Grimoire Rituals and Spells

Love Spells
Grab me and Move Me!


1 pinch of rosemary
2 teaspoons of black tea
3 pinches of thyme
3 pinches nutmeg
3 fresh mint leaves
6 fresh red rose petals
6 lemon leaves
3 cups pure spring water
sugar or honey to sweeten to taste!

Boil spring water, add all ingredients and brew, best done on a Friday, during the waxing moon.
Before drinking, recite this magickal verse:

TO MAKE------------ DESIRE ME.
Drink some tea and say:
LET----------- DESIRE ME!

On the following Friday, brew tea again and share with person you desire, If it is intended, person will soon fall for you!!

NOTE: When using love spells always remember free will.

A Love Spell

You will need: Two candles, one white, one in your favorite color; two holders; a rose- colored altar cloth; a piece of red chalk.

Meditate on what you believe the perfect partner would be like. Now release all these ideas. They are superficialities and could cause you to miss your actual soul mate if you focus on them. When your mind is clear and open, hold the candle of your favorite color: this represents you. Meditate, and visualize the things that you simply MUST have in a relationship. Then speak aloud all the qualities and energies you are willing to bring to an intimate relationship.

Replace that candle on the altar, and pick up the white one. This represents your ideal partner. Speak aloud the essential qualities you desire in a mate, and ask the Goddess to bring you together in this lifetime. Then place the two candles in their holders at opposite ends of the altar. Draw a heart on the center with the red chalk, large enough for both candle holders. Each day thereafter, meditate on the perfect loving relationship for a few minutes, and move the two candles an inch closer together. If you started on the new moon, then by full moon the candles should be touching in the center of the heart. When they meet, draw two more hearts around the first one, raise energy by singing your favorite love song or chanting your favorite love poem, and charge the candles.

Tarot Love Spell

An This spell is done with Tarot Cards. It is an easy tarot love spell to attract your soulmate to you. You will be using visualization as always, plus a pink candle, pink quartz,
cinnamon and red rose petals.


Star card - Lovers card - King of Cups
pink candle
pink quartz
red rose petals

First find a quiet perform the spell. Next lay out the Star card and visualize obstacles that may keep you and your soulmate apart.

Now lay down the King of cups card and visualize everything you'd like to have in a soulmate.

Then place the lovers card in the middle and place the pink candle on top. Surround this with the pink quartz and red rose petals. Light the candle and sprinkle a bit of cinnamon on the flame. Speak from your heart and use your emotions. Ask to find your soulmate, to be with your soulmate, to love your soulmate, for your soulmate to love you in return. Tell the goddess how important this is to you." Let the candle burn all the way down.

You may leave the candle burning and return to it every so often and every time you return sprinkle cinnamon on top of the flame and visualize for a few minutes being with your soulmate, your heart opening,visualizing. Let the smell of the roses intoxicate you. Roses symbolize love and motherly figures.

When the candle has burnt itself out, once again visualize your soulmate, your intent, your need and say " With this spell goddess, I ask you to help me, Show me what I need, So mote it be"


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I am

Wiccan: An it harm none, do what thy will.
Celtic: Honor, Responsibility and Duty Always!
Strength be to me and to thee."
Blessed be!

© The Olde Way