Keller Home Page

Dogs are fascinating anamals. So are cats and iguanas; but this is a dog page, not a cat and iguana page.

The most popular dog breeds

According to Sleeping Dogs, Inc., these are the most popular dog breeds:

Favorite Family Dogs

My favoriate dog is Herman, a silly looking mutt with the body of a golden retriever and the legs of a basset hound.

Mom's favorite dog is Sam, a sweet, hairy, little sheltie. Unfortunately, Sam is no longer with us.

Dog Photo Gallery

It has been said that when a dog and a person live together long enouth, they tend to take on similar mannorisams and chartertics. The following photo gallery shows six dogs and their owners. Your decide for yourself. Photos curtersy of Lands'End catalog.

dog no. 1 dog no. 2 dog no. 3
dog no. 4 dog no. 5 dog no. 6

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