Attention ALL:
Have you ever wondered where we would be without stories in our everyday life? I mean, without the Bible, we'd be... Where? We'd enjoy our lives, sinning freely and ignorantly and being condemned to an eternity in hell. We wouldn't want that, eh? Without the Karma Sutra... we wouldn't have had the Bible, so it's all a chain of events. Most people didn't know the Bible was made by NBC in competition for prime time which was going to be taken away by CBS with their Karma Sutra hour. Really, it was just one big political struggle. But who cares. I've collected some good stuff here, written by your fellow people. Do take time to listen to their feelings.

The Works of Steven "Smiley" Miley
¤ If You're Going To Eat Someone, Eat Them Quick
A touching story into the life of a cannibalistic tribe of women.

¤ The Frog Sorcerer
Another nonsensical biography describing the tragic life of a magical frog.

¤ Gregg Lecters is an Assassin!
Well... He is... Check it out.

¤ My Petition
Steven thinks a lot. He embelishes those thoughts. And what comes out? This.

The Works of Brian "The Sexecutioner" Forster
¤ Brian's Guide To Being Cool
I followed the instructions and my coolness has improved 256.92 percent!! Thanks Brian!

The Works of Kyle "Z" Naugle
¤ The End of a Marvelous Career
Kyle's dog is gay. There's no contraversy there. But what he does in his free time, now, that's where this story comes in.

¤ Useless Facts
Kyle insisted I spread his infamous incredible knowledge with the rest of the world. If you really care, go ahead and click.

The Works of Daniel "No Nickname" Antoon
¤ The Idiot's Guide To Getting Some
I gotta say, this tutorial came in handy also. I got laid 7 times in less than 2 minutes, and boy am I happy.

More to come, hold on.... JEZUZ