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Salina's World
Fri, 20 Jan 2006
Working for the "Dark Side"
Starting 1 February, I will be my battalion's newest retention NCO... I've already been asked if I'm glad that I'm going to be working for the forces of evil, all I have to say is ...
"Luke, I'm you retainer!"

Posted by PetShadow at 17:52 CET
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Thu, 22 Dec 2005

I know it's been a while on the update but sometimes I'm just too tired or too busy to put anything on this.
Tammy and Charlie visited last month. It was fan-too-bue-ler. We had a great time. We went to Frankenstein castle, I'll put up pictures as soon as I get a few for T&C.
This month it's just been hectic because of all the holidays in December. I think the Germans like to save up all their holidays until this month so they can take off the last 3 weeks of the year.
Next month T&C are tying the proverbial knot, to start their new lives together as the Pickers.

Posted by PetShadow at 15:02 CET
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Wed, 23 Nov 2005
Mood:  silly
Tammy and Charlie will be here TOMORROW!!!!

Posted by PetShadow at 16:02 CET
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Mon, 21 Nov 2005
3 days and counting!
Tammy and Charlie will be here soon!

Posted by PetShadow at 10:07 CET
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Wed, 16 Nov 2005
8 Days
Mood:  spacey
Only eight days till Tammy and Charlie are here!

Posted by PetShadow at 09:32 CET
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Fri, 4 Nov 2005
20 days and counting
HOLY COW! (Sorry to anyone in India.) I can't believe that it's the 4th of November already! Tammy and Charlie will be here in 20 days! That's the reason for the title.

I'm SO stoked!

I'm going to see my bestest friend in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD on Thanksgiving Day!
Yes, I said bestest. Get over it.

AND I really really really MEAN the WHOLE WIDE WORLD. I've searched far AND wide and she's STILL the BESTEST! So Charlie BETTER worship her like the demigoddess that she is!
For all the un- / under educated people out there, a demigoddess is a female being,
often the offspring of a god and a mortal, who has some but not all of the powers of a goddess.
And, since she's a Christian, which the Bible says Christians are the children of God,
it seems that it would be correct.
Wow, now THAT's blasphemous!

Posted by PetShadow at 04:26 CET
Updated: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 04:37 CET
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Thu, 27 Oct 2005
Someone Cares

I've been thinking of my friends that are deployed and I stumbled upon this bible passage. I know that most of them aren't religious or spiritual in any way, but it's still comforting to know there's a higher power that cares.

I will lie down and sleep in peace,

for you alone, O LORD,

make me dwell in safety.

Psalm 4:8

Posted by PetShadow at 18:38 MEST
Updated: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 04:31 CET
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Tomorrow is the day sports fans. At 1030 Friday morning, I will be re-enlisting for three more years in the armed services. This will change my end of service date from 9 Aug 05 to 28 Oct 08. At least I'll be getting a big chunk of change for selling those three years to Uncle Sam.

Posted by PetShadow at 04:26 MEST
Updated: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 04:29 MEST
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Tue, 25 Oct 2005
Old friends...
...are good friends. I was chatting online with a good friend from high school, about dang time too. He's now married to his highschool sweet-heart. Way to go Mike! Their wedding picture is posted under the Family and Friends link.

Posted by PetShadow at 20:18 MEST
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Fri, 21 Oct 2005
A Lawn Growns in Germany!

I now have a LAWN! I'm so excited. It's not as

beautiful as my Dad's lawn was when I was growning

up, but it WILL be by next year! GO ME!

Posted by PetShadow at 04:31 MEST
Updated: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 20:35 MEST
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