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this is me lol

Hi, everyone. I'm Clad Ironbeard. AKA James or Jim. I'm the webmaster of this site. It is my first full website. Well, it is my first non-click-edit website. I'm making it all by hand coding the websites together. I believe that it creates character and also shows me what commands do what.

Also I love it here at Missouri Valley College. If your interested in a small but good college visit: Missouri Valley College Website. Hope you enjoy my website.

Well, I have based this website around my hobby, which is Warhammer and 40k. I'm a big fan, however, at the moment I'm apart from my models because I was forced to move. My hobby is not my only interest. I also have an interest in my school work which can be seen by my résumé:

Link to my Résumé

Well if you see a problem or see how I can improve my site just follow this link and I will recieve an email with your comment:

Link to my comment page.

Well, any artist, computer guru, or gamer knows that when your working on projects your area gets messy. I can prove that to everyone with two simple pictures:

my painting table

my gaming shelf

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