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This is the time

Friday, 1 August 2003

Water as me
Life is liquid
flowing once to the sea
much like life and
the people we try to be
ever growing
as algae on a rock
lokking for a simple place
to put our cocks
we process
information at once
making decisions per se
knowing what the other is saying
smoking peace
along with the pipe
never knowing what went before
or when the fruit is ripe
like water
flow to the sea
into the vast ocean
into the river of dreams
that I express
are but a moment's time
in the web of our redress...

Posted by dragon/williamblacks at 12:07 AM GMT
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This is the time
we are not creatures of habit
as such
let them tell me no more
we are victims of fate as such
and I am a loner
following my own drummer
listening to the beat
felling dumb and not dumber
this is the time
as the clock slips into nothing
ticking away
as my life is gone away
this is the time
that we all look forward to
that moment in time
when we know we're through
we are those people of habit
lights turning off and on
legends of the mind
and when we see that we're not
those superstars of light
life can be unkind
this is the time
gone into the wind
left to our devices and
wallowing in sin
this is the time
once and forever
that we'll be toward the ocean
and walk into the water together...

Posted by dragon/williamblacks at 12:01 AM GMT
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