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Basics of Poker


basic rules of poker?
How is Texas Holdem played?
How is Omaha Holdem played?
What should I expect?
What is a poker tournament?

How is Omaha Holdem played?

The rules of Omaha are very similar to those of Texas Holdem. There are only two differences:
1. Each player receives four hole cards, instead of two. 2. One must use *exactly* three community cards and two hole cards to make one's hand. The second difference is confusing for most beginners. These examples show how it works.
Board Hole Cards Best High Hand
===== ======= ==========
AsKcQc8d2d,, Ac2dJdTh makes ace-hi straight.

AsKcQcJhTd,, Ac2hJd8h makes ace-hi straight.

AsKcQcJhTd,, 3c2dJd8s makes pair of jacks. No straight possible using 2 hole cards.

AsKs8h9d2s,, 4h4dQs4s makes AKQ42 "nut" flush.

AsKs8s9s2s,, 4h4dQdQs makes pair of queens. No flush possible using 2 hole cards.

AsTs8s8h4d,, TdTcAd9c makes TTT88 full house.

AsTs8s8h4d,, Td8cAd9c makes 888AA full house.

AsAc8s8h4d,, Ah2h3h5h makes trip aces AAA85. No full house possible using 2.

AsAc8s8h4d,, Ah2h3h4h makes full house AAA44.

Omaha is usually played high/low, meaning that the highest and lowest hands split the pot. The low hand must "qualify" by being at least an 8-low (the largest card must be 8 or lower). You can use a different two cards to compete for the high and low portions of the pot, and the game is played "cards speak" rather than "declare". Aces can be both low or high, and straights and flushes don't count against you for low. Since everyone must use two hole cards to make a hand, the board must have three cards 8 or lower for a low to be possible. Players often tie for low, and the low half of the pot is divided equally among them. More examples:

Board Hole Cards Best Low Hand

===== ======= ==========

AsKcQc8d2d 8cJcJdTh makes the low hand JT82A which does not qualify as 8-or-better.

3d5h8dTcTs JdThAc2c makes the "nut low" 8532A.

3d5h8dTcTs 3cThAc4d makes 8543A.

3d5h8dAdTs Ac3c5d8h makes T853A, not qualifying.

Ac2c3d4h5s Ad2dThTd makes "nut low" 5432A.

Ac2c3d4h5s 4d5dThTd makes "nut low" 5432A.

5h7h8dAc2c Ad2dThTd makes 8752A, but the nut low is 5432A with a 3 and 4.

On the flop

we had the best possible low, but the turn and river "counterfeited" us.
As in all split-pot games, the real goal of playing a hand is to win both halves of the pot, or "scoop". Thus, hands that have a chance to win both ways are far superior to those that can only win one way.