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The Dragon's Lair

*~*__Home__*~*__About Selph__*~*__ Stories__*~*__Pictures__*~*
*~*__Links__*~*__Contact Me__*~*__Friends of Selph__*~*
*~*__Art Requests__*~*__ Toddism __*~*

Welcome to the Dragon's Lair.

Everybody online calls me Selph. I love to write and draw, and I decided that is was time to open my own site to display all of my work, past and previous.

I hope you will enjoy your stay here, and please email me with some feedback on my work, and on this site.


04/09/06 - I finally got around to adding my 2006 pictures to my pictures page (I think there's around 6 new ones)! I started to edit my friends page like I said I would, but soon gave up - I wanna go watch Naruto T_T
2006 pictures added to the 'Pictures' page, and Sam added to the 'Friends' page.

04/04/06 - I had a free lesson at school today, so I decided to update my friends page. It's in serious need of a revamp, as it is VERY outdated. I need to add alot of people, but because I'm not on my own PC, I haven't been able to do that. However, I've managed to update the existing descriptions, so take a look to see if yours had changed ^^
If you're a friend of mine (or at least, consider yourself to be XD ), if you're not on the 'friends' page at present, please don't take it personally! I've got to get around to adding lots more people on there, including: Sam, Spork, Tanookie, Dave, 'Kku, Bee and more than a few others ^^;;
Keep checking back!
Friends page and art requests page updated.

03/06/06 - Wow, another update? Are you seeing things? XD
Well, I got some nice new pictures from friends recently, and I wanted to add them, so there you go, I did! I realise I need to update my friends page (seriously), along with my art and fanfics - just gotta find the time and the energy!
Presents added to the pictures page.

03/04/06 - Sorry about the delay in updates. I hasn't actually planned to update Dragon's Tear anymore now until I completed my domain move and it was on it's own server. But, due to the time it's taking for all that to propogate and clear, I got bored, and made a little update today to one section inparticular that has been neglected for a while... Toddism! I hope to make some new banners and stuff to go with it, so keep an eye out for those!
Huge updates on the Toddism pages.

01/11/06 - w00t, two updates in two days - what's wrong with me? XD
Anyway, I thought my pictures page needed sorting into a better order, so I edited it so that my pictures display in years, descending in the order I did them. I hope now it's easier to navigate ^^
Also, I finished my art request for Jouralto. I hope everything's fine with it!
Art requests page edited, Pictures page edited.

01/10/06 - Just a little update today, but not much going on in the world of me at the moment, apart from all my exam work >.<
Art requests page edited.

12/28/05 - Merreh belated Christmas, everyone! XD
I came to make some more updates, including stories and pics and things, so there's quite a few new things for you to see! I still have a bit more work to do concerning updates, but I'll see to that in the next few days (if I remember XD)
New pictures added to pictures page, new stories added to stories page, review numbers updated to existing stories, art requests page edited, story page image changed, some links fixed

12/20/05 - Gah, I haven't updated here for about two months! O.O
I thought I'd better come and add some new things... I'm sorry about not updating, but my new site Brok3n Ic3 has been taking up most of my time. I'll make sure to keep this as up to date as possible!
Friends page edited, art requests page edited.

08/10/05 - As of today, my Sora obsession has been on-going for 2 years, 9 months and 1 day! w00t! And also today, did some updating ^_~
New present pic added to 'Pictures' page, 'Art Requests' page edited.

05/10/05 - Quick update today, after I got a break from coursework and had some new piccies to put up. Huzzah!
Two new pics added to 'Pictures' page, 'presents' section added to pictures page, along with two pics there, and 'Art Requests' page updated.

27/09/05 - I changed all the main images on all the pages! Well, I kept 'Art Requests' and 'About Selph' the same. I actually worked on this site all night... wow >.<
Main images edited, 'About Selph' edited, 'Contact Selph' page updated, 'Art Requests' updated and 'My Last Breath' added to 'Stories' page.

21/09/05 - Yaaaaay~
I finally got my PC back, and it's working great! Plus... today I have done some SERIOUS reworking! I have FINALLY added all my stories to the site! I knew I'd do it one day! XDDDD
All of my stories finally added and linked, new pictures added to 'Pictures' page, new friend added to 'Friends' page!

16/08/05 - Sorry I haven't been around for a while... I know this site needs some SERIOUS updates, but I'm unable to do them. See, Selph teh Computer Destroyer has yet again melted another computer. So, you're gonna hafta wait until I get my compy fixed >.<
I hope to be back soon!
'Friends' page edited slightly.

06/06/05 - Most of the site is now revamped! I think there's really only the story pages left to do. The I have to put up the actual stories, because they were never actually up here in the first place! *hides*
And I just wanted to say, thanks to my friends, Rikku, Tanookie and JDS for giving me feedback on the site. It's much appreciated! Oh, and some new features have been added to Tanookie's site. Go check out these awesome doodles!

02/06/05 - Okay, I decided to open a news feature to let you know how I'm doing! I decided this site needs a TOTAL revamp, so I'll be working on that for the next couple of weeks. I need a new background, colour scheme, everything! I think I can do better than the layout I have now. So prepare to see some major changes over the next few days or so. Oh, and check out the new banner!
5 new links added, 'About Selph' page completely revamped, banner for the site created, 'Pending Projects' section on the Art Requests page added, Banner making services information added on Art Requests page too