable. Ask about my discount plan. Later.

Monday, October 29
6:54 pm
Andrew is at his basketball game and I am home alone. Bored is I. The main point of this entry is to say two things:
1. Sign My Guestbook and if I think your page is worthy or you are cool enough I will add your link to my page.
2. I've seen enough pages w/ all the text centered and like bubbly or all rounded off letters that are enourmus (I know I can't spell it right). If this is your page you will not get visited very often by me. You will have to be very cool, or seriously hott for my to put a link to a crappy page like that on my own.
Have a Nice Day.
Or Not.

Thursday, November 01
9:12 pm
Well, Halloween has come and gone and I was in doing nothing. I normally would have been engaging in a war of eggs, toilet paper, and soap. However, my dad got pissed at me again and I was forced to stay in. I hate you all, especially those of you who had fun.
In other news, basketball practice started Monday. It was normal in all sense except for the fact that on Wednesday we practiced in the old Parma gym. That was great...dirt, buckled floors, toilets filled w/ antifreeze and all. I hope we never go back. We will though, next Wednesday. I hope this doesn't become a habit. I have to go now. I am too bored to type stuff that most people won't read anyway. Lates.

Friday, November 02
6:46 pm
Yes, another entry by myself. Yes, I moved GIR down even farther than before. Anyone who knows what/who GIR is wouldn't care anyway, so ignore that last sentence.
The cow has been surprisingly quiet these last few days. I feel he is plotting on me...demon cow. Well anyway, I'm bored. This seems to be a frequent occurance these days. If all goes to plan tonight, I will have a new (well relativly new) picture. I will create a pic page and have one or two in it. If I ever get those pictures from this summer from Jenna I'll put them up too. Until then, assist me in harassing her. Har!

I neeeeed Tacos!
I need them or I will explode!
That happens to me sometimes.

Tuesday, November 06
6:52 pm
You have no idea how incredibly bored I am. Academic Team (Quiz Bowl) just got murdered by Holcomb. Well, Varsity did. JV whooped up on them. Sadly I didn't play on JV (Ha! You'll never hear that again from me). Somebody talk to me. Somebody sign my guestbook. I check that when I get on and i want something new to read, or at least a new link to put on my list. At least that way I have a reason to update this stupid page. I will retire from this for lack of something else to say. No one reads this crap.


This is my page of me. It is boring and interesting and stupid at the same time...minus the interesting part.
Stay, sign my guestbook, maybe read some of this dribbling crap, then go away.

About me
Before you say anything, yes i scanned my driver's licence picture. It was the best thing I had at the moment. I'm not always near a scanner.

Full Name: Bryan Mark Halford
Age: Nineteen
Hometown: Risco
Height: 6'5"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Vehicle: Blue '96 Chevy
Hobby: Makin Music Videos
Status: Single
Occupation: Student
Where at: University of Central Arkansas
ICQ: 11109175
AIM: HalfBryan

(formerly music)

Final Second - I Believe I Can Fly
Final Fifth - Wish You Were Here
Final Sixth - Harder to Breathe

More Page

Picture Page is HERE
Yes, Cow has a page too.
The Goods Page.

cool Peoples' pages
Toxic - Miranda Murphy
Valor Takes a Stand - Jack Whitehead
The Page of Holli Bobo
:: inside my head.. :: - Bobo's Brain
Luke's Page
Betsy's Page - Betsy White
Bobby Bear - Parker's Inate WebLog Jenna Thompson's Page

site Help
-custom text-

the Funny
-Crazy Grandpa Stories-
-deep thoughts-
-something awful-

= Miranda Murphy - doing all the hard stuff on this crap of a page = WinMX - serving my need for constant music = My Toboggan/Beanie - keeping me from freezing in this reversed hell of a room while working on my page = Anyone/thing criticized on this page - giving me semi-verbal ammo to serve as filler = ZSES - letting me stay in this chair and still play my crappy games when I get bored = Anyone and Everyone who Signs my Guestbook = The Green Cow - being green to fit my theme =

Not without satisfying the cow...
...or you could just sign the guestbook.
The latter might be easier on you.


Read the Book of Guest
Sign the Book of Guest