BIOL 1108 Materials

Lecture Related Materials

Biology Browser
Understanding Evolution
Description & Images of Eukaryotic Groups including Protista
Links for Protista and other Biology areas
Genetics for the Masses
Sorting Out Disease Genes
Find Genetics Links at this Library Site
Great Site for Genetics Information and Practice Problems
Genomic Research & 'Gene Cards'
A Zooful of Animal Sites
Bugs that made History
The Undersea World
Library of Life

Interactive Web Links for Lecture

The Fungi
The Plant World - Non Vascular & Seedless Vascular
The Plant World - Vascular

Lab Related Materials
Descriptions & Images of Eukaryotic Groups

Lab Investigation - Bacteria and Fungi
Lab Information - Forest Fungi...
Lab Information - Interactive Online Key to the Fungi
Lab Information - Fungi of California
Lab Information - Mycorrhizas Webpage
Lab Information - Research on Truffles and Ectomycorrhizae
Lab Information - Hidden Forest: Lichens
The Kingdom Protista consists of organisms that are animal-like (the Protozoa), organisms that are plant-like (the algae) and organisms that are fungal-like (the water molds and the slime molds).
Great Links for Protista
Lab Investigation - Kingdom Protista
Lab Information - Slime Molds of New Zealand
Lab Information - Starting Site for Algae
Lab Information - Algae from the Smithsonian
Lab Information - Freshwater Links
Lab Information - Introduction to Coralline Algae
Lab Information - Hawaiian Reef Algae
Lab Information - Kelp Forest (Brown Algae)
Lab Information - Littoral Zone: Fucus Fertilization
Lab Information - Kelp Forest and Rocky Subtidal Habitats
Lab Information - Biology of Green Euglenoids

The Plant Kingdom consists of the NonVascular Plants (the Bryophytes), the Seedless Vascular Plants (including ferns and their allies) and the Vascular Plants with Seeds with and without flowers (including the Gymnosperms [flowerless] and the Angiosperms [flowering] Plants).
Lab Investigation - The Plant Kingdom
Lab Information - NonVascular Plants - The Bryophytes
Lab Information - Phylum Bryophyta - Mosses
Lab Information - Spore Dispersal in Bryophytes
Lab Information - Phylum Hepatophyta: The Liverworts
Lab Information - Mosses and Liverworts in Wales
Lab Information - Phylum Anthocerophyta - Hornworts

Lab Information - Common Ferns
Lab Information - San Diego Fern Society

Lab Information - Plant Image Gallery
Lab Information - International Pollination Systems
Lab Information - Palms and Cycads
Lab Information - Palm Tree Photo Gallery
Lab Information - Ginkgo biloba
Lab Information - Angiosperm Anatomy
Lab Information - Cacti and Computer
Lab Information - Wildflowers of the Southeastern U.S.
Lab Information - Wildflowers of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area
Lab Information - PlantStress.Com
Lab Information - PlantCare.Com
Lab Information - The United States Botanic Garden
Lab Information - Noxious, Invasive, and Alien Wetland Species
Identification Keys

Lab Information - Keys for Trees and Insects
Lab Information - Leaf Key Lab Information - Twig Key
Lab Information - What Tree Is It?

Interactive Web Links for Lab

Lab Investigation The Protista
Lab InvestigationThe Plants