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Welcome To The Land of Lindz

How-do?! The names Lindz,like Lindsey, ya that's right. Im just really bored right now and have a lot of time on my hands so i thought, what the hell i'll make a webpage, new and improved. Hope ya'll enjoy!

~*~pLeAsE sIgN tHe FrEaKeN bOOk!!ThAnK YoU~*~
(oh and nothing mean either or else i'll have to lay the smaCK down!)

SiGn My b00k Guestbook by GuestWorld VeIw My b00k

My Non-official Sublime Page!!!!

THEE Official Sublime Site!!!!

this cute lil' thing would be Chino, my kitty cat! ain't she a doll?!?!? she's a black and white manx (meaning she has no tail!)



  • BaK tO mAiN

    AbOuT mE
    AbOuT mE
    SoMe CoOl BaNd LiNkS (that i like)
    cOoL sItEs
    Alternative Website!!
    Northwave stuff
    The Hot Topics Page
    Circus Mag. Page
    Slam City Jam page
    Ride Snowboards
    Trans World-the snowboarding mag.
    Burton Home-page
    Joe's Cartoons
    This is just Funny