These pictures were taken 12-12-01. I have continued with bodywork, filling and removing various dents and dings. I still don't have any chrome back from the chrome shop, and of course it will be a LONG time until I'm ready for it. Most of my time has been spent in the engine compartment. I've disassembled many of the under-hood components, stripped them, and repainted them. The engine block itself looks pretty good. The fan and pulleys were tough to do, but came out fine. I'm especially proud of the generator, which I painstakingly restored. I put new gaskets in the regulator and refinished it. The carburetor is nearly ready to put back on. It's buffed and looks good (maybe in the next pics). I'm still feeling pretty good about how the car is turning out... Ed

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Go HERE for pictures taken on 1-27-02.

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