Grimoire Rituals and Spells

Casting of Sacred Spaces

Besides the circle, there are many other forms of sacred space in which you can do your rituals and spellcasting. I have depicted a few below along with the best type of magick to be done in each.

Triangle Layout


The triangle is a symbol of manifestation. It will increase anything put into it including energy. The three is symbolic of multiplicity, creative power, and growth .

Square Layout


The square is a stabilizing force. It grounds and focuses the physiological system. It is wholeness and totality and also represents the physical plane. It symbolizes the 4 elements and the emotions of compassion, affection, love, and fairness.

Circle Layout


Circles represent the cycle of birth and rebirth. It is the ultimate protection and is representative of all cycles in nature. Birth, growth, Transition and Rebirth. The Godhead. Nothing can penetrate a protective circle.

Cross Layout


The cross represents many things: Strife (the image of two swords crossing in combat), sacrifice to the great work (portrayed by the crucifix), and limitation (drawn as an X, a pictogram demarcating forbidden territory). The spinning cross is considered a sign of utmost divinity. It is also said to represent the four elements mingling to the point of where they are indistinguishable. The cross brings in the perfect balance of feminine and masculine energy. It has an effect on all four elements: earth, fire, water, and air. It is also linked to the heart at the center. It is the one magickal configuration that will absorb any candle color used.

Diamond Layout


This is the symbol of God's Divine Trowel. The building block of the Universe from which all things come. It is the DNA blueprint of the primal force upon which everything is built. To burn candles inside the Diamond is to summon all energies, although they will not necessarily be in balance. The diamond is not for the novice or neophyte. It is utilized best by the masters and those who know and understand energy. Only those who work with energy on a continual basis, like healers, should attempt candle burning in this arrangement. The Diamond layout is used when one wants to create new forms and applications. It is solely for those who have studied intensely and know how to work with energies in their raw and natural states. Do Not Use the Diamond unless you know what you are doing.

Pentagram Layout


The five-point star is the foremost symbol of divine, celestial presentation and symbolizes the highest attainment in the heavens. The upper point of the pentagram, when pointing up, shows the triumph of spirit over matter. The four lower points are assigned to the four elements. An upside-down pentagram symbolizes triumph of matter over spirit, or of base desires over refined sensibilities. It is Star shine amongst the noble gases and carbon compounds of space. It are energy manifested, raw, potential and solid. Stars have a strong religious connotation.

They are representative of higher learning, education and spiritual practices. The pentagram is significantly symbolic in magick. The five points represent the human body. The five is the center, the meeting point of the heavens and earth. It is the four cardinal points with the spirit as center. It represents God/Goddess as the Energy Source. and also the four elements. It is strength, versatility and the Light of the Divine.

When the pentagram is used during magick, it strengthens the energy. It fortifies all within it and creates a higher spiritual field. Visions are a possible manifestation within the pentagram.

Six Point Star Layout


The six-point star is also known as The Seal of Solomon, the abstract of creation. The downward pointing triangle represents the grace of the Goddess or God, while the upward pointing triangle symbolizes the aspiration of the mystic or Magi hoping for a glimpse of the Divine. Their union into one shape symbolizes the successful realization of these energies. The intersecting triangles depict the duality of both masculine and feminine energies. Fire and water combined. As above, so below. Equilibrium and harmony. Protection and Balance. In most cultures, six is known as the 'perfect' number. To the ancients, it is human manifestation upon the physical plane.

Around the traditional hexagram, the points represent six planets, beginning at the top, and going clockwise: Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, the Moon, Mercury, and Mars with the Sun being in the center. This is based on the qabalistic tree of life. The two intersecting triangles blend the perfect polarity of positive and negative energies. It's frequencies resonate to beauty, luck, love, health and things "by chance". This is great for meditation. To burn candles within the six-point star is great for linking the mental plane with the heart chakra. Burning candles in this layout will enhance your own divine aspects and qualities.

Seven Point Star Layout


The Septagram, also called the seven-point star, was chosen by Crowley to be the emblem of Babalon, the "Great Whore" of the thelemic pantheon. This particular spelling of "Babalon" as opposed to "Babylon," derives at least in part from Crowley's use of the system of Enochian magick. The seven-point star affects all the main chakras. It will balance and align most energies. It is the cycle of completeness, security, safety, rest, and peace. Seven recurs often during most ritual practices.

Seven is a highly spiritual number. There are seven knots of spellbinding. The sevenfold principle. Seven zones of earth and heaven. The Tree of Life has seven branches and seven leaves upon those branches. Use it in candle burning with only the highest of intentions. It is excellent for calling upon 'healing' energies.

Visica Pescis


The Visica Pescis is not frequently at the center of attention. It is created by overlapping two identical circles so that the center of each falls on the perimeter of the other. Variants include the emblem for the zodiacal sign Pisces (a divided Vesica Piscis whose parts are connected by a line).

The name itself suggests the shape of a fish and represents the seed, the eye and the birth canal of the Great Mother pouring forth the wonders of manifest existence from the womb of the Supernal realm. This layout is useful for many things such as, understanding divination, rebirth of Spiritual Knowledge, Instinct, Persistence, Determination, Wisdom, Inspiration, Rejuvenation, Ability to Move Constantly, Remorselessness, Never Being Caught Off Guard, Ability to Defend Oneself, Hunter, Survival, Adaptability, Record Keeper, Spiritual Knowledge, Creativity & Intuition, Trust, Strength, Determination, and Persistence.

Spiral  Layout


The Spiral occurs frequently in nature. It is a sacred symbol of life and symbolizes the ideal of infinite growth, of ever striving upwards, not recognizing the limitations of manifest existence. This symbol represents "coming into being" - death and rebirth and the cycle of life. Single and double spirals were among the most sacred signs of Neolithic Europe, and the spiral still plays an important part in magickal workings. The spiral was sacred to the Celtic people and demonstrated the eternal rhythym of life of which we are all a part. This ancient design adorning their most sacred places represents the trinity of life in its many forms. In this layout, place your candles all the way around the spiral, going clockwise and using a protective candle color at the beginning and the end of it. This layout is good for almost any kind of work involving intelligence, healing, and fertility (births, new beginnings, death prayers, growing up, etc.).


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Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

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