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The Black Cat
Friday, 11 August 2006
Rules of Flirting
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: For Teenagers
Rules of Flirting

Girls: When you want to cuddle with him, tell him you're cold
Guys: automatically move closer to her. (if your stupid then you'll either say" me too " or you'll give her your jacket... don't)

Girls: During a movie, if he puts his arm around you, tilt your head on his shoulder
Guys: lift her chin up and kiss her.

Guys: When she tells you she loves you, look deep into her eyes, give her a peck on the lips, and tell her you love her too... and mean it.

Girls: When you're both laying under the stars, put your head on his chest and close your eyes as you listen to his steady heart beat
Guys: whisper in her ear and link your hands with hers.

Posted by droid/theblackcat at 10:59 AM EDT
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Rules of Flirting
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: For Teenagers
Rules of Flirting

Girls: When you want to cuddle with him, tell him you're cold
Guys: automatically move closer to her. (if your stupid then you'll either say" me too " or you'll give her your jacket... don't)

Girls: During a movie, if he puts his arm around you, tilt your head on his shoulder
Guys: lift her chin up and kiss her.

Guys: When she tells you she loves you, look deep into her eyes, give her a peck on the lips, and tell her you love her too... and mean it.

Girls: When you're both laying under the stars, put your head on his chest and close your eyes as you listen to his steady heart beat
Guys: whisper in her ear and link your hands with hers.

Posted by droid/theblackcat at 10:54 AM EDT
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10 commandments of a teenager
Topic: For Teenagers
10 commandments of a teenager

1. Thou shall not sneak out when parents are
(Why wait that long?)

2. Thou shall not do drugs.
(Alcohol lasts longer, not to mention that it's

3. Thou shall not steal from Kmart.
(Wal-Mart has a bigger selection)

4. Thou shall not be arrested for vandalism.
(Destruction has a bigger effect)

5. Thou shall not steal from your parents.
(Everyone knows grandma has more money)

6. Thou shall not get into fights.
(As for catfights -- just start them.)

7. Thou shall not skip class.
(Just take the whole day off)

8. Thou shall not strip in class.
(Hooters pay more)

9. Thou shall not think about having sex.
(Like Nike says, "Just do it")

10. Thou shall not help old ladies across the street.
(Just leave'm in the middle)

Posted by droid/theblackcat at 10:52 AM EDT
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