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The Chronicles of Mary Bellows

Hi and hello, and thanx for visiting my very own, special as hell, little webpage. This little neck of the net wil be dedicated to absolutely rubbish, nothing in particular, and stamping out typos everywhere. (Good spelling is a virtue.)And, of course, it had to be pink! Anything else would be sick and just plain wrong!! (Now if I could just find a way to put some glitter on this page, everything would be perfect.)

I'm not even considering boring you with the nitty-gritty details of my little life. Let's just move on, to bigger and better things!And, if you were wondering about the different names I use on different parts of the page.. They are alle me. I've just nabbed different names from Nick Cave songs,names that represent the frame of mind I was in at that particular moment in time.


Aunty loves her little Niece so much!!

My Blog. Fascinating stuff!
