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Create A Character

UPDATE Jan 5, 2005
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I am currently updating things to White Wolf's Character Generator CD Rom. It is suppose to be the most current as to what merit/flaws, Abilities, etc. a character can have. Unfortunately the Generator doesn't tell what book the information comes from. So I am adding the information and trying to cross reference what book it comes from. All the information in this site is according to White Wolf, it just might take me a bit to find out which White Wolf book.

Filling out a Character Sheet really is not all that hard. Generally I do it to get a feel for my character. And to help remember their disciplines and abilities. Since RPing on the internet is less strict than table top or LARPing, I don't tend to slavishly follow the rules. I just use the Character sheets as a guideline. However, if you are filling out a character sheet to play in the White Wolf rooms then you must fill it out by the rules. The following will help you fill out a character sheet. I have included backgrounds, abilities, merits and flaws, etc. for several different kinds of chars. Sabbat, Vampire, Mortal, Ghoul, Elders and even Infernalists. The basics for what you need for a character are listed on these pages. There is alot more information available in the books from White Wolf, so get them as you can.

If you are creating a char for the WW rooms, PLEASE read Rules. Alot of types of chars are banned or restricted. It will also help you with some of the rules that are enforced in the rooms.

Getting Started

Before we start, it is helpful to have a character sheet. It will help you keep track of all the finer points of your character. You can download character sheets for Vampire The Masquerade from HERE.

All clans and bloodlines are listed in the Clans. You can also choose to start out as a mortal and let the winds of fate lead you to your path. Sometimes it is very interesting to start as a mortal and see what happens. At first I always started as mortal and oh boy, did it get interesting at times. Mortals can be Sorcerers, Infernalists, ghouls, retainers, Vampire hunters, dhampirs or just plain mortals in Vampire: the Masquerade. Religious concepts are not uncommon. Mortals can also have Numina, Faith, and Hedge Magic as powers (listed in Discipline section). Dark Sorcery for mortal infernalists. Ghouls, however have Disciplines while Retainers have not. For more on disciplines, go HERE.
The dots you are allowed to take in Disciplines are listed below:
Vampire: 3
Anarch: 4
Ancillae: 6
Elder: 10

Personalities, Abilities, Attributes, Backgrounds

You start with Personalities then go to Attributes, Abilities, then Backgrounds. Each section explains the point system and describes the Abilities, etc.

Freebie Points

Once you have filled out the Attributes, Abilities, etc, you can spend your freebie points on anything you want. Below is the point system and what the extras cost.
In Freebie points you get:
Vampire: 15
Anarch: 18
Ancillae: 15
Elders: 20
Mortals/etc: 21

The cost for each extra dot: (Used with freebie pts only)
Attributes 5 pts per dot
Abilities 2 pts
Secondary abilities 2 pt
Backgrounds 1 pt
Disciplines 7 pts
Humanity 1 pt
Willpower 1 pt
Virtues 2 pts.

You can get add up to 7 more points to your freebie pts if you pick 7 pts in flaws under Merits on navigation bar. If your char is for the WW rooms be careful on this, there are alot of Merits and Flaws they don't allow in the rooms.

Secondary Abilities on the navigation bar are more specialized versions of Abilities. You can spend freebie pts there too.

Are We Done Yet?

Virtues, Humanity, Bloodpool

Not quite, you still have to pick these. How much you can control yourself, how courageous you are, etc. Sabbat: You are given 1 dot in each Virtue plus 5 to divide anyway you want between Conscience, Self Control and Courage. Cam Vamps and Mortals: You are given 1 dot in each plus 7 to divide anyway you want. For Sorcerers, you are given 5 pts for Paths and 3 for Rituals in place of virtues. For more info on the Sorcerers, click on the link below for Sorcerer Character Sheet.

Humanity is Conscience dots + Self Control dots. Willpower equals your Courage dots. For more information on them, go HERE.

The rest is basically what does your character look like, what is his/her history, etc. This you have to use your imagination for. Sometimes I have this part all filled out, but most of the time its left blank and I fill it in as my character develops. For 1st time RPers, I suggest you fill it all out. Give yourself some history. Be creative in what you make up. When you were mortal, you were the son of a leader of the inquistion. History comes in handy here. Also physical stats. Height, hair, eyes. Keep a list written or on the computer of each of your character. It will come in handy.

The following are addies for more information on individual types of characters.

Generations and Bloodpools
Dark Ages Character
Sabbat Character Extras.
Sorcerer/Sorceress (Mortal)
Extras for Clans (partially done)
Elders (partially done)


Some chatrooms have different ways of RPing. In HoD and Solace all actions are in **. *runs through the door*. IC talking has no symbols. All OOC comments are made in (()). ((My brother is bugging the hell out of me.)) IC means in character. OOC means out of character.
Heres a scenario of what you might see in one of the chatrooms:

George: *runs through the door, his sword battle ready in his hand* Stop now, you knave, before I run you through.

Jim: *stops on a dime then turns slowly to face his opponent* I have not harmed thee, why art thou bothering my ass? *glares at him defiantly*

George: ((Hey, what time you heading to work? I gotta leave in about 10 minutes))

George: *his muscles tighten as he prepares to defend the honor of his wife and 10 children* You came on to my wife, you son of camel spitting dung beetle. *glares back at him*

Jim: ((*cries* I gots to leave in bout gonna be back online later?))

Corny, I know, but you get the idea. However, never use your name in action. *George runs through the door* Don't do that. Your char name automatically appears on the screen. And some people prefer the use of I/my to using she/he/his/hers. It depends on what you prefer, though majority use she/he.

Remember to spend a little time coming up with a good character or if you want you can walk in with one of the top of your head and wing it. I recommend watching the rooms for a bit, making an occasional comment but mostly observing. Then you will see the other stories going on. The best place to learn a bit more about the chars in Solace and HoD is Solace Homepage. Also check out Solace Family Newsfor the latest gossip on the denizens of Solace and HoD.

The most important rule is to have fun with this. Do not taking any IC personally. Most of us are here to have fun. You will see arguments occasionally. Try to avoid them if you can. Its really annoying to be trying to RP and someone is running off the mouth either OOC or their char is being an asshole. And I can about guarantee you will see it.

This page is an entirely unofficial use of the Vampire: The Masquerade and A World of Darkness gaming materials published by White Wolf Game Studios and not intended as an official or profit making venture in any way, shape or form. Although the use of these concepts, rules, etc., is unauthorized, no infringement is intended. This page is not affiliated with White Wolf Games Studios in any way and should not be viewed as such. This page are freely available for viewing and personal use, but are, under no circumstances whatsoever, to be sold for profit. Within these these pages you will see several abbreviations. The following are of some of the books from White Wolf. The abbreviations are used to indicate where the information came from. (V)Vampire:TM, (CN)Chicago by Night, (MN)Milwaukee by Night, (PG)Vampire Players Guide, (HH)The Hunters Hunted, (DM) Awakening:Diablerie Mexico, (PGS)Players Guide to the Sabbat, (SH)StoryTellers Handbook, (SHS)StoryTellers Handbook to the Sabbat, (GS)Guide to the Sabbat, (GC)Guide to the Camarilla, (DI)Diablerie, (EL)Elysium, (BN)Book of Nod, (ClB)any clanbook.

The BIG dudes...the ones who own V:TM...the ones I want to hire me...oh yeahhhhh...
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