Image Song - Kitsune

You know how in anime, lead characters are often given image songs (also called character vocals)? I mean, even CHIBIUSA and MIAKA get them! So, isnt it only fair H-chan gets one?

Kitsune (fox)
Sung by:H-chan
Lyrics by:Harmonychan

You can live in the past but you cant stay
Somehow youll be found by light of day
Though it looks like your smiling
I know youre in pain inside
Is there a way to convince you
to toss that hurt aside?

By the river, I see your mask is gone
Look in the water, reflceted in your eye
The ripples in the water, meant to reflect the stars
The constellations called me to give my heart to you

Everything inside is calling out your name
You protected me, now I will do the same
Its written in the waters rippling, and in the stars shine

Ill break through your mask, and bring you out someday

You comforted me when I was alone
But youre still alone inside your self
I wont let you worry
I wont let things go wrong
I make this my chikatta
For both of us Ill be strong

I run along the mossy banks
Dont look afraid, I promise I wont fall
Just come to where the water
spells out pictures of scars
Ill take all of my strength
To wash away your scars...

Everything inside is calling out your name
You protected me, now I will do the same
Its written in the waters rippling, and in the stars shine

Ill break through your mask, and bring you out someday

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