Verena's Royal Genealogical Homepage
Verena's Royal Genealogical and Photo Homepage 
Hello everbody,
my name is Verena, I am a 37 year old German Socialworker and I am also a royal news junkie! I hope to meet others this way! On April 13th 1999 I started to create my website about royalty. You will find news, photos, genealogy and statistics mostly about the royal families of Europe, of the 20th and 21st century and in facts! I will update the royal news and the royal news in photos at least once a week and I would like you to send me lots of e-mails if you have any information, questions or whatever. Have a good time and contact me if you want. If you like my website and think it's worth to be recommended or linked, please do so.
The current and updated Royal News 2002 and Royal News in Photos 2002 you find on my new royalty website
NOTICE: unfortunately a lot of the photos of 2001 are lost. I didn't had the time to check and delete them all.
Because the MBs are almost used I will not work on this site anymore. You can still use it as archive!
- to Netty, Hein and Henri who were the first three who linked my page
- to all the others who did the same
- to Uwe who helped me to get a homepage at Angelfire. Without him I wouldn't have been able to start!
- to Adriana, Ana, Anuschka, Claudia, Edith, Eric, Henri, Michael and Netty for the photos!