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Saturday, 5 November 2005

Posted by david at 12:26 PM CET
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Mood:  irritated
Topic: Is It True?
Is it true that:
blacks are cursed because of a sin commited centuries ago?
Is it true that:
british snakes are not poisonous
but african snakes are deadly?
Is it also true that:
most of the worlds talented youths emanate from Africa?
Is it true that:
the golden brillant sun of Africa is being envied by our white couterparts who experience cold, snowy winter?
Is it true:
that blacks are savages, primitive and uncivilised?
the person that said that owes me 27 head blows.

Posted by david at 11:53 AM CET
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Monday, 17 October 2005
Mood:  sad
Nigeria at 45: An old baby Nigeria is 45,what do you hear; jingles,congratulatory messages and all that boring stuff.Why do i call it boring? Because most of what is said is not true. What program has not been brought into nigeria? Have we not had OFN,UBE, NYSC, PTF, MDG, NEEEDS, NAPEP,ETC. Have we not experienced an oil boom and all the money disappearing and plunging us into debt? Are we not africa's largest oil producer, yet oil communities are being polluted by oil companies? Has most of our money not been stolen by politicians and dictators and put in foreign bank accounts? Have the youths not become tired of this country and gone to north africa crossing the Sahara Desert in a desperate attempt to get into Europe? What have we not seen in this country? Concetration of power between the West and the North leaving out the South East and the South South who produce most of the wealth in Nigeria. The situation that led to the civil war and the first military coup is very much evident in Nigeria today If you look at the South South which before the discovery of crude oil was a mainly agricultural society. The South South has been so degraded thatoil spills have destroyed the once thriving fishing and farming community. Many factors have contributed to this. Nigeria's refusal to call the foriegn oil companies to order. If we take a look at Shell, the fires , pollution and general degradation of the environment in the South South cannot be carried out in Holland where Shell originates from. Another factor that contributes to the youth restiveness in the South South is bad leadership. Even when crumbs are given to the degraded villages, it goes into the pocket of corrupt leaders and we get to see more pregnant men who before they got into leadership used to tie one loin cloth are closets full of designer clothes belonging to them and their wife or wives if he had married thirty-six wives from the thirty six states of nigeria

Posted by david at 2:56 PM MEST
Updated: Saturday, 5 November 2005 11:20 AM CET
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Mood:  cool
Now Playing: Human Beast
Topic: Human Beast
Human Beast
i wonder whether he is beast or human
maybe he is human
maybe he is beast after all
why does he want to take power again?
he killed a person of the people
and gave power to a yes man
he tried to impose sharia on us
telling us it will stop corruption
while he was stealing our oil money
think nigerians, think
this human or beast does not deserve power

Posted by david at 1:20 PM MEST
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