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The Lady of Various Sorrows' music.

Music is everything. Music makes life worth living. Music IS life.
If you're looking for facts and stuff, quietly turn away. If you find anything in that genre here, it is purely coincidental. This page is just a result of me realizing that I could not set up house on the net, whitout dedicating a portion of it to my favourite bands and artists. This is just me pouring out my heart and soul, trying to express my love for some of the people who mean the world to me, and more.

Mary Bellows latest music news: The Gods of music are certainly smiling upon my little blond (For the time beeing) head at the moment. Not only has PJ Harvey just released her new album "Uh Huh Her", BUT, on the 26. of september, guess who's going to see Nick Cave in concert? ME! THAT'S WHO!(Thank you SO MUCH to my beloved sister, her fiancee and my little niece for getting me tickets for my birthday!! Love you!) And who is releasing a Double Album that very same month? Could it be Nick Cave? YEAH IT IS!!! There is a God, and she's REALLY loving me at the moment!!!

Nick Cave and Pj Harvey.

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