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Chronicles Of Ace
Sunday, 29 May 2005
Mood:  happy
Hello everyone. Sorry for not posting, like anyone reading this cares, but I was busy this past week, mainly work. Not much is goin on in my life a few minor problems.
The first being that I've asked this girl out like 4 times. Each time she said no cause we were best friends and it would be weird and a bunch of other crap. He ex, whom she hasn't seen or talked to in years, asks her out twice and she says yes after she tells me she would always say no to him for various reasons. Am I missing something here? Why him and not me? Oh well.
The second is kinda a personal thing. See I've alays been picked on as a kid and although I'm close to my parents they aren't exactly open minded. So in essance I've been alone for most of my life. It wasn't until 10th grade that I actually started to get friends I could trust and count on. But the fact that I was alone for so long make relationships kinda hard. When I'm with a girl I tend to cling more than I should since I'm afraid of being alone again. But that is more of a problem that I need to work on myself, ya know.
Well that's about it, nothin much more. Hopefully I'll post tomorrow with something else.
Later Days

Posted by dragon3/aceashford0 at 1:48 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 31 May 2005 5:59 PM EDT
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Monday, 23 May 2005
I'm Back
Mood:  happy
I'm back! Well I went camping for 2 days which isn't all that long but you get the idea. I had a nice week-end out with two of my close friends. One of which I was hoping to get back together with.
Ok this calls for a small side track to explain. She is an ex-girlfriend of mine whom I was hoping to get back together with. I was affraid that I'd do something stupid over the weekend and screw up us getting back together but I didn't and I was very happy I didn't, but she still said no. Her reasons were understandable and I'm not going to push the subject, but what she sees at the moment is friend me since I've changed a bit since we were last together. But I'd rather her be a very close friend than not in my life at all so I'm not complaining.
Well I'm not sure if there is much else, that seems to be all that is on my mind at the moment. Tikll next post.
Later days

Posted by dragon3/aceashford0 at 12:48 PM EDT
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Thursday, 19 May 2005
Yay! I think....
Mood:  happy
Ah yes another entry to all those who are unwitting enough to be reading this, lol. Nothin much going on yet. I always read my friends blogs and most of the time they're like 5 paragraphs long, but I have a very strong feeling those will be once in a while with me. Maybe not, I may just go off on a tangent about something completely stupid and off the wall. Oh and to warn you now, I have frequent misspellings and gramical errors, I know there are at least 3 in this sentance, lol. Anyways that's it for today. See all of you later.
Later days.

Posted by dragon3/aceashford0 at 4:29 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 18 May 2005
Mood:  a-ok
First entry so I'm just seeing what it's like. I've never done this blog thing before and to be honest I'm not sure if this will even work. I'm not used to being able to do something on the web and it actually work. Well her egoes, we'll see just how lucky I am.

Posted by dragon3/aceashford0 at 3:02 PM EDT
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