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This section is being presented to you by
Magealita, Mistress of Tarot!
We have formed a partnership in this venture,
so please send all your questions to her. You can click on her name above & it will take you to her weblog where you can ask questions once you've signed up with xanga. If you'd rather not do it that way, then please check the dropdown box above for our comment/feedback section & we will get back with you asap.         

  • Wands or Batons refer to matters of inspiration, ideas and intellect, and the excercise of will.
  • Cups refer to creation, love, lust, affection, feeling and all emotional matters.
  • Swords refer to movement, conflict, progress and the establishment of order.
  • Coins or Pentacles refer to material comfort, wealth, commerce and business, stability and security.



    Basic Tarot Spread Explained

    More Layouts Explained
    Three Card Spread
    Nine Card Spread
    Celtic Cross Spread
    Horoscope Spread
    Action Spread
    Tree of Life Spread

    Major Arcana: Full Deck

    Minor Arcana: Full Deck

    Major Arcana Cards Explained Individually

    Minor Arcana Explained: Wands

    Minor Arcana Explained: Cups

    Minor Arcana Explained: Swords

    Minor Arcana Explained: Pentacles

    Alternate Explanation for the Minor Arcana
    You can use both & make a more indepth reading.

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