Videoclip: Mizu-kagami

Mizu Kagaim no video
Chichiri and H-chan
A harmonychan production

(During the intro, show H-chan and Chichiri walking hand-in-hand through a forest. See them stop at the edge. A shot of the running river in front of them. Slowly Chichiri approaches. H-chan tries to follow, but he holds out a hand to stop her. this is the place where the battle between himself and Hikou took place, and he had to pay his respects.)

H-chan: Meguri awase Hitotsu machigae ba
Itoshisa sae Toge ni natte shimau

If meeting by chance was our single mistake
Then even loveliness becomes a thorn

(See H-chan watch Chichiri walk to the edge of the water. See her sigh. Flash back to a scene of him pulling her out of the water when She first arrived, and her eyes flashing open when he wakeds her up. See her jump up in suprise (basuically the first scene of the fic))

Chichiri:Mune no soko ni shizumeta itami ga
Himei o age Iki o fuki kaeshita

In the depths of my heart, suppressed pain
Raised a scream and stole my breath

(See Chichiri bow by the edge of the river. He places a flower on the water. The water ripples to show scenes of Tenmei kissing Hikou. Show a shot of Chichiri looking devastaed. Finnaly scenes of Chichiri fighting Hikou and losing him in the water, and a young Chichiri sitting alone, sobbing, by the riverbank. Pan out of the ripples to see the older Chichiri slowly take off his mask and set it down beside him. )

Chichiri:"Anotoki wa naze?" to Jibun o seme te mitari

"Why at that time?" and I blame my own hands...

(See Chichiri holding his mask, an expression of severe pain on his real face as he sings this line.)

H-chan:"Demo doushite?" to Aite ni toikake tari...

"But... why?" and I question whether I was good enough for my companion...

(Pan out to see H-chan, watching Chichiri. A single tear slips down her face. Show a quick flash of the scene where he tells her "there was someone before" and a quick flash of Hikou. Now she finnaly understands what that means.)

Both:Nagare te yuku Mizu ni utsuru Omoide no danpen
Anna omoi Kurikaesa nai Sou kokoro ni chikau
Nagare te yuku Mizu ni utsuru Kanashimi ga aru kara
Kono chikara de Kono inochi de Omae o mamori tai

Flow and go, shreds of memories reflecting in the water
I pledge in my heart to not repeat those feelings
Flow and go, from my sadness that is reflecting in the water,
With this power, with these feelings, I want to protect you

(Show a split screen: one, a maskless Chichiri staring out over the water. The other, H-chan staring after him. Stay for a second, then let the scene ripple to show scenes of , for the first part, Chichiri comforting H-chan (from the first chapter) and H-chan holding Chichiri (from the dream sequence). For the second part, show shots of H-chan stood before Chichiri, trying to protect him in the bar fight and Chichiri running out of the forest to try to save H-chan from Tomo.)

(Musical interlude-go back in to see Chichiri with is face in his hands. H-chan takes a step forward but stops herself, clenching her teeth and eyes shut.)

Chichiri:Nakushita no wa Shinji au kimochi
Demo ima nara Ai wa make nai darou

Having lost someone, my feelings fit my beliefs
But now, I think that love will never be defeated

(Show the water rippling again, but this time from Chichiris tears. H-chan, unable to hold herself back, anymore, runs forward and sits beside him. He looks over at her with supirse. She just gives him a small smile.)

H-chan:Nasakenaku temo Ima wa itaranaku temo
Sore dakara koso Tagai ni tasuke aeru

Even though we're miserable, now even though we're imperfect
Even so, we can help each other

(As H-chan sings this line, show small over shots (translucents shots that can be shown over real shots in a cartoon) of H-chans scarred wrist and Chichiris scarred face. See them dissapear as she grabs his hand and says that they can help eachother.)

Both-Nagare te yuku Mizu ni utsuru Omoide no danpen
Anna omoi Kurikaesa nai Sou kokoro ni chikau
Nagare te yuku Mizu ni utsuru Kanashimi ga aru kara
Kono chikara de Kono inochi de Omae o mamori tai

Flow and go, shreds of memories reflecting in the water
I pledge in my heart to not repeat those feelings
Flow and go, from my sadness that is reflecting in the water,
With this power, with these feelings, I want to protect you

(See Chichiri look at her with suprise, then pull his hand out of hers and turn away. See her reach out, and grab his mask away. He turns around and glares at her. She holds it away, slighly out of reach. He holds out his hand, a tear falling from his unspoiled eye. (he seems not to notice, still glaring)Sadly, she gives it back. Chichiris face ease into a smile as he sets it in the grass.)

Chichiri- Mizu kagami de kokoro no kage wo mire ba
Sore wa ai ga unda Mou hitotsu no kao

This shadow is pain; the water-reflection of my heart
Already I can see your face, which gave birth to our love

(Show Chichiri peer into the water, and motion for her to look. She stares into the water, and sees a scene of young, unscarred Chichiri sitting beside Tenmei. Chichiri trails his fingers through the water, mixes the image away. See it turn into a wavering version of her and him, staring into the water.)

Both:Taisetsu ni shitai subete no tame ni mo
Mou itami kara me o somuke taku nai

Because I have the need to make things right,
I won't avert my eyes from the pain again

(Turn away from the water, and see H-chan throw her arms around Chichiri. They sit like that, pan slowly away as the music fades out.)

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